Update, UPdate...
Go on Tom...name the tune for that title....I bet you could ;-)
Right...last thing you heard was Thursday (besides my petition....Tom...). What did I do Thursday night? Ahhh yes..that was it, I was meant to have a busy schedule of very musical nature...meant to give Dan a bass lesson, followed by me having a piano lesson with "Harriet" and then a band practice. Bass lesson was quite cool - managed to teach Dan the intro for "Dancing Generation"...hurts his hand a lot tho, so will take lots of practice...which is good, cuz I gave it to him to strengthen his hand up a bit doing something that's fun....
****I think this is the point where I caught something that's been giving me a sore throat all weekend****
"Harriet" couldn't make the piano lesson, which was good because it meant I could go home and eat some food before band practice. Band practice was actually really, really fun...we continued doing a song that I made a funky bassline to. For a little pre-chorus bit I couldn't figure out what to do, so just did this disco-octaves thing, and it actually sounds really cool! LoL...kills my hand to play it for too long tho (which is good cuz then it gives me something cool to strengthen my hand with!). When we practice on Thursdays, dance is on at the same time, so we just to into a back room with a few guitars (4 of them) and go through the songs. We managed to get some time on the stage for half an hour after dance this time which was good. Then we went to the pub for a quick drink before I headed home.
Friday wasn't too bad at all. Work is getting quite interesting at the mo. I got some database stuff to do now that I've done the DBA course...people keep saying "Tri-i-i-iss, you know you did that DBA course....". It's kinda cool..I like having 'inside' knowledge..helps me keep my job *evil cackle*.
Dave had his last day at work on Friday..he's pretty glad to see the back of our work. He'd had a pretty stressful time of it (which is why he quit), and ever since he'd handed in his notice he's been a lot more cheerful. I think he's going into contracting now.
That evening, I managed to pursuade Mafia to come along to our Youth Club...I'm pretty sure she was petrified, but she did ever so well - it's pretty scary just meeting a few new people, let alone 80-90 new youth!!!! Afterwards we tried to go to Pizza Hut, but because we got there half and hour before closing (it was 11:30-ish pm), and there were about 15 of us, they respectfully told us to clear off unless we wanted take-away. So we went back to church for a bit. I tried to eat all of my chips, but ended up giving them to Phoebe (who wasn't hungry and doesn't like chips from that shop, but ate them anyways..LoL). Dropped people back home - had a good conversation with Mafia on the way back too.
Saturday was my shopping day - got some nice Sennheiser headphones for my stepdad's birthday, and some more in-ear ones for my mum (her ones broke recently). In the avo had a proper band practice. We were doing the song that Tom & I wrote for the Sunday "Let Us Entertain You Service" and needed to work on it. It was very productive and we got some stuff done for the "disco-ocave" song too. Was absolutely shattered when I got home that evening. Managed to chill for a bit, and then ended up going to see "Hide And Seek" at the cinema with Mafia , Loz & Babs. It was certainly an entertaining film..had some v.funny bits in it. Had a Maccy D's afterwards (I was starvin'!), and then dropped Mafia off home before chatting online briefly.
Sunday - My alarm wasn't working!!!! I tested it this avo and it just didn't go off! I was meant to be at church by 9:45 for the sound check - I usually aim for 9:30. I woke up this morning to a clatter from downstairs, glanced over to the clock, and it said 9:30!!!! AAAAArgh. I had a headache too, and my throat was still rough too. Man, it was rough going this morning. Went down for some ministry during the worship too - was sooo good to just let God minister to me - I don't get the chance that often cuz of the fact that I'm pretty much always on bass, and the times during worship practice when we just have ministry are really precious. I really should spend more time with God at home too :-S
Went home in the avo. Managed to get a card before I went home to give to Mum for mother's day and for my step-dad for his b'day. When I gave my step-dad his headphones he hooked them up to his new minidisc player. He seemed a bit dubious about how good they were going to be with a lil minidisc, but the first words out of his mouth were "Wow! That sounds amazing!". He's gone back to Cambridge now, but He sent me a really nice email earlier saying how much he likes the headphones! Mum liked her new headphones too - step-dad had been spending the avo trying to fix her old ones, but now didn't need to cuz I'd bought mum the new ones! All in all, a good present-giving session!
I think I had the headache cuz I was dehydrated a bit, so I drank a pint of water, ate some shepherds pie and went to sleep for an hour or so before church in the evening. Church was good - we did our song. We were introduced as "Tim's Band" cuz Sara didn't know what to call us. We're kindof a youth band, but Sara thought we had just formed a band, so we're now a band! LoL. Everyone said they quite liked the song...no pressure then! We have to write more songs now!! Someone came up with the band name of "Suggestions in a Box", and someone else came up with "Electric Tigers" (or something) - but Tom and myself thought that one screamed "Gay", LoL.
After church most people went to the pub, but I wasn't really in the mood, plus I'd promised one of the youth that I'd take them to Pizza Hut, so four of us went to Pizza Hut. It was quite cool, but the service was unusally terrible! They kept forgetting stuff, hadn't cooked a lasagne properly, didn't give us our student discount..loads of stuff! Then I came home, came online and started chatting on MSN/blogging!
Now I need to sleep desperately!
