Had a chicken+ham melt with beans in it. tasty...mmm. Just got back to my desk and am still thinking about what to make this blog look like, or what I post here. Maybe just say whatever happens to be on my mind.
Everybody seems to be sick at the moment! Jen hasn't been feeling well, and everyone at work is recovering from cold-flu thing. Hmm. When Rich got into work this morning, he noticed I had a bit of a hoarse voice and asked if I had caught the bug too - "No!" I said..but then Ben said that I sound like he did on Friday before the bug became full-blown for him. And now I'm getting a bit of a headache...d'oh!
Well, better write a reply to Jen :) LoL. Is anybody reading this!? Doubtful..it's been up for 2 hours and I haven't told anybody about it.
I'm reading it! :-D
Anonymous, at 11/10/04 13:40
hmm you wouldnt happen to be copying moi by any chance, would you? I'm feeling better now, by the way -- hope you dont get ill with all them germs flying around at work! if you do then.. umm.. take lots of tablets :) I can supply you with a few *special* pills...well, i would if you werent a drug cop ;)
la la la im off to do some music work
J x
P.S are you seriously gonna keep this updated????
Anonymous, at 11/10/04 13:42
Very interesting expression.
theaddict, at 11/10/04 13:50
i know where you live... mwah ha ha ha
Anonymous, at 11/10/04 13:56
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