Rushing? I don't speak rushing.
Ahhh - midway through the week. I'll get a couple of hours of chill time after work today. Which is nice. Right then, back to bloggin' it. It seems by copying Jen I've set off a bit of a trend! Loz has started one (click here) and now, so has Tom (click here).
Anyway - yes, life. What happened in my life yesterday? Well, about half an hour before I left work we got a phone call from our customer at the MOD saying that he could log into his account using his normal password and also with the word 'password'. Obviously we laughed at him and thought he was crazy at first...that is until we managed to do it on our accounts. Nagh! This was bad - the whole system could get shut say it was a "bit of a security risk" is like saying that the Titanic took "a bit of a knock"! So we were flapping around like headless chickens for about half an hour, until somebody told us that we should actually look at the computer to solve it instead of imitating farmyard animals. Once we got round to that we fixed it. The End (well it would be, except that when I got in this morning it was the opposite - nobody could log into the system!! It was probably unrelated, but we managed to fix that too. )
So after that I went home, had a v.v.v.v.quick shower and then dashed up to church before everyone went home at 5. My piano lesson is normally at 5:30 so I try to get there to practice a bit on the proper weighted-key keyboard (we've only got a cheapy electronic keyboard at home). Nick was already there when I got there, so he showed me some stuff he was playing around with (just generally a bit about how he goes about writing songs) and then had my lesson. We've just learned "Nothing But The Blood" (awesome Matt Redman song!), so he taught me that and then played along on the drums while I played it (or *tried* to play it - LoL). Then went over my Grade 1 piece, which I *almost* managed to do without making any mistakes - which I was well impressed with considering I hadn't played it since last Tuesday! After the lesson was over (well no rush to the cinema) we just chatted about worship team stuff, PA stuff and some personal stuff - nothing I can put here cuz any old person can read this, so :-P was nice to have a chat though..working with youth you don't often get much of a chance to have proper conversations that often.
Cinema, yes, cinema is what I also commonly do on a Tuesday evening (and some Wednesdays too). Reason being that it's "Cheapy Tuesday" at Showcase and tickets are only £3.50. Up until about a month ago it was £3..and a couple of years ago it was £2.50!! that's 40% rise in 2 years!! I mean - come on! And on Wednesdays it's "Orange Wednesday" at all cinemas, which means it's buy-one-get-one-free. So we're spoiled for choice. Wednesdays are better because we can go to Vue (formerly Warner Village) which have better seats/screens. Okay, so last night I went and took some of the youth; Sam, Sarah, Gemma and Nami. I wanted to see 'Sky Captain', but unfortunately it ain't much of a chick flick so none of the girlies wanted to see that one :( Sam and Sarah wanted to see "White Chicks", so I went in with them while Gemma and Nami went in to see "Layer Cake" (I've already seen it). "White Chicks" was alright! Made me laugh in places which is always good. Also made me not laugh in other places..but hey, you can't laugh solid for 2 hours cuz otherwise your stomach would hurt too much!
When we'd finished, Sarah wanted KFC, so we went through the drive through. It was hilarious, because they've got this speaker thing to shout your order into, and when the blokey at the other end said his bit we didn't understand a word of it! All muffley and nonsense to me! Not only that but it was an Indian guy that was doing the talking, so it was nonsense in a foreign accent! I had to keep from laughing because it reminded me sooo much of the bit in "Dude, Where's My Car!" where they go through a drive through. Apparently all the gals thought of that too because they were laughing their heads off and shouting "And Then!..." (if you haven't seen the film, you won't get that!"). After much funniness I dropped everyone home and went to Asda to buy me some food for tea. Got in there, got some beer, some frozen pizzas (mmm, Chicago Deep Pan mini-pizzas), a nice chocolate pudding and some more breakfast bars for work (mmm, furniture). Then I got home - cooked/ate the pizza, but didn't get round to pudding :(
Chatted to Jen and Tom for a bit on MSN and then went to bed.
Work up, came to work, had aforementioned excitement with users, and now I'm listening to Coldplay (on my spangley new mp3 player..heh heh).
