Today I Have Been Mostly Eating...
...Chunkyfruit Bars (1xApple + 1xCherry)
They're sooo good. And they don't have evil hydrogenated vegetable oil/fat in them either - yay!
I'm sugaring myself up today because I'm not feeling too good. I seem to have finally caught a bit of the bug that's been going round and I'm going to fight it with sugar and (if I find any) Vitamin C. Let the battle commence!
Let's see, what was the last thing I wrote? (it just took me 4 attempts to type 'wrote' - it's far too early to be thinking).
I went home yesterday after work and got none of that stuff done. I went online and chatted to Jen for a bit, had some food (SpagBol - just me and Nick (my step-dad Nick [Thompson], not church-worship-leader Nick [Turrell]) eating cuz mum and Owen were working 'till 8. Not together. It was just a coincidence.). Jen wasn't online when I came back so I decided to play guitar/piano for a bit.
Then went to youth leaders meeting thing, which turned out to be an equippers thing. So we did some discussion stuff about what a youth leader is (and isn't!), a bit about lifestyle, and a bit about our child protection policy. I didn't know that we had another session to do next week and I've booked up that night. I'm going to the Bristol Old Vic with Nathan. I mentioned it to Adam and he might be coming - I'm gonna go pick up the tickets on Saturday when I go into town (Old Vic is mileage from town, so there's going to be a lot of walking involved cuz I also need to go to Sound Control to get some headphones for the PA desk.). Yeh, so did the equippers meeting at the bookshop. Then Adam & Tom tempted me with the cinema. They were gonna see "Sky Captain" and I was gonna go, but it wasn't showing that late. And now it's stopped showing!! D'oh! Anyways, the church was open because dance was just finishing, so we wandered over there to use the 'net to find out cinema times (which was when we discovered that it wasn't really on, and neither was anything else worth staying up for!). While I was chatting to Claire about her trip to Paris (Rich - her husband - took her there as a surprise for her 21st) Tom left to get a lift home with 'Brian'.
Maccy Dee's
A bit later Rach suggested going to Maccy's for a milkshake, so Adam, Nami, Gemma, Babs, Rach and myself went to the Longwell Green Maccy's. Had a Big Mac meal with a chocolate milk shake (mmm). Gemma and Babs got happy meals and these cool flying carpets (with wheels) - so we played on them for a control whatsoever...they'd just go in random directions.
Now I'm quite a fast driver - whether that's good or bad I'll leave you to decide. I don't mind looking at nice sported up cars (courtesy of Esther taking me to GTI a couple of times...heh heh), but I'm not really into all that stuff...seems like a waste of money. Anyways, as I was getting on the ring road there was this rude-boy kiddy in a sported up Ford Fiesta (I mean, a Fiesta....come on...why bother sporting one of those up?! Naa, a nice VDub thank you very much). He started pulling away, and I thought "What the heck" and tried to overtake him. I was ranting poor little Missy (my car) but we did it!...little rude-boy in his sported up car tried his hardest, but in the end was overtaken by me in my standard VW Golf Driver...ha (albeit one with a 1.8L engine..LoL)! I guess that's a throwback to my school days - rude-boys annoyed the heck out of me, LoL. Anyways, just needed to get that out of my system...don't usually race people in sported up cars but I was bored, LoL.
Got home (in record time ;-) ) and Ma, Nick & Owen were watching "Wife-Swap". Was quite funny. Some Bristolian woman who did *nothing* around the house (her husband worked all the hours under the sun and then had to come home and cook for everyone) swapped with this German lady who did *everything* around the house. Was quite interesting...'specially cuz it was a Bristolian woman, LoL. Then I went to bed cuz I was feeling shattered and a bit rough (ill).
In the Words of the Immortal Jamie Lee - MORNIN'!
Woke up this morning feeling a bit worse, but managed to make it into work on time. All the systems were working properly (well, the live ones were...the test box wasn't so had to restart the services). And now, here I am. Once again. I pour out my heart. Etc..
Oh yeah! Tonight we're taking the youth ice-skating! Yay! I love ice skating...almost as good as skiing (well, that's a lie..skiing is a million times better). I'm told we're taking 80 kids *stunned silence*. I think the most we've taken before is about 40, so tonight should be...uh...interesting?! LoL. I'll let you know how it goes...have a nice day.
Listening to: Something Corporate - "Me And The Moon" (North)
I recommend you take a load of Anadin Extra
not tooooo much, obviously, cause that would probably kill you. Or damage you in some way. Maybe psychological - it might kill Geoffrey off, or perhaps create a new personality? you could call it Derek. Unless it was a girl personality, then you could call it....Jemima
Have fun ice-skating! I love ice-skating, even though I've only been once in my life lol. Never been skiing either :( though, funnily enough, I did get random invited to go skiing with a group of ppl from my secondary school (they take a group of year 11s to Austria every year, and they had spare places, so a couple of my mates are tagging along and asked if I wanted to go)
ok this is turning into a comment thats far too long
jengajen, at 22/10/04 10:04
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