Tristan - enter the madness...

Tuesday, October 19

Moi? A Nerd?

Good morning people!  How are we on this fine morning?  Well, it's been a pretty good bunch of hours since I last updated this blog - even if they were a bit panicky at times.  I got home yesterday and there it was - my mp3 player!  Yay.  All I had to do was put the battery in and charge it...uh...that is if I knew where the charger was.  D'oh!  I can't remember if I mentioned before but some work is being (re)done on my room so I've moved into the spare room.  All my stuff is in boxes and I couldn't for the life of me find the flaming charger ( has flames.  They make it charge quicker I guess).  Oh well, no time for that...I had to get to church before 5 so that I could play with PA stuff and type up some notes for the training that evening.
I got up to church, got some PA together and set up in the crèche.  The idea was to train the PA guys on gain/fade, EQ and a bit on feedback.  It's a lot easier to just demonstrate than to just give notes, so I spent some time played around with PA (cuz I'm not that experienced with that side of things either!  All theory me!).  One of the things I decided to do was to play them tones of different frequencies.  I think I overdid it/had it too loud because my ears are still ringing now!  Owch!  Anyways, I was still typing up notes at 7pm when Nick got back to church!  I quickly printed it, helped him put out some chairs and was just getting him to proof read it when I got a text from Alicia asking if I was still going to give her a lift....Aaaaargh!  It was 7:25.  Luckily Loz was there (lifesaver!) and she helped me out by doing some photocopies of the notes while I went to pick up Alicia.  Got back before they started (praise God for our lateness!...don't tell Darren I said that, LoL) and managed to relax a bit while Mark did some teaching about being an example on the worship team and living a Godly life.  The PA training seemed to go much better than I expected!  The guys seemed to get a lot out of it and hopefully it'll give them a bit more confidence to play around on the desk a bit more.  Had a chat with Paul afterwards who gave a bit of feedback on how the meeting went Sunday (disaster from a PA point of view!!) and how some of the other guys are doing.  Then I packed away all of the equipment that was used and made sure everything was tidy.  By then it was almost 11pm, so I decided to treat myself (I hadn't had any tea) and get a Miss Millie's on the way home...mmmm, Chicken-in-a-bun with hash brown.
Got home - MUNCHED!!!!!  Then rang Jen and chatted for a while before trying to go to sleep.  You know when you're lying in bed, but can't get to sleep because you've got stuff on your mind?  Well, as I was lying there I decided to have a last-ditch effort at finding my mp3 charger.  I made loads of noise dragging out all my boxes of stuff, and in the bottom-most one, there it was!  Yay!  Fired up my laptop, and left it transferring all my mp3s over while I went to sleep - Yay!
Got up, came to work and now I'm listening to tunes!  Double-yay!  I promised some of the youth that I'd take them to the cinema tonight.  Hmm, I wonder what's on...
Listening to: Third Day - "God of Wonders" (Offerings II)


  • you could go and see the rip off of Nemo...Shark's Tale, I think its called? Umm.. yeah could do that. Christina Aguilera killed the Carwash song, though... grrr

    By Blogger jengajen, at 19/10/04 10:22  

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