Listening to: Coldplay - "The Scientist" (Rush of Blood to the Head)
Anyway - yes, life. What happened in my life yesterday? Well, about half an hour before I left work we got a phone call from our customer at the MOD saying that he could log into his account using his normal password and also with the word 'password'. Obviously we laughed at him and thought he was crazy at first...that is until we managed to do it on our accounts. Nagh! This was bad - the whole system could get shut say it was a "bit of a security risk" is like saying that the Titanic took "a bit of a knock"! So we were flapping around like headless chickens for about half an hour, until somebody told us that we should actually look at the computer to solve it instead of imitating farmyard animals. Once we got round to that we fixed it. The End (well it would be, except that when I got in this morning it was the opposite - nobody could log into the system!! It was probably unrelated, but we managed to fix that too. )
So after that I went home, had a v.v.v.v.quick shower and then dashed up to church before everyone went home at 5. My piano lesson is normally at 5:30 so I try to get there to practice a bit on the proper weighted-key keyboard (we've only got a cheapy electronic keyboard at home). Nick was already there when I got there, so he showed me some stuff he was playing around with (just generally a bit about how he goes about writing songs) and then had my lesson. We've just learned "Nothing But The Blood" (awesome Matt Redman song!), so he taught me that and then played along on the drums while I played it (or *tried* to play it - LoL). Then went over my Grade 1 piece, which I *almost* managed to do without making any mistakes - which I was well impressed with considering I hadn't played it since last Tuesday! After the lesson was over (well no rush to the cinema) we just chatted about worship team stuff, PA stuff and some personal stuff - nothing I can put here cuz any old person can read this, so :-P was nice to have a chat though..working with youth you don't often get much of a chance to have proper conversations that often.
Cinema, yes, cinema is what I also commonly do on a Tuesday evening (and some Wednesdays too). Reason being that it's "Cheapy Tuesday" at Showcase and tickets are only £3.50. Up until about a month ago it was £3..and a couple of years ago it was £2.50!! that's 40% rise in 2 years!! I mean - come on! And on Wednesdays it's "Orange Wednesday" at all cinemas, which means it's buy-one-get-one-free. So we're spoiled for choice. Wednesdays are better because we can go to Vue (formerly Warner Village) which have better seats/screens. Okay, so last night I went and took some of the youth; Sam, Sarah, Gemma and Nami. I wanted to see 'Sky Captain', but unfortunately it ain't much of a chick flick so none of the girlies wanted to see that one :( Sam and Sarah wanted to see "White Chicks", so I went in with them while Gemma and Nami went in to see "Layer Cake" (I've already seen it). "White Chicks" was alright! Made me laugh in places which is always good. Also made me not laugh in other places..but hey, you can't laugh solid for 2 hours cuz otherwise your stomach would hurt too much!
When we'd finished, Sarah wanted KFC, so we went through the drive through. It was hilarious, because they've got this speaker thing to shout your order into, and when the blokey at the other end said his bit we didn't understand a word of it! All muffley and nonsense to me! Not only that but it was an Indian guy that was doing the talking, so it was nonsense in a foreign accent! I had to keep from laughing because it reminded me sooo much of the bit in "Dude, Where's My Car!" where they go through a drive through. Apparently all the gals thought of that too because they were laughing their heads off and shouting "And Then!..." (if you haven't seen the film, you won't get that!"). After much funniness I dropped everyone home and went to Asda to buy me some food for tea. Got in there, got some beer, some frozen pizzas (mmm, Chicago Deep Pan mini-pizzas), a nice chocolate pudding and some more breakfast bars for work (mmm, furniture). Then I got home - cooked/ate the pizza, but didn't get round to pudding :(
Chatted to Jen and Tom for a bit on MSN and then went to bed.
Work up, came to work, had aforementioned excitement with users, and now I'm listening to Coldplay (on my spangley new mp3 player..heh heh).
Listening to: Coldplay - "The Scientist" (Rush of Blood to the Head)
Ooohhh. Sky Captain! I really wanna see that. There's nothing on tonight is there? Fancy an Orange Wednesday?
Maybe I'l txt you later just in case you don't read this.
As for copying you with the blog account... well blatantly I have, but in my defence... I have no motivation for keeping it updated. (Stupid thing to say really, when I know I'm going to update it after I've finished this)
BTW, the address is:
Why 'the zoos have all the animals'? I don't know.
TommyDB, at 20/10/04 13:38
LoL - I read that differently last night...I read it:
"The zoo SHAVE all the animals" - LoL!
T, at 20/10/04 13:48
Ah. That is better! Maybe I can change it.
TommyDB, at 20/10/04 14:07
everyone's copying me??! its gotta be cause im so cool :)
jengajen, at 20/10/04 18:13
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