Back To The Grind
Well, here I am once again. I pour out my heart cuz I know that you're there. Every word; you are reading, no matter what state my spelling is in. You are faithful to comment, with words that are true and some text that makes fun. As I see, your words, you bring a freedom to make me laugh loud. In the safety, of this place....etc...
And I am..blogging. It's my lunchbreak and it was cold in the canteen, so I came back to my computer. My boss (one of them :-S) was asking how my running was going. I told him my knee is dodgey (which it was the last 2 times I went) and he laughed. It's been about 2 months since I ran, so I reckon I'll try to go for a run tonight when I get home :)
Monday worked out well - I've got a tidier room now, lots of clean clothes, and I'm not (that) tired - yay! In the evening was worship practice and we learned Geoff-Geoffo's song that he wrote which isn't too bad. We also re-learned a song for the "Let Us Entertain You" (evangelism) evening that we're doing on's "I Knew You Were Waiting For Me" by George Michael. We've done it before - I enjoy playing it cuz it's got a kinda funky bassline. I tried playing it with my fingers this time and could pretty much do it (last time we did it, I couldn't even *begin* to play it)! I'm gonna stick with my plectrum when we do it on Sunday tho cuz it'll be more consistent. OOooooh, almost forgot to mention, I also went to look at the house that I'm going to be sharing with Joe (+two random people) when I move out in the summer, and got to choose my room (I'll post photos of it when I get more time). Yay!
Got back to work yesterday and the other support guy wasn't in (day off), and I also had lots of catching up to do, so the day flew by. Didn't really get to have a look at any of the stuff I'd learned last week, but it's all good. I've been doing a little bit of fiddling...tiz fun! Bought a lil SQL Pocket Guide on Saturday in town (forgot to mention that) and have been reading chunks of's really interesting. I've actually been reading some of it in work and saying "Ohhhhh, that's how you do that", closely followed by people giving me strange looks.
In the evening I tried to organise cinema to see Ocean's 12 and, yet again, didn't manage to see it! That's 3 times in a row now! Half the people have seen it, and Nige was organising to see "Coach Carter" instead, so I went to see that instead...had a fair crowd of us in the end! The film was quite decent! Samual L Jackson is always good though, so I shouldn't be surprised. The film started at 7, but By the time I had dropped everyone off home and got my Miss Millies (mmm - Megabite Meal Deal), it was 10pm! Went online for a bit, munched a bit, read for a bit and went to sleep. For a bit. I actually got to sleep before midnight (which is good for me!), and as a reward, when I woke up this morning I felt really, REALLY tired! Great! I love it when a plan comes together.
Today's not been too bad so far. Have managed to use some of my new funky SQL skills, and DBA skills...heh heh. Tonight I'm going to see the Doves at the Colston Hall with Nath, Mike, my bro and his mate James. Nath and myself are going for food at Pizza Express first (mmm) and I have no idea who's supporting them! Mike is going to meet us there at some point before it starts (he's at uni until 6:30/7pm or something silly like that) and I have no idea where we're going to meet my bro. Inside I guess? Who knows.
I've just realised that I've been sitting here for half an hour doing my blog with my earphones in, but no music playing!! I'm not blond...honest. I'm brunette. No, really.
Hmm, anything else? Ohhh yeah! I may have mentioned before our silly lunchtime conversations at work? Well I was telling someone recently about one of them that involved cats and elephants being thrown off buildings. Apparently if you throw a cat off of a building higher than 7 stories it will survive (I thought it was 9, but I have been corrected by Ben) ! No matter how high. It's to do with terminal velocity and stuff. Anyways, bizzarely enough (after talking to someone about it recently), it got mentioned at lunchtime again:
[everyone is talking about the new office we'll be moving to that's in the other building and Tris is looking confused]
Ben: Tris! I just realised you weren't there last week when we got shown around the new office!
Tris: Ooooh, is it nice?
Ben: Yeah, it's got a nice cupboard for the support team, a lil meeting room off the side, and access to the roof for when everything gets too much
Richard: Unfortunately, it's just high enough that you'd probably only break your legs, but not die.
Tris [to Ben]: So it'd kill a cat then?
[Ben & Tris laugh]
[Richard looks puzzled]
[Ben explains]
[Andy proposes aquiring a supply of cats and founding a new research division]
[Tris suggests that we know the answer for cats, but not hard is it to get Elephants?]
Yeah, so that was lunch before I came back to blog. Now it's 1pm, so I'd better get on with some work
Listening to: Doves - "Pounding" (The Last Broadcast)
And I am..blogging. It's my lunchbreak and it was cold in the canteen, so I came back to my computer. My boss (one of them :-S) was asking how my running was going. I told him my knee is dodgey (which it was the last 2 times I went) and he laughed. It's been about 2 months since I ran, so I reckon I'll try to go for a run tonight when I get home :)
Monday worked out well - I've got a tidier room now, lots of clean clothes, and I'm not (that) tired - yay! In the evening was worship practice and we learned Geoff-Geoffo's song that he wrote which isn't too bad. We also re-learned a song for the "Let Us Entertain You" (evangelism) evening that we're doing on's "I Knew You Were Waiting For Me" by George Michael. We've done it before - I enjoy playing it cuz it's got a kinda funky bassline. I tried playing it with my fingers this time and could pretty much do it (last time we did it, I couldn't even *begin* to play it)! I'm gonna stick with my plectrum when we do it on Sunday tho cuz it'll be more consistent. OOooooh, almost forgot to mention, I also went to look at the house that I'm going to be sharing with Joe (+two random people) when I move out in the summer, and got to choose my room (I'll post photos of it when I get more time). Yay!
