Week End
My oh my...the titles just get more imaginative *grin*.
Friday night we had youth. We took about 25 of them to Lazer Quest in town. First of all we went to the Quasar around the corner, but since it's shut down, we realised that we'd booked it at Lazer Quest. I'm pretty sure this confusion happens every time, only the other way round. I didn't go in and play because I'd just driven back from London, plus I get very confused in there. The teams are red or green and are decided randomly by the computer as you swipe your key-tag on the gun. The way you know what team you're on is because the LEDs on your gun/shoulders/chest go red or green. Since I'm red-green colourblind, and LEDs are one of my problem areas, this becomes a problem when I'm trying to decide who to shoot. Last time I did it I just shot everyone, and if they were on my side, it would tell me *grin*.
After Lazer quest I went home and watched telly a bit (as previously mentioned) and went online and blogged. Slept quite late on Saturday (mmm) and went shopping with Adam and my bro in the avo...luckily it was a practical shopping trip and (cuz we're blokes) we were in and out pretty quickly after only a few shops. I bought a couple of shirts/ties for work (and got to use Owen's student discount...wahoo!) and a new Animal wallet, cuz the zip on my old wallet broke. When I got home I watched my new "The Butterfly Effect" DVD. It's the director's cut, and it had a different ending!! I didn't realise this until the actual end which was nice. That film is just cool anyways. In the evening we ended up going around to Nig & Esther's and brought with us a surprise guest! I think even the guest was surprised. Tried to watch "Spy Game" on telly, but gave up 'cuz we were all chatting and so we played Uno instead. 'Twas a good evening followed by some chatting on MSN when I got home, and a smatter of sleep as a closing gesture for the day.
Sunday was church which was pretty cool. In the morning, Darren was talking about Angels and the supernatural realm...we really have no awareness of that kinda stuff in this country...I mean even though I know it's there, it's really hard to visualise. The devil really has done a good job of that..which is why my fave quote is my fave quote:
In the avo I went home, ate food and went on MSN again! Nice lazy afternoon. Yipes, I *just* realised that Sunday was yesterday! Annyways, Phil lead worship in the evening for the first time since he got back from Manchester (Phil and his wife Kate were up in Manchester helping with the Manchester church plant for a few months). It rocked. Didn't really get a good monitor mix though, so was hard at times when Phil was playing songs we didn't know, LoL..managed to blag it tho...it's lucky "Harriet" is so good or else I wouldn't be able to copy what he's doing once he's figured it out!
Stayed up late (or early, depending on how you look at it) chatting to a pretty cool Random Individual...was really nice to just chill, chat and just be silly :-)
Because I was up so late/early, I made an executive decision to call in sick to work today to catch up on sleep. Woke up around 12 and lazed around a bit, trying to motivate myself to clean my room. I am now sitting ina tidy(ish) room with a black bag of rubbish behind me and a load of washing on (in the kitchen), with 1-2 more loads waiting to go in (in the corner of my room). I've also decided that since my photos page is wayyyyy out of date, that I'm gonna try and spend some time updating it. I've dragged out my PC, hooked it up, and am copying my photos directory (1.5GB) on my mp3 player so that I can put them on my laptop to upload. Whether I get it done or not is a different question...but I shall try.
Tonight is worship practice, but I'll be going 'round to Joe's house first to have a look around. I'm going to be living there next year, so I'm gonna be choosing my room, and hopefully send off my deposit this week sometime...moving date: August 1st.
Listening to: Tim Hughes - "You" (Soul Survivour Live 2004: Living Loud)
Friday night we had youth. We took about 25 of them to Lazer Quest in town. First of all we went to the Quasar around the corner, but since it's shut down, we realised that we'd booked it at Lazer Quest. I'm pretty sure this confusion happens every time, only the other way round. I didn't go in and play because I'd just driven back from London, plus I get very confused in there. The teams are red or green and are decided randomly by the computer as you swipe your key-tag on the gun. The way you know what team you're on is because the LEDs on your gun/shoulders/chest go red or green. Since I'm red-green colourblind, and LEDs are one of my problem areas, this becomes a problem when I'm trying to decide who to shoot. Last time I did it I just shot everyone, and if they were on my side, it would tell me *grin*.
After Lazer quest I went home and watched telly a bit (as previously mentioned) and went online and blogged. Slept quite late on Saturday (mmm) and went shopping with Adam and my bro in the avo...luckily it was a practical shopping trip and (cuz we're blokes) we were in and out pretty quickly after only a few shops. I bought a couple of shirts/ties for work (and got to use Owen's student discount...wahoo!) and a new Animal wallet, cuz the zip on my old wallet broke. When I got home I watched my new "The Butterfly Effect" DVD. It's the director's cut, and it had a different ending!! I didn't realise this until the actual end which was nice. That film is just cool anyways. In the evening we ended up going around to Nig & Esther's and brought with us a surprise guest! I think even the guest was surprised. Tried to watch "Spy Game" on telly, but gave up 'cuz we were all chatting and so we played Uno instead. 'Twas a good evening followed by some chatting on MSN when I got home, and a smatter of sleep as a closing gesture for the day.
Sunday was church which was pretty cool. In the morning, Darren was talking about Angels and the supernatural realm...we really have no awareness of that kinda stuff in this country...I mean even though I know it's there, it's really hard to visualise. The devil really has done a good job of that..which is why my fave quote is my fave quote:
"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. . .and like that, he's gone"(Usual Suspects)
In the avo I went home, ate food and went on MSN again! Nice lazy afternoon. Yipes, I *just* realised that Sunday was yesterday! Annyways, Phil lead worship in the evening for the first time since he got back from Manchester (Phil and his wife Kate were up in Manchester helping with the Manchester church plant for a few months). It rocked. Didn't really get a good monitor mix though, so was hard at times when Phil was playing songs we didn't know, LoL..managed to blag it tho...it's lucky "Harriet" is so good or else I wouldn't be able to copy what he's doing once he's figured it out!
Stayed up late (or early, depending on how you look at it) chatting to a pretty cool Random Individual...was really nice to just chill, chat and just be silly :-)
Because I was up so late/early, I made an executive decision to call in sick to work today to catch up on sleep. Woke up around 12 and lazed around a bit, trying to motivate myself to clean my room. I am now sitting ina tidy(ish) room with a black bag of rubbish behind me and a load of washing on (in the kitchen), with 1-2 more loads waiting to go in (in the corner of my room). I've also decided that since my photos page is wayyyyy out of date, that I'm gonna try and spend some time updating it. I've dragged out my PC, hooked it up, and am copying my photos directory (1.5GB) on my mp3 player so that I can put them on my laptop to upload. Whether I get it done or not is a different question...but I shall try.
Tonight is worship practice, but I'll be going 'round to Joe's house first to have a look around. I'm going to be living there next year, so I'm gonna be choosing my room, and hopefully send off my deposit this week sometime...moving date: August 1st.
Listening to: Tim Hughes - "You" (Soul Survivour Live 2004: Living Loud)
Surprised?? I bet ;)
Mafia!, at 1/3/05 06:36
august the 1st, eh?
hope it all goes smoothly like a smoothie and all accordin to plan :-)
ur moving exactly 2 months before me! lol
jengajen, at 1/3/05 10:33
U need to learn to update more :p
Mafia!, at 2/3/05 04:49
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