Tuesday's Gone With The Wind
Today I have been mostly....
...fixing someone else's system in Endsleigh. Nice, 3.5 hours on the phone and all it took to fix was 2 check-boxes! Have you ever heard the story about a big factory that breaks down? They call in an Engineer, who wanders around, looking at the pipes and looking thoughtful. After about 15 minutes, he walks up to a particular pipe and taps it with a hammer. The factory roars into life. The engineer writes out an invoice and hands it to the factory manager.
"£1000 !?!??!?" exclaims the manager, "What's that for? All you did was tap a pipe!"
"Well," says the engineer, "that was 50p for tapping the pipe, and £999.50 for knowing where to tap it"
That story is so true! All I did to fix the system was un-check two boxes, and that was 3.5 hours work! (albeit there was a lot of investigation)...I reckon that 3.5 hours of my professional time is...*figures it out*...£35? And everyone at work reckons we're underpaid as it is! Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if my company billed them a hundred quid for those few hours, LoL.
Ahem - anyways, where was I with the recap on the weekend? *reads* Ahhh, Sunday night. Okay, here we go (brace yourselves...)
Monday - the Mother of all days
Work as usual on Monday - I still didn't feel too ill after my miracle sleep on Sunday afternoon. Still had a cough, but I can live with that. I spent most of the day creating a 'printer friendly' version of a report that meant that it went down from 5 pages to 2 and a bit. Most of the reports will be 2 pages. I had to get it done by the end of the day so that Bob could demo it when he went down to Plymouth on Tuesday. There was about half an hour until hometime and I was just in the finishing stages of the report, when a user phoned complaining that a certain part of the system wasn't working. So I was busily trying to fix that so that I could get on with the report when Dave asked if I could help with the system in Endsleigh. I told him I couldn't because I had x & y to do before going home but that I could do it tomorrow (Tuesday)
[digression] You know when you eat a mint and then have a drink of cold water - isn't that a really refreshing feeling? [/digression]
K, so I fixed the system, finished the report and printed it off for Bob. I had to go home home and finish off the PA notes that I'd started at lunchtime (yes, I had left it late again to do my equippers stuff - though I had prepared in my head what I was going to do, so it wasn't too bad). From the time I got home (17:00ish) until about 19:10 I was doing PA notes (with a brief break for tea). Then rushed up to the building (church), photocopied the notes, and sat down for the teaching. Ahhh [Bisto?]. We didn't actually finish the teaching thing until about 21:30!! So I went through the PA stuff as quickly as possible. I think it went quite well. Next week I have to do one-to-ones with each member of the PA team (scary!). After that I got tempted by Risk at Nige&Esther's, so I went there and watched them for a bit. Other people there were; Nigel, Esther, Adam, Nami, Gemma, Adam, Luke Radford and myself. Me and Gemma were just watching (or playing with little soldiers and horses and cannons and stuff. I was holding Luke's horse and some troops hostage under a wine glass and demanding that he perform memory tricks. He managed to tell us what he was doing on that day 4 years ago, and also who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the F1 Grand Prix that week!). I stayed far too late in the end and ended up getting sleep around 1...ugh.
-----Snoozy, Snoozy, Sleepy, Sleepy-----
Today was today! I think it's a night in for me tonight (after a piano lesson at 17:30) to do some church web site stuff. Tomorrow night Rach is organising cinema for some of the new Christians from dance, so I'm thinkin' of skipping cinema tonight...though I could be tempted by Alien vs. Predator...
...fixing someone else's system in Endsleigh. Nice, 3.5 hours on the phone and all it took to fix was 2 check-boxes! Have you ever heard the story about a big factory that breaks down? They call in an Engineer, who wanders around, looking at the pipes and looking thoughtful. After about 15 minutes, he walks up to a particular pipe and taps it with a hammer. The factory roars into life. The engineer writes out an invoice and hands it to the factory manager.
"£1000 !?!??!?" exclaims the manager, "What's that for? All you did was tap a pipe!"
"Well," says the engineer, "that was 50p for tapping the pipe, and £999.50 for knowing where to tap it"
That story is so true! All I did to fix the system was un-check two boxes, and that was 3.5 hours work! (albeit there was a lot of investigation)...I reckon that 3.5 hours of my professional time is...*figures it out*...£35? And everyone at work reckons we're underpaid as it is! Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if my company billed them a hundred quid for those few hours, LoL.
Ahem - anyways, where was I with the recap on the weekend? *reads* Ahhh, Sunday night. Okay, here we go (brace yourselves...)
Monday - the Mother of all days
Work as usual on Monday - I still didn't feel too ill after my miracle sleep on Sunday afternoon. Still had a cough, but I can live with that. I spent most of the day creating a 'printer friendly' version of a report that meant that it went down from 5 pages to 2 and a bit. Most of the reports will be 2 pages. I had to get it done by the end of the day so that Bob could demo it when he went down to Plymouth on Tuesday. There was about half an hour until hometime and I was just in the finishing stages of the report, when a user phoned complaining that a certain part of the system wasn't working. So I was busily trying to fix that so that I could get on with the report when Dave asked if I could help with the system in Endsleigh. I told him I couldn't because I had x & y to do before going home but that I could do it tomorrow (Tuesday)
[digression] You know when you eat a mint and then have a drink of cold water - isn't that a really refreshing feeling? [/digression]
K, so I fixed the system, finished the report and printed it off for Bob. I had to go home home and finish off the PA notes that I'd started at lunchtime (yes, I had left it late again to do my equippers stuff - though I had prepared in my head what I was going to do, so it wasn't too bad). From the time I got home (17:00ish) until about 19:10 I was doing PA notes (with a brief break for tea). Then rushed up to the building (church), photocopied the notes, and sat down for the teaching. Ahhh [Bisto?]. We didn't actually finish the teaching thing until about 21:30!! So I went through the PA stuff as quickly as possible. I think it went quite well. Next week I have to do one-to-ones with each member of the PA team (scary!). After that I got tempted by Risk at Nige&Esther's, so I went there and watched them for a bit. Other people there were; Nigel, Esther, Adam, Nami, Gemma, Adam, Luke Radford and myself. Me and Gemma were just watching (or playing with little soldiers and horses and cannons and stuff. I was holding Luke's horse and some troops hostage under a wine glass and demanding that he perform memory tricks. He managed to tell us what he was doing on that day 4 years ago, and also who came 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the F1 Grand Prix that week!). I stayed far too late in the end and ended up getting sleep around 1...ugh.
-----Snoozy, Snoozy, Sleepy, Sleepy-----
Today was today! I think it's a night in for me tonight (after a piano lesson at 17:30) to do some church web site stuff. Tomorrow night Rach is organising cinema for some of the new Christians from dance, so I'm thinkin' of skipping cinema tonight...though I could be tempted by Alien vs. Predator...
or...Saw, perhaps.
I wanna see Saw... does that translate as I want a See Saw or I want to See Saw... both!
see saws are fun
arrrrrgh im too random
have a nice day
jengajen, at 27/10/04 10:59
I saw Saw! It was so-so. Naa, just kidding..it was pretty good! Very gross though and not a little disturbing...I'm lucky I didn't have any nightmares! Still makes me cringe just to think about it :-S
T, at 27/10/04 11:07
Ok, well I dont think its a good idea for me to see it then...
I got disturbed watching Casper (the "friendly" ghost) ;)
jengajen, at 27/10/04 15:13
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