Got back to work yesterday and the other support guy wasn't in (day off), and I also had lots of catching up to do, so the day flew by. Didn't really get to have a look at any of the stuff I'd learned last week, but it's all good. I've been doing a little bit of fiddling...tiz fun! Bought a lil SQL Pocket Guide on Saturday in town (forgot to mention that) and have been reading chunks of's really interesting. I've actually been reading some of it in work and saying "Ohhhhh, that's how you do that", closely followed by people giving me strange looks.
In the evening I tried to organise cinema to see Ocean's 12 and, yet again, didn't manage to see it! That's 3 times in a row now! Half the people have seen it, and Nige was organising to see "Coach Carter" instead, so I went to see that instead...had a fair crowd of us in the end! The film was quite decent! Samual L Jackson is always good though, so I shouldn't be surprised. The film started at 7, but By the time I had dropped everyone off home and got my Miss Millies (mmm - Megabite Meal Deal), it was 10pm! Went online for a bit, munched a bit, read for a bit and went to sleep. For a bit. I actually got to sleep before midnight (which is good for me!), and as a reward, when I woke up this morning I felt really, REALLY tired! Great! I love it when a plan comes together.
Today's not been too bad so far. Have managed to use some of my new funky SQL skills, and DBA skills...heh heh. Tonight I'm going to see the Doves at the Colston Hall with Nath, Mike, my bro and his mate James. Nath and myself are going for food at Pizza Express first (mmm) and I have no idea who's supporting them! Mike is going to meet us there at some point before it starts (he's at uni until 6:30/7pm or something silly like that) and I have no idea where we're going to meet my bro. Inside I guess? Who knows.
I've just realised that I've been sitting here for half an hour doing my blog with my earphones in, but no music playing!! I'm not blond...honest. I'm brunette. No, really.
Hmm, anything else? Ohhh yeah! I may have mentioned before our silly lunchtime conversations at work? Well I was telling someone recently about one of them that involved cats and elephants being thrown off buildings. Apparently if you throw a cat off of a building higher than 7 stories it will survive (I thought it was 9, but I have been corrected by Ben) ! No matter how high. It's to do with terminal velocity and stuff. Anyways, bizzarely enough (after talking to someone about it recently), it got mentioned at lunchtime again:
[everyone is talking about the new office we'll be moving to that's in the other building and Tris is looking confused]
Ben: Tris! I just realised you weren't there last week when we got shown around the new office!
Tris: Ooooh, is it nice?
Ben: Yeah, it's got a nice cupboard for the support team, a lil meeting room off the side, and access to the roof for when everything gets too much
Richard: Unfortunately, it's just high enough that you'd probably only break your legs, but not die.
Tris [to Ben]: So it'd kill a cat then?
[Ben & Tris laugh]
[Richard looks puzzled]
[Ben explains]
[Andy proposes aquiring a supply of cats and founding a new research division]
[Tris suggests that we know the answer for cats, but not hard is it to get Elephants?]
Yeah, so that was lunch before I came back to blog. Now it's 1pm, so I'd better get on with some work
Listening to: Doves - "Pounding" (The Last Broadcast)
Cats deserve cream - not to be thrown off roofs lol, tho once a cat fell off out room n brought the guttering down with him...
Louise, at 2/3/05 13:33
I got your Comment on my site. Thanks for the input. I have read Wild at Heart and several of Eldredges books.
I am a Christian and I use my Blog to address a lot of those taboo issues that are culture is dealing with. A lot of people wont listen to a crazy left wing Conservative Christian but if you put the issues in human terms and ask the right questions it is amazing the feedback you get from people. Whether Christian or not people all have questions. I have noticed that a lot of Christians have as much questions as non-Christians, they are just scared to ask them cause it will make them look like they lack faith.
I think it is important for people to search for truth and not just accept an idea cause it was the way they were raised. I also think that a person dedicated to finding the truth will eventually find God because he is truth. I just try to get people asking questions that mattter.
Hope your knee gets better. I love the word 'Dodgey' people in the U.S should really pick it up.
The Cure, at 2/3/05 15:35
Moi? See your car parked 3 spaces away from me? Would I suggest to Justin that he lift your blades?
T, at 2/3/05 16:00
And that's all I have to say on the matter!
Mafia!, at 3/3/05 01:59
Oi!!! Update ... I'm bored!!
Mafia!, at 3/3/05 09:33
thought u wer blogging :s
Meh! Lies!
Mafia!, at 3/3/05 13:22
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