Listening to: Nothing
Right...last thing you heard was Thursday (besides my petition....Tom...). What did I do Thursday night? Ahhh yes..that was it, I was meant to have a busy schedule of very musical nature...meant to give Dan a bass lesson, followed by me having a piano lesson with "Harriet" and then a band practice. Bass lesson was quite cool - managed to teach Dan the intro for "Dancing Generation"...hurts his hand a lot tho, so will take lots of practice...which is good, cuz I gave it to him to strengthen his hand up a bit doing something that's fun....
****I think this is the point where I caught something that's been giving me a sore throat all weekend****
"Harriet" couldn't make the piano lesson, which was good because it meant I could go home and eat some food before band practice. Band practice was actually really, really fun...we continued doing a song that I made a funky bassline to. For a little pre-chorus bit I couldn't figure out what to do, so just did this disco-octaves thing, and it actually sounds really cool! LoL...kills my hand to play it for too long tho (which is good cuz then it gives me something cool to strengthen my hand with!). When we practice on Thursdays, dance is on at the same time, so we just to into a back room with a few guitars (4 of them) and go through the songs. We managed to get some time on the stage for half an hour after dance this time which was good. Then we went to the pub for a quick drink before I headed home.
Friday wasn't too bad at all. Work is getting quite interesting at the mo. I got some database stuff to do now that I've done the DBA course...people keep saying "Tri-i-i-iss, you know you did that DBA course....". It's kinda cool..I like having 'inside' knowledge..helps me keep my job *evil cackle*.
Dave had his last day at work on Friday..he's pretty glad to see the back of our work. He'd had a pretty stressful time of it (which is why he quit), and ever since he'd handed in his notice he's been a lot more cheerful. I think he's going into contracting now.
That evening, I managed to pursuade Mafia to come along to our Youth Club...I'm pretty sure she was petrified, but she did ever so well - it's pretty scary just meeting a few new people, let alone 80-90 new youth!!!! Afterwards we tried to go to Pizza Hut, but because we got there half and hour before closing (it was 11:30-ish pm), and there were about 15 of us, they respectfully told us to clear off unless we wanted take-away. So we went back to church for a bit. I tried to eat all of my chips, but ended up giving them to Phoebe (who wasn't hungry and doesn't like chips from that shop, but ate them anyways..LoL). Dropped people back home - had a good conversation with Mafia on the way back too.
Saturday was my shopping day - got some nice Sennheiser headphones for my stepdad's birthday, and some more in-ear ones for my mum (her ones broke recently). In the avo had a proper band practice. We were doing the song that Tom & I wrote for the Sunday "Let Us Entertain You Service" and needed to work on it. It was very productive and we got some stuff done for the "disco-ocave" song too. Was absolutely shattered when I got home that evening. Managed to chill for a bit, and then ended up going to see "Hide And Seek" at the cinema with Mafia , Loz & Babs. It was certainly an entertaining film..had some v.funny bits in it. Had a Maccy D's afterwards (I was starvin'!), and then dropped Mafia off home before chatting online briefly.
Sunday - My alarm wasn't working!!!! I tested it this avo and it just didn't go off! I was meant to be at church by 9:45 for the sound check - I usually aim for 9:30. I woke up this morning to a clatter from downstairs, glanced over to the clock, and it said 9:30!!!! AAAAArgh. I had a headache too, and my throat was still rough too. Man, it was rough going this morning. Went down for some ministry during the worship too - was sooo good to just let God minister to me - I don't get the chance that often cuz of the fact that I'm pretty much always on bass, and the times during worship practice when we just have ministry are really precious. I really should spend more time with God at home too :-S
Went home in the avo. Managed to get a card before I went home to give to Mum for mother's day and for my step-dad for his b'day. When I gave my step-dad his headphones he hooked them up to his new minidisc player. He seemed a bit dubious about how good they were going to be with a lil minidisc, but the first words out of his mouth were "Wow! That sounds amazing!". He's gone back to Cambridge now, but He sent me a really nice email earlier saying how much he likes the headphones! Mum liked her new headphones too - step-dad had been spending the avo trying to fix her old ones, but now didn't need to cuz I'd bought mum the new ones! All in all, a good present-giving session!
I think I had the headache cuz I was dehydrated a bit, so I drank a pint of water, ate some shepherds pie and went to sleep for an hour or so before church in the evening. Church was good - we did our song. We were introduced as "Tim's Band" cuz Sara didn't know what to call us. We're kindof a youth band, but Sara thought we had just formed a band, so we're now a band! LoL. Everyone said they quite liked the song...no pressure then! We have to write more songs now!! Someone came up with the band name of "Suggestions in a Box", and someone else came up with "Electric Tigers" (or something) - but Tom and myself thought that one screamed "Gay", LoL.
After church most people went to the pub, but I wasn't really in the mood, plus I'd promised one of the youth that I'd take them to Pizza Hut, so four of us went to Pizza Hut. It was quite cool, but the service was unusally terrible! They kept forgetting stuff, hadn't cooked a lasagne properly, didn't give us our student discount..loads of stuff! Then I came home, came online and started chatting on MSN/blogging!
Now I need to sleep desperately!
Listening to: Nothing
Listening to nothing? Hmm...n ther I thought u were 'listening' to me rambling :p
Mafia!, at 7/3/05 01:17
"Update x12. Blogger, blogger. Oh, it's a post... it's a post... it's a post..." Repeat.
TommyDB, at 7/3/05 15:19
what does nothing soundlike?
Erm...im sure its been done but how about being called.........'a Band?'?
Anonymous, at 7/3/05 16:35
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