Chunder Monkey
I have no idea where that title came from - it was just the first thing that came into my head.
Last night we (as in, people from work) were meant to be going out for a drink because Dave's leaving....wasn't really awake enough for it, and was going to show my face, but it was cancelled anyways.
After work I went home, got changed, and went up to church to practice piano before my lesson - managed to get about an hour in because "Harriet" was running late! Have learned my first Grade 2 piece, except that I haven't got the articulation down yet and there's a few bars in the middle that I struggle to keep in time with. Apparently it's one of the same pieces that "Harriet" learned for his Grade 2 piano! Except he was 8 at the time, and I'm 24. Had a bit of a chin-wag about stuff, and then went home.
Got home around 7pm, and went to the cinema wiv my bro to try and catch the 7:30 showing of Ocean's 12. Got there and while we were waiting in the queue it sold out. Again. So we decided to see "Ray" at 8pm instead...which was just as well because it left me with time to go to KFC and get some munch....mmmm....Daddy Burger. It was well funny in KFC because this small oriental woman was serving us (who was apparently "Customer Service Manager"), and she kept shouting back to the kitchen-type area things like "Two Daddies", and "Daddy, Daddy!!". Eventually she just went back there and made the burgers herself - much to the amusement of the 2 kitchen staff! The order took more than a couple of minutes to get for me, so she also gave me free chips as compensation. Not that I minded the wait, she was just being cool...mmm, free chips.
Ahem - "Ray" was quite cool. Makes me want to buy a Ray Charles album - might just get the movie soundtrack or something. When I got home, I chatted on MSN for a bit, and then went to sleep.
I think tonight there's youth homegroup...I'll have to ring Nige in a bit to find out.
Oh, and a miracle happened.....apparently Tom's got himself a car........
Listening to: Steve - "Zealous Core" (Falling Down)
Last night we (as in, people from work) were meant to be going out for a drink because Dave's leaving....wasn't really awake enough for it, and was going to show my face, but it was cancelled anyways.
After work I went home, got changed, and went up to church to practice piano before my lesson - managed to get about an hour in because "Harriet" was running late! Have learned my first Grade 2 piece, except that I haven't got the articulation down yet and there's a few bars in the middle that I struggle to keep in time with. Apparently it's one of the same pieces that "Harriet" learned for his Grade 2 piano! Except he was 8 at the time, and I'm 24. Had a bit of a chin-wag about stuff, and then went home.
Got home around 7pm, and went to the cinema wiv my bro to try and catch the 7:30 showing of Ocean's 12. Got there and while we were waiting in the queue it sold out. Again. So we decided to see "Ray" at 8pm instead...which was just as well because it left me with time to go to KFC and get some munch....mmmm....Daddy Burger. It was well funny in KFC because this small oriental woman was serving us (who was apparently "Customer Service Manager"), and she kept shouting back to the kitchen-type area things like "Two Daddies", and "Daddy, Daddy!!". Eventually she just went back there and made the burgers herself - much to the amusement of the 2 kitchen staff! The order took more than a couple of minutes to get for me, so she also gave me free chips as compensation. Not that I minded the wait, she was just being cool...mmm, free chips.
Ahem - "Ray" was quite cool. Makes me want to buy a Ray Charles album - might just get the movie soundtrack or something. When I got home, I chatted on MSN for a bit, and then went to sleep.
I think tonight there's youth homegroup...I'll have to ring Nige in a bit to find out.
Oh, and a miracle happened.....apparently Tom's got himself a car........
Listening to: Steve - "Zealous Core" (Falling Down)
Ai. Tis true. Not ready until next Weds though.
TommyDB, at 16/2/05 18:55
LoL, well I'll be in London when he gets it ;)
Plus the best tactic is to just let him overtake you and re-join the M5 so that he ends up taking half an hour longer than you finding a junction to turn around at
T, at 18/2/05 10:15
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