Good morrow! I walked into work today had the following conversation:
(Ben is Ben Stone - he has a cold and went on his industrial placement year at HP in Germany)
Me: "Guten tag Herr Stone"
Ben: "Guten Morgen! Wie gehts?"
Me: "Mmm *smile*, I can't remember any more German"
Ben: "You still don't have a cold then - $*%("£$%*"
Me:"If it's any consolation I think I've got an eye infection"
**pause while Ben thinks**
Ben: "It is actually"
LoL - it was funny. Such is my life - laugh all the time me :-S Aaaaanyway, lets catch up with what's happened. Didn't manage to do any more stuff on the new server at work - Richard had a meeting so I didn't know what to install, and don't have a clue how to put the server in the server rack! Went home with the intention of practicing piano, but ended up reading, chatting online and attempting to write a song...but it reminds me too much of some other song (I can't figure out which), so I gave up on it.
When I got home, I finally got round to sending my MP3 Player back to Creative to get it replaced. I bought it last November and a couple of months after that I noticed that the headphones only worked in one ear unless you wiggled the headphone jack. So reported it and Creative said I could send it back (that was January!). Never managed to get round to it - LoL, and emailed them a couple of weeks back to check that it was alright to do so - which it was! (nice one Creative). So hopefully I should have my MP3 player back working by the end of the week and can then free up 10GB on my laptop! Yay!
After tea (homemade chicken curry - mmmm) I went up to meet Nij at church to do some collecting for National Youth Club week (please donate - I accept PayPal <grin> ) by knocking on doors and asking for money. The kids were sooooo hyper, especially the lads...legging it from house to house...'twas very funny - LoL. While were at the bottom of Luke Green's road, Jen (not Jen Edwards) texted me to say she needed rescuing from someone that was lecturing her about UCAS, so I phoned her and gave her an excuse to leave the room. When we got to Luke's house I ran up and said to Claire (Luke's Mum) "Forget the money; mine's a tea with two sugars!"...would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling kids.
Anyways, we went back to church after that (we were out for about 1½ hrs) and we managed to collect about £110! Yeah! We'll have to see if we can get more tonight (we're allowed to collect all week).
***BRIEF SIDENOTE*** Was just reading the BBC web site -they (not the BBC - 'they'=Hollywood) might be bringing out an A-Team film!!! Yeah!! (click here for the article)
Ahh yes, then I got home and finally finished 'Memory' (last in the Scavenger Trilogy by K J Parker). Had a pretty cool ending - probably one of the best endings in a book that I've read for a while! Also chatted to Jen for a bit, ate some food and went to bed (early night - 23:30!)
When I woke up this morning my left eye was really sore - I thought I might have left my contact lens in, and even poked my eye a bit to try and take it out, but it wasn't I was poking myself in a sore, infected eye for no reason. Stuck some eye drops in it and went to work. And here I am! Well, I'm not sure why anybody would be interested in this, but I might be in a few years so I don't really care - LoL
(Ben is Ben Stone - he has a cold and went on his industrial placement year at HP in Germany)
Me: "Guten tag Herr Stone"
Ben: "Guten Morgen! Wie gehts?"
Me: "Mmm *smile*, I can't remember any more German"
Ben: "You still don't have a cold then - $*%("£$%*"
Me:"If it's any consolation I think I've got an eye infection"
**pause while Ben thinks**
Ben: "It is actually"
LoL - it was funny. Such is my life - laugh all the time me :-S Aaaaanyway, lets catch up with what's happened. Didn't manage to do any more stuff on the new server at work - Richard had a meeting so I didn't know what to install, and don't have a clue how to put the server in the server rack! Went home with the intention of practicing piano, but ended up reading, chatting online and attempting to write a song...but it reminds me too much of some other song (I can't figure out which), so I gave up on it.
When I got home, I finally got round to sending my MP3 Player back to Creative to get it replaced. I bought it last November and a couple of months after that I noticed that the headphones only worked in one ear unless you wiggled the headphone jack. So reported it and Creative said I could send it back (that was January!). Never managed to get round to it - LoL, and emailed them a couple of weeks back to check that it was alright to do so - which it was! (nice one Creative). So hopefully I should have my MP3 player back working by the end of the week and can then free up 10GB on my laptop! Yay!
After tea (homemade chicken curry - mmmm) I went up to meet Nij at church to do some collecting for National Youth Club week (please donate - I accept PayPal <grin> ) by knocking on doors and asking for money. The kids were sooooo hyper, especially the lads...legging it from house to house...'twas very funny - LoL. While were at the bottom of Luke Green's road, Jen (not Jen Edwards) texted me to say she needed rescuing from someone that was lecturing her about UCAS, so I phoned her and gave her an excuse to leave the room. When we got to Luke's house I ran up and said to Claire (Luke's Mum) "Forget the money; mine's a tea with two sugars!"...would have gotten away with it, if it weren't for those meddling kids.
Anyways, we went back to church after that (we were out for about 1½ hrs) and we managed to collect about £110! Yeah! We'll have to see if we can get more tonight (we're allowed to collect all week).
***BRIEF SIDENOTE*** Was just reading the BBC web site -they (not the BBC - 'they'=Hollywood) might be bringing out an A-Team film!!! Yeah!! (click here for the article)
Ahh yes, then I got home and finally finished 'Memory' (last in the Scavenger Trilogy by K J Parker). Had a pretty cool ending - probably one of the best endings in a book that I've read for a while! Also chatted to Jen for a bit, ate some food and went to bed (early night - 23:30!)
When I woke up this morning my left eye was really sore - I thought I might have left my contact lens in, and even poked my eye a bit to try and take it out, but it wasn't I was poking myself in a sore, infected eye for no reason. Stuck some eye drops in it and went to work. And here I am! Well, I'm not sure why anybody would be interested in this, but I might be in a few years so I don't really care - LoL
an A Team movie? ...that could be good ... but no way near as class as the series (I have them all on video :$)
Its a shame they didnt think of it 20 years ago when the original cast could star!!
ohhh well
hehe... so youre not ill, but you have a poorly eye. Maybe you should umm...not breathe ;)
jengajen, at 13/10/04 09:24
'Heh' for ur early starts... I got up about 15 minutes ago. Nice. You may have a pink eye but at least it's not black. :P
V. funny comment bout Luke's mum btw. Maybe I'll come collecting tonite - maybe.
Good to ear ur still cracking on with your songs. I hope you're using those chords you showed me the other week. Cos they rock.
Anyway... time for food. Yum!
Anonymous, at 13/10/04 11:55
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