Tristan - enter the madness...

Tuesday, October 12

Mama, I'm hu-u-ungry

It is far too early for people to be up! And I'm hungry too. Just for the record, my normal hours at work are 07:30 - 16:00 (15:00 on Fridays). When I get in I check that all the applications/systems are up and running, that they all do what they're supposed to do and that the backups backed up stuff properly the night before.It sounds more impressive than it really is; trust me, LoL. Once that's done I can turn on my laptop and surf the web (all of the systems I work on are on a different network, so we have a laptop to do development and 'research' on the internet...oh and email too ;-) ) usually - (work) email check, (personal) email check, BBC News/Dilbert check, AOB. Not that I'm into a routine or anything :-P Oh, and when the first cup of tea gets made, I eat a breakfast bar with it (Weetabix Chunky Fruit bar...mmmm). If my stomach is rumbling particularly, then I have two.

Now I've bored you to death I can say anything and it'll appear interesting! Clever eh?

Last night (PA Training) was OK. The real problem was that I didn't put enough preparation into it. The questionnaire didn't quite fill the time as I'd hoped it would, however it did raise some good points and brought some issues to light. Hopefully get some good training out of it (and I must prepare properly this time!). Nick sat in on it and saved my bacon really by going over some general hints/tips for PA. Afterwards a few of us went to the Sandringham to chill/chat for a bit - Adam, Loz, Andy (newish guy - not Andy Norman!), Maria and Tom. We played 8 games of 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and didn't win a penny! How dumb is that!? Ah well, it was fun anyways.

Got home and text Jen back and forth a couple of times while reading the end of Memory (only about 35 pages to go now...yay!) and then fell asleep.

Promised Nige I'd help do collecting for National Youth Club Week tonight/tomorrow night (Delirious are playing tonight and I'm missing them :-S..lousy integrity thing...I mean honestly; why can't you back out of commitments when you find something funner to do!? LoL)

Well, I guess I'd better get some work done...


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