Stuff Happened - Part I
Okay, I'm cheating. It says it's 23:03 on Saturday night, but I'm doing this on Monday morning - I figure it's easier to read if I break it up into the days stuff happened :)
Friday Night
Right - so..'Yesterday' was a pretty good day! Work was good - got a lot done on my user creation utility. It took a fair bit of work to get it working and caused much frustration at one point, but I'm v.happy with how it's going (when I program something, I distrust anything that pretty much works first's not natural). The idea for last night was that a few of us were going round to Lyn G's place and she was going to cook us some food. Adam and myself have been on at her for a very long time for this (in a jokey kinda way). Maz and Loz go there quite a lot and decided to take the bull by the horns and invite us, thinking that we'd have to go to youth...ha ha...they made the fatal mistake of giving us 2 weeks notice! We could skank off of youth for the night and get a free meal..bargain! On the way to Lyn's I stopped off at youth for 15 mins (I couldn't resist...LoL..I actually enjoy it really - but don't tell anyone ;) ) to arrange for Alton Towers on Sunday with Simon (who was buying the tickets for everyone).
The off to Lyn's where we had so much food it was unbelievable! The people at Lyn's were: Lyn, Maz, Loz, Rachel Anders, Adam and myself. We had LOADs of curry and some fine pudding (Strudel with chocolate ice cream and double cream...mmmm...fattening). We played this cool game where you are in two teams. You have the names of loads of famous people in a bowl and have to get the rest of the team to guess as many of them as you can in a minute. Anyways, my team was Loz, Lyn and yours truly and (obviously) the other team was Adam, Maz and Rach. Luckily (for us) Adam isn't that great at remembering the names of famous people and it led to a couple of comic situations. A line that will forever live in my memory is:
Maz - tries to describe someone (and has admittedly gone off at a tangent because they weren't getting who it was)
Adam: **waving arms** "YOU'RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE TO ME!!!"
Ahhh - another case of "You had to be there" I guess. LoL never mind.
Jen rang me at some point (after a pre-emptive text message) and I heard Delierious live singing "Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright". She was at the Delirious concert in Exeter - arrrrrghhhh - twice I've missed them in one week! LoL
After all that I went home at around 23:30 and tried to get some sleep - I was getting up early and driving (with the rest of my family) to London for Kelly's (she's my cousin) son's Christening. His name is Dexter - which I now think is a pretty cool name!
Saturday 07:30
Woke up - sent text to wake a certain person up ;)
Managed to leave the house at around 9am after a yummy sausage sandwich. Mmm - thanks Ma! Got to London at around 11:15 (made pretty good time!) and went to Ros and John's to wait for a bit. I had to be at the church a bit earlier than 12 (when the Christening started) because Kelly had asked me to do a reading! The priest came out before the service and was the coolest Catholic priest I have ever seen (besides Father Ted of course ;) )! He was in his late 20s, had trendy glasses on, a pony tail and jeans on! LoL. When he came out for the service he was wearing a white robe with a white sash across him. When he sat down, we glimpsed that he still had jeans on underneath! He was also foreign - I couldn't tell where from. Spain maybe?
Because it was a Catholic church we had everything written for us in 'The Baptism Book' and the bit that I read out was a prayer asking God to bless the parents/Godparents/child. After every bit I said 'Lord hear us' and the congregation had to respond 'Lord graciously hear us' which I thought was cool (only cuz I was the guy at the front though..LoL). Then we went back to Kelly & Pauls and again, ate loads and LOADS! Food is great! All the family were there and it was great to see them all again. It was my first time to see Dexter and he is soooooo cute! He's got this massive toothless grin which is just priceless! He loved having the water poured over his head! LoL.
We (me and Owen) left at around 3pm. I was sooo tired - I always feel like falling asleep at that time after lunch, so when we got to Reading services I pulled in and slept for about 30 mins. Then we went in and had a coffee and I was wide awake after that! On the way back we saw a 6mile tailback going the other way on the M4. At the start of it was a massive lorry trailer on fire! Looked like a bomb had hit it!
Got back to Bristol around 18:45 and had to go straight out to Bruce and Cat's for some games and stuff. On the way I picked up Dan and Tom and got there around 8ish - we were half an hour late but nobody else was there yet! Managed to just chill out the whole night and play games and stuff (that name game again and Cranium). And yer, we lost both games. close!
Well, that's all for 'today'. Gotta get an 'early night' cuz I'm going to Alton Towers 'tomorrow'.
