Weekend - PARTY. ish. Not really. Fun though.
Thursday Night Thespianism
Wow, okay. Last you heard I was going to see Twefth Night. And yes, this I did. Nathan and Adam were there also...it was really really good! I managed to follow it for the most part, and even got most of the jokes...it was very funny. Especially the bit where they conned Malvolio to wear yellow stockings with crossed garters....amazing!! Before Twefth Night we went to eat at "Wagamama's". It's an oriental restaurant on Clifton Triangle and was very trendy. We were well surprised because we actually managed to get a parking space right outside it. On the Triangle! The food was pretty good (if not a little spicy), and we had fun 'using' chopsticks. Except Nathan. Who didn't try. I think. I can't remember - my memory is terrible [Nathan Says: Exsqueeze me?! I sat in front of you using chopsticks the whole time we were in Wagamama's, except for the end when I switched to using the ladle thingy which they provided to aide the consumption of the soup!. Then after that we went home and I went to bed. I've started reading a new Jeffery Deaver book ("Garden of Beasts"), and I can't remember if that was the night I started it. Anyways, it's pretty good so far. A bit different from Jeff's normal book - seems to be more of a spy book than the murder-mystery-thriller that Jeff normally does.
Friday Night Fun
Friday was alright - no problems at work. Got to leave at 3pm (bonus! well, I guess it's in my contract, so not a bonus so much as a contractual obligation, but it still feels like it's a bonus!). Got home from work and...uh...can't rememeber. Oh yeah! I chilled out for a bit and then had a piano lesson at 5pm..though I got there at around 4:30. It finished at about 5:50, so I just stayed at church till youth cuz Nij usually gets there around 6:15, but he didn't get there till 6:30. I was practicing piano and putting some tables/chairs out and stuff up 'till then. I also had a blast on my bass and on the drums too...mwah ha ha ha haaaaaaaa. Youth was pretty good - absolutely knackering though. I was trying to get everyone to play in a volleyball tournament and I think all the enthusiasm I was trying to genereate left me pretty drained! When we finished packing away I was shattered! Most people went home (except for Tom, 'Brian' and Dan) so I just laid on the floor texing for a bit and noticing the echos that were being made by Tom/"Brian"/Dan when they chatted. Empty churches are cool. Even if ours is an old cinema/bingo hall...it's still echoey and cool. (((ECHO))), ((Echo)), (echo). Then we (Tom, Dan and myself) played Unreal Tournament for a bit while 'Brian' watched. It was cool...the first game we played the robots slaughtered us..so we made them a bit easier and then whooped them! Awwww yeah. Then home, sleep, etc...
Sudden Saturday Surprises
Ahh, nice looooong lie-in on Saturday. 'Twas great! No alarm...just sleep. Exept for the being-awake-for-no-reason-at-6am thing. But that was cool cuz I got up and moved the washing that I'd put on the night before into the dryer. Then went back to sleep...but not in front of the dryer..I managed to make it upstairs first. Barely. Then woke up at around 9:30 and got my washing out of the dryer whilst Ma told me that they were visiting my step-gran and that my step-uncle+aunt would be there with their daughter, Tulluhlah (sp?) and would I like to come. I said that I would but I was going to Devon at lunch-time. Mum asked whether I was staying overnight, and I replied that no, I was coming back that night. Mum said that that was a long way to go for the day and who was I going to see. A friend I replied. LoL - yeah..I'm really close with my parents sometimes.
Anyways, I phoned Nick [Turrell] to find directions to the PA place to pick up something for him. Went to pick it up (the PA place was sooooo cool. I could have spent hours in there. Alas, no time!). Took it to Nick, and we found out they didn't quite understand what we wanted and had given us something slightly different (we wanted cool head-mounted-fibre-optic-lavellier-clip-mic, but got a normal one - albeit a much nicer one than we currently have). We phoned them, there was some discussion and I didn't end up having to go back and replace it! However I was now about an hour late leaving for Devon, so I rushed down...speeding slightly :-S...and managed to only be late by about 20 mins! Bargain! Met up with my friend and her friend(s) at Micky Dee's, ate food, wandered around a bit, went into Wimpy, ate food, wandered around a bit, went to a music shop, bought the RHCP 'Californication' Bass book - YAY!, went to the cinema, saw AvP/ate Minstrels (mmm), went to Pizza Hut, ate food (salad + a sip of "Pepsi/Ice Cream Float"). Drove home. Overall I had a good time and met some mad people too! I like mad people...they're mad. Was a pretty darned cool day.
Sleepy Sunday
Sunday was a fine day. I got off to an amazing start because the clocks went back and I got an extra hour's sleep!! Yippeeeeeeeeee! Then went to church which was good. The clip-mic we'd rented was a billion times better than our old one - no hiss at all when Darren didn't talk - ~excellent~
Lunch was good. We went to the Van Dyck (Weatherspoons Pub) and I had my old favourites - Chicken Pasta Al Fredo followed by Belgian Waffles with bananas/ice cream/syrup. Awhhhhh yeah.
~~traditional Sunday-avo nap~~
Church in the evening was pretty good, and we all went to Jamie+Shaneen's afterwards where we stayed till about midnight.
Muddled Miscellaneous Mischief - Random Thoughts
- Found really cool 'Badger-Badger-Badger' wallpapaer last week - check it out here. BajaBajaBajaBajaBajaBajaBaja....
- Found out that there's evidence that hobbits existed. Apparently.
- Slap bass sounds cool.
- Slap bass sounds cool - though not in worship songs.
- Slap bass sounds cool - except that I need to practice a bit more first, otherwise I get told that my bass sounds broken instead of cool :-S
- 5-String bass is cool.
- Flea IS an amazing bassist [full stop]
- Have you seen the marvelous breadfish?
Listening to: Red Hot Chili Peppers - "Road Trippin'" (Californication)
Flea really isn't that amazing.
mmmm pepsi/ice cream float! Was it nice?
sounds like a mad weekend, to me!
jengajen, at 1/11/04 15:45
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