Victory is Mine!
Wow, has it really been that long since Monday!? It feels like it was much longer. I think even Tom has posted more often than me this week!! Right, down to business...boring stuff - me!
Monday night was worship practice. We carried on with "Geoff-Geffo's" song and then did some practice for Tim who is leading the praise on Sunday! Since I'm not there on Sunday, "Geoff-Geoffo" went on bass, and, because it was free, I decided to have a bash at joining in on piano. There were only 4 chords in the song, but it was good fun! All through the evening I was having a Dilemma, and was trying to chat to God about it. The day after "Harriet" sent me a text asking if I was okay - "Harriet" is sooo cool...he's a really good friend and a real blessing to me - THANKS "HARRIET" (even though you can't hear...and you probably don't know that you're called "Harriet" ;-) ). Anyways, I decided to just go home after worshp practice and chat on MSN for a bit..then..sleep..mmm.
Tuesday was work as per usual, then I had my piano lesson with "Harriet". In a couple of weeks the worship team has been asked to do some entertainment/Jazz stuff for a meal they're holding at church to round off the Alpha Course. Since "Harriet" is the only one who can play that kind of stuff to any standard, I suggested we have a bit of a practice and he could show me some basslines. It was quite fun, but I think I've forgotten a lot if it already! However, he did also show me some blues scales which I do remember *grin*. After that a bunch of us went to the cinema to see "Are We There Yet". The acting was...uh...crap, the storyline was predictable, yet the film was okay if you get into it. Kiddy film though. Uhm..what then? Dropped people off home and got some sleep eventually, LoL.
Wednesday - again - work. I think I've failed to mention that I've still got this sore throat, which has turned into a horrible tickly cough! Grrrr! After work I went home, showered, and then went out to a friend's for some food....mmm....honey chilli chicken gooooooooood. Then we watched "Jeepers Creepers". I'd heard it was rubbish, so I was actually just taking the mick through most of it, and also lost the plot after the half-way mark. From what I hear, it goes downhill from there anyways. Now I am *finally* in a position to watch Jeepers Creepers 2, which my bro bought aaaages ago, but I never watched cuz I hadn't seen the first one.
Thursday...nothing doing on Thursday, so I put some washing on at home and went shopping. Did I mention I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to see my dad? Meeting him in Chicago, and then going skiing in Salt Lake City!!! Yay! Well, we agreed that we'd swap Christmas pressies in March when I saw him, instead of sending stuff back and forth over the Atlantic. The shopping was in aid of getting stuff for family over there. Decided that I have no clue what size t-shirts my two bros will need in america, so will get them skate-tops when I'm over there when I can get the right size at a cheaper price. Did get myself a nice red Animal top though ;-) heh heh. Overall, a nice chilled evening last night :)
This is probably going to be my last blog until I get back from the US...even if I find an internet café, I might not blog...or maybe I will :-P
Just read Mafia's blog, and she's talking about bacon butties *stomach rumbles* - *Tristan looks around* - was that you??? :-P I'm thinking I'm gonna have a nice, unhealthy lunch seeing as I'll be getting lots of exercise skiing next week...yeah..that's a good excuse to eat The Bad Food two days in a row.
I'd better stop before I get too silly - I'm getting a bit hyper now just thinking of the fooood...mmmmmm. Have a good week everybody!!!
Listening to: Christina Aguilera - "Fighter" (Stripped)
Monday night was worship practice. We carried on with "Geoff-Geffo's" song and then did some practice for Tim who is leading the praise on Sunday! Since I'm not there on Sunday, "Geoff-Geoffo" went on bass, and, because it was free, I decided to have a bash at joining in on piano. There were only 4 chords in the song, but it was good fun! All through the evening I was having a Dilemma, and was trying to chat to God about it. The day after "Harriet" sent me a text asking if I was okay - "Harriet" is sooo cool...he's a really good friend and a real blessing to me - THANKS "HARRIET" (even though you can't hear...and you probably don't know that you're called "Harriet" ;-) ). Anyways, I decided to just go home after worshp practice and chat on MSN for a bit..then..sleep..mmm.
Tuesday was work as per usual, then I had my piano lesson with "Harriet". In a couple of weeks the worship team has been asked to do some entertainment/Jazz stuff for a meal they're holding at church to round off the Alpha Course. Since "Harriet" is the only one who can play that kind of stuff to any standard, I suggested we have a bit of a practice and he could show me some basslines. It was quite fun, but I think I've forgotten a lot if it already! However, he did also show me some blues scales which I do remember *grin*. After that a bunch of us went to the cinema to see "Are We There Yet". The acting was...uh...crap, the storyline was predictable, yet the film was okay if you get into it. Kiddy film though. Uhm..what then? Dropped people off home and got some sleep eventually, LoL.
Wednesday - again - work. I think I've failed to mention that I've still got this sore throat, which has turned into a horrible tickly cough! Grrrr! After work I went home, showered, and then went out to a friend's for some food....mmm....honey chilli chicken gooooooooood. Then we watched "Jeepers Creepers". I'd heard it was rubbish, so I was actually just taking the mick through most of it, and also lost the plot after the half-way mark. From what I hear, it goes downhill from there anyways. Now I am *finally* in a position to watch Jeepers Creepers 2, which my bro bought aaaages ago, but I never watched cuz I hadn't seen the first one.
Thursday...nothing doing on Thursday, so I put some washing on at home and went shopping. Did I mention I'm going to Chicago tomorrow to see my dad? Meeting him in Chicago, and then going skiing in Salt Lake City!!! Yay! Well, we agreed that we'd swap Christmas pressies in March when I saw him, instead of sending stuff back and forth over the Atlantic. The shopping was in aid of getting stuff for family over there. Decided that I have no clue what size t-shirts my two bros will need in america, so will get them skate-tops when I'm over there when I can get the right size at a cheaper price. Did get myself a nice red Animal top though ;-) heh heh. Overall, a nice chilled evening last night :)
This is probably going to be my last blog until I get back from the US...even if I find an internet café, I might not blog...or maybe I will :-P
Just read Mafia's blog, and she's talking about bacon butties *stomach rumbles* - *Tristan looks around* - was that you??? :-P I'm thinking I'm gonna have a nice, unhealthy lunch seeing as I'll be getting lots of exercise skiing next week...yeah..that's a good excuse to eat The Bad Food two days in a row.
I'd better stop before I get too silly - I'm getting a bit hyper now just thinking of the fooood...mmmmmm. Have a good week everybody!!!
Listening to: Christina Aguilera - "Fighter" (Stripped)
Hurry up n come home...I er...I miss having ur blog to
Mafia!, at 15/3/05 08:47
TommyDB, at 15/3/05 15:40
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