Geoffrey? Is that you?
Ahh, lunch is always sooooo gooooood. I love eating..except when I'm too full. Then I feel like puking and don't enjoy eating so much. When I walked into the canteen at lunchtime there was a lush curry smell floating around, and today's special is Chicken Korma. If I knew I was going to have a late dinner tonight then I would have got it, but I knew I wouldn't be able to handle two proper meals in a day...ahh well, I had a ham, cheese, cucumber and mayo baguette, some 'Tangy Cheese' Doritos and a can of Orange Fanta instead.
Yes, so, continuing the amazingly interesting story from yesterday which I know you're all dying to know. There was this really funny bit in Resident Evil where a big-off monster thing that's being controlled by 'The Umbrella Corporation' is told to kill some cops, or 'Stars' as they appear on his in-eye display. He opens up on them and shoots all 12 of them with his massive chain gun that fires off like 10,000,000 rounds per second and, amazingly, leaves the civilian standing unscathed! Then he says (in a deep dumb monster voice) 'Stars', turns around and walks off. It was v.funny - but, again, "I guess you had to be there". Or just watch the film. That would be easier than travelling through time to 'be there' when I (and only I, out of everyone in the cinema) found it funny.
Ahem. Yes, well, drove back from the cinema and dropped Phoebe at one of her friend's ([<--] apostrophe..look Jen, look..I'm [<--] preserving them good) houses. At 11pm at night. Strange girl ;), LoL. So I went home then, went straight to sleep. After calling Jen. For a short phone call. Ish.
Then I couldn't [<--] sleep again so got up briefly and read some blogz before passing ou...uh...sleeping. For some strange reason I didn't set my alarm..even though I'm sure I did. Anyways, the weirdest thing happened. I woke up and looked at my clock (which I intentionally set 20 mins fast to scare me in the morning) and I thought it said '7:25'. Then looked at my phone and I'm sure it said '7:05'. This was earlier than I normally get up with an alarm, so I just sat on my bed for a minute looking for socks that matched. Anyways, I quickly checked my phone and it said '7:28'. Engh?!? Did I read it wrong the first time? Aswell as my clock? Or did I just lose 20 mins of my life? Did Geoffrey or Jeremy take over for 20 mins? It was just too weird and at the time I thought I must've misread my phone when I woke up, but now the more I think about it, the more I think that I lost 20 mins. Which made me 20 mins late for work. What's going on!?!?!? ach, who knows, eh? *Ralph Wiggum Voice* "I want my 20 minutes back".
So I was late to work and it's been a busy morning with various system problems and stuff, although I have migrated some mints from my car to my desk so that I can get rid of the nasty caffeine taste that gets left in my mouth by tea/coffee all the time. So that's a plus. And now I'm typing my blog.
Tonight..not happened yet...
Tonight I am planning on doing some PA notes (*shock*), but also maybe go for a 10 min run? Who knows. Maybe I'll just sleep. Then at 19:30 I've got a youth leaders' [<--] meeting at the bookshop. Don't you just wish you were me?!
Listening to: Sheryl Crow - "Redemption Day" (Sheryl Crow)
I often wonder where time goes... some say it flies when youre having fun. I dont see how. Time doesnt have wings. Unless it's able to drink Red Bull, but as it's an abstract noun I don't see how that's possible. But, to lose 20 minutes whilst looking for socks that matched is pretty extreme. You must have been having lots of fun. How I envy you.
(by the way, nice on on appreciating the apostrophes! My club has changed its name... Its been developed from "Mollybob's Apostrophe Club" (MAC) to "Mollybob's Apostrophe Appreciation Club" (MAAC)
speaking of curry... theres a guy just come in and is sitting at the PC next to me, and he's honkin of curry.. *Jen holds her nose*
...and dow, I cant breathe...
*Jen stops holding her nose, and also stops writing comments that are far too long*
jengajen, at 21/10/04 13:46
Worst film of the year. (Last year was Men in Black 2 btw)
Better add this in b4 I get beaten.
- In my opinion -
I was gonna say something important but I can't remember what it was.
TommyDB, at 21/10/04 15:30
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