Petition For Tom To Post On His Blog
Ladies & Germs (and guys too...),
Due to an ongoing discussion on Tom's Blog at the bottom of his latest post, I have decided to start a petition to get Tom to update his blog. He is being pedantic and insisting that comments count as updates. Any attempts to ask him to update are being 'counted' as updating. This must stop! Tom is a Blog Leech - continually reading and commenting on people's blogs while hardly ever updating his own.
Please help stop this madness by adding a comment agreeing with the following terms being set forth to the guilty party.
1) Tom should start blogging more regularly - at least one new post a week.
2) Tom should strive to improve on this target
3) Tom should get a haircut (have you seen how big it is recently!?)
Okay, so 3) is optional....but please, let your vote count - sign the petition now!
Listening to: Feeder - "Pain On Pain" (Pushing The Senses)
Due to an ongoing discussion on Tom's Blog at the bottom of his latest post, I have decided to start a petition to get Tom to update his blog. He is being pedantic and insisting that comments count as updates. Any attempts to ask him to update are being 'counted' as updating. This must stop! Tom is a Blog Leech - continually reading and commenting on people's blogs while hardly ever updating his own.
Please help stop this madness by adding a comment agreeing with the following terms being set forth to the guilty party.
1) Tom should start blogging more regularly - at least one new post a week.
2) Tom should strive to improve on this target
3) Tom should get a haircut (have you seen how big it is recently!?)
Okay, so 3) is optional....but please, let your vote count - sign the petition now!
Listening to: Feeder - "Pain On Pain" (Pushing The Senses)
I agree, Tom should update his blog. You lazy muppet!!!!! About the hair.... how long is his hair again? Yes, I agree Tom should update his blog. Yes, yes, yes. I have tried this blog thing and I am pretty sure I created one last night but I can't seem to find it today. Anyway so what do I do?Do I look for it?No, I created another one!!!!!!!!!! I think it is "IHAVEDONE IT.BLOGSPOT.COM"...I said, I think. Might not be there. Tom update your blog.
Anonymous, at 4/3/05 17:04
wierd madness that this is!!
Tommy update your blog.....dont make me come down there ! :p
Juckle, at 4/3/05 17:09
*takes deep breath, and shouts*
(whoever the hell you are, and wherever the hell it is...)
Jm, at 4/3/05 20:25
Thank you for taking an interest in my blog.
If you would like to catch up on my past events, my blog is available for simple browsing at
Alternatively, you can click on my name which should redirect you to my blog.
You could find out all about my last 4 months in around 10 easy to read posts.
Thank you for your continued readership fellow bloggers.
Take care.
TommyDB, at 5/3/05 01:50
Blog u muppet!!!!!!!!!!
Mafia!, at 5/3/05 02:54
Hello fellow bloggers.
I greet you from my PC, today of all days, to let you know that, because of the increased demand for a new post, I have respected the requests of my readers.
Kind regards.
TommyDB, at 5/3/05 12:30
I thought I said to update :p
Tom's "updated" again. Meh!! Although cos it's Uganda stuff, it's interesting :D
Mafia!, at 6/3/05 23:52
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