Tristan - enter the madness...

Wednesday, October 13

Centralisation of Information

I just had a really cool thought - if I could plug everyone into the 'net, and then link them to this blog, then I'd never have to repeat myself about what I did in the day, never have to repeat myself to about a million people when they ask what I've been up to this week. Have you ever noticed that for the first person that asks you, you give a really detailed explanation about what you did, the second person gets a slightly cut down version, then the third gets the summary..etc, etc..until whenever anyone asks you it's just reduced to a string of vaguely english-sounding syllables that sound something like "oh-the-usual"? Never noticed that? Just me then - LoL. And yes, you're right - if I just plugged everyone into this blog then I'd be being really anti-social and wouldn't get to chat to people and stuff.

So what have I been up to today? ''Oh, the usual".

Naa, today's been quite good. I was told I'm a legend and that I made someone's day yesterday which was really very nice indeed. Well done. Also managed to get cracking a bit with my User Management thing I'm doing at work. Which was nice. An that's in spite of the fact that my left eye looks like a pink planet with loads of red rivers on it and a weird black/blue circular land-mass at the front. Doesn't feel much different either - LoL - every time I come into contact with vaguely bright light, it wants desperately to close which may not be too useful when I'm driving (it's sunny out - Yay/d'oh!).

Well, I'm gonna go home and try to actually practice piano now - I haven't had enough time recently (except for last night when I accidentally wasted the whole night doing nothing...except collecting of course). Then it's collecting again and hopefully
Tom will turn up. I wonder if Ma's made any food for

*finds cold tea* --oooh who made this? Better drink it....*3 seconds later* work here is done...I can now go home.


  • Yo Loz! Thanks for leaving a can leave 'Anonymous' comments though without having to set up a blog..

    ..I think you just wanted to join in and have a blog ;)

    PS - your blog is

    By Blogger T, at 14/10/04 09:09  

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