Hallloooooooooooooooo! After a week, and due to popular demand I'm back! That and they kicked me out of London :-( I've had a spectacularly interesting week learning all things administrative and Oracley and databasey. Bizzarely enough, I'm quite looking forward to going into work on monday to find out just how badly our database is performing.
Ahem...anyways...each day was roughly the same this week, so here's a summary of the Average London Day for Tristan.
0745 - Alarm. HIT SNOOZE!
0754 - Alarm. HIT SNOOZE!
0803 - Alarm. HIT SNOOZE!
0805 - Jump out of bed and realise I need to leave quite soon!
0825 - Leave house for Tube station
0831 - I lose the first round of 'Sardines' (attempted to get on train...denied...too full)
0835 - Success. Manage to squeeze into train by moulding myself into the curve shape of the door.
0850-55 - Arrive at training centre and sit down.
0900 - Training begins.
1010 - Coffee break
1020 - Training continues
1210 - Lunch - in a canteen with some v.nice meals...all included in the course. Had a pudding one day called "Queen of Puddings" which was basically jam roly-poly with custard...mmmm
1250 - Training continues
1330 - Doze off during training due to reallocation of blood from head to stomach
1410 - Coffee break
1420 - Training continues
1630 - Head "home"
1700 - Get "home"
1700-0000 - Help Jess with her homework (I'm sure I wasn't doing stuff like she was doing when I was eight), watch TV, practice piano, read, relax, chat eat (in no particular order).
0000 (ish) - sleep.
And that was pretty much my week! They got us all to fill in the names of ourselves and 3 collegues at work so they could SPAM them, and enter us into some kind of prize draw...I won a cheapy digital camera/webcam!
Today - we finished around 1330, and I went straight to Hampstead High street to buy some thank-you presents for the people I stayed with. Then I went "Home" and started driving back to Bristol at about 1500. Managed to get lost a little bit (as usual when I'm leaving London), but due to traffic didn't hit the M4 until 1600!! Got home around 1800...chatted to Ma a bit, had a wash and went out to help take youth to Lazer Quest. Got home around 2300 and watched "Road Trip" (v.funny..plus Amy Smart is sooo hot....grrr...BAD Tristan...bad thoughts....).
I finished my Michael Crichton book this week ("State of Fear"...v.interesting, plus not a bad read...you should read it...though I have no doubt that it'll be made into a film..hopefully better than "Timeline"..book was great...film was pants). So I started reading a book that I borrowed from Adam called "Wild at Heart". I've almost finished it and it's been really good! I usually don't get on well with the non-fiction Christian "self-help" type books (much prefer the fiction), but this one has been a real page-turner! Given me lots to think about - well worth a read. It's all about how God intended men to be, though I'm pretty sure that the ladies should check it out to try and get an inside look into how a man ticks.
Right - it's late, this has had the desired effect of making me sleepy, so I shall say farewell to thee.
Listening to: Laptop fan humming
Ahem...anyways...each day was roughly the same this week, so here's a summary of the Average London Day for Tristan.
0745 - Alarm. HIT SNOOZE!
0754 - Alarm. HIT SNOOZE!
0803 - Alarm. HIT SNOOZE!
0805 - Jump out of bed and realise I need to leave quite soon!
0825 - Leave house for Tube station
0831 - I lose the first round of 'Sardines' (attempted to get on train...denied...too full)
0835 - Success. Manage to squeeze into train by moulding myself into the curve shape of the door.
0850-55 - Arrive at training centre and sit down.
0900 - Training begins.
1010 - Coffee break
1020 - Training continues
1210 - Lunch - in a canteen with some v.nice meals...all included in the course. Had a pudding one day called "Queen of Puddings" which was basically jam roly-poly with custard...mmmm
1250 - Training continues
1330 - Doze off during training due to reallocation of blood from head to stomach
1410 - Coffee break
1420 - Training continues
1630 - Head "home"
1700 - Get "home"
1700-0000 - Help Jess with her homework (I'm sure I wasn't doing stuff like she was doing when I was eight), watch TV, practice piano, read, relax, chat eat (in no particular order).
0000 (ish) - sleep.
And that was pretty much my week! They got us all to fill in the names of ourselves and 3 collegues at work so they could SPAM them, and enter us into some kind of prize draw...I won a cheapy digital camera/webcam!
Today - we finished around 1330, and I went straight to Hampstead High street to buy some thank-you presents for the people I stayed with. Then I went "Home" and started driving back to Bristol at about 1500. Managed to get lost a little bit (as usual when I'm leaving London), but due to traffic didn't hit the M4 until 1600!! Got home around 1800...chatted to Ma a bit, had a wash and went out to help take youth to Lazer Quest. Got home around 2300 and watched "Road Trip" (v.funny..plus Amy Smart is sooo hot....grrr...BAD Tristan...bad thoughts....).
I finished my Michael Crichton book this week ("State of Fear"...v.interesting, plus not a bad read...you should read it...though I have no doubt that it'll be made into a film..hopefully better than "Timeline"..book was great...film was pants). So I started reading a book that I borrowed from Adam called "Wild at Heart". I've almost finished it and it's been really good! I usually don't get on well with the non-fiction Christian "self-help" type books (much prefer the fiction), but this one has been a real page-turner! Given me lots to think about - well worth a read. It's all about how God intended men to be, though I'm pretty sure that the ladies should check it out to try and get an inside look into how a man ticks.
Right - it's late, this has had the desired effect of making me sleepy, so I shall say farewell to thee.
Listening to: Laptop fan humming
you're back!
jengajen, at 26/2/05 17:49
Ah come on, I read this last night. Give me more to read. More, More, More!!
Mafia!, at 26/2/05 19:22
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