Friday Night
Right - so..'Yesterday' was a pretty good day! Work was good - got a lot done on my user creation utility. It took a fair bit of work to get it working and caused much frustration at one point, but I'm v.happy with how it's going (when I program something, I distrust anything that pretty much works first's not natural). The idea for last night was that a few of us were going round to Lyn G's place and she was going to cook us some food. Adam and myself have been on at her for a very long time for this (in a jokey kinda way). Maz and Loz go there quite a lot and decided to take the bull by the horns and invite us, thinking that we'd have to go to youth...ha ha...they made the fatal mistake of giving us 2 weeks notice! We could skank off of youth for the night and get a free meal..bargain! On the way to Lyn's I stopped off at youth for 15 mins (I couldn't resist...LoL..I actually enjoy it really - but don't tell anyone ;) ) to arrange for Alton Towers on Sunday with Simon (who was buying the tickets for everyone).
The off to Lyn's where we had so much food it was unbelievable! The people at Lyn's were: Lyn, Maz, Loz, Rachel Anders, Adam and myself. We had LOADs of curry and some fine pudding (Strudel with chocolate ice cream and double cream...mmmm...fattening). We played this cool game where you are in two teams. You have the names of loads of famous people in a bowl and have to get the rest of the team to guess as many of them as you can in a minute. Anyways, my team was Loz, Lyn and yours truly and (obviously) the other team was Adam, Maz and Rach. Luckily (for us) Adam isn't that great at remembering the names of famous people and it led to a couple of comic situations. A line that will forever live in my memory is:
Maz - tries to describe someone (and has admittedly gone off at a tangent because they weren't getting who it was)
Adam: **waving arms** "YOU'RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE TO ME!!!"
Ahhh - another case of "You had to be there" I guess. LoL never mind.
Jen rang me at some point (after a pre-emptive text message) and I heard Delierious live singing "Every Little Thing's Gonna Be Alright". She was at the Delirious concert in Exeter - arrrrrghhhh - twice I've missed them in one week! LoL
After all that I went home at around 23:30 and tried to get some sleep - I was getting up early and driving (with the rest of my family) to London for Kelly's (she's my cousin) son's Christening. His name is Dexter - which I now think is a pretty cool name!
Saturday 07:30
Woke up - sent text to wake a certain person up ;)
Managed to leave the house at around 9am after a yummy sausage sandwich. Mmm - thanks Ma! Got to London at around 11:15 (made pretty good time!) and went to Ros and John's to wait for a bit. I had to be at the church a bit earlier than 12 (when the Christening started) because Kelly had asked me to do a reading! The priest came out before the service and was the coolest Catholic priest I have ever seen (besides Father Ted of course ;) )! He was in his late 20s, had trendy glasses on, a pony tail and jeans on! LoL. When he came out for the service he was wearing a white robe with a white sash across him. When he sat down, we glimpsed that he still had jeans on underneath! He was also foreign - I couldn't tell where from. Spain maybe?
Because it was a Catholic church we had everything written for us in 'The Baptism Book' and the bit that I read out was a prayer asking God to bless the parents/Godparents/child. After every bit I said 'Lord hear us' and the congregation had to respond 'Lord graciously hear us' which I thought was cool (only cuz I was the guy at the front though..LoL). Then we went back to Kelly & Pauls and again, ate loads and LOADS! Food is great! All the family were there and it was great to see them all again. It was my first time to see Dexter and he is soooooo cute! He's got this massive toothless grin which is just priceless! He loved having the water poured over his head! LoL.
We (me and Owen) left at around 3pm. I was sooo tired - I always feel like falling asleep at that time after lunch, so when we got to Reading services I pulled in and slept for about 30 mins. Then we went in and had a coffee and I was wide awake after that! On the way back we saw a 6mile tailback going the other way on the M4. At the start of it was a massive lorry trailer on fire! Looked like a bomb had hit it!
Got back to Bristol around 18:45 and had to go straight out to Bruce and Cat's for some games and stuff. On the way I picked up Dan and Tom and got there around 8ish - we were half an hour late but nobody else was there yet! Managed to just chill out the whole night and play games and stuff (that name game again and Cranium). And yer, we lost both games. close!
Well, that's all for 'today'. Gotta get an 'early night' cuz I'm going to Alton Towers 'tomorrow'.
WoW busy weekend!
Lorry fire, eh?
I reckon it was aliens. Theyre responsible for everything down here.
jengajen, at 18/10/04 10:29
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