Tristan - enter the madness...

Friday, November 5

Abba Banana

Bob just came into work and shot me with a banana. Who says that computing is a boring profession?!? Come on! I'll 'ave ya! If you've been keeping an eye on your blogs (more specifically my/Loz's blog), you'll know I'm going away for the weekend with the youth to 'Fedu' in Wales. Don't ask me where it is, because I'll just tell you. Wales. Somewhere. That's as specific as I get cuz I don't know any more than that.

Right, where did I leave off? Maybe I should just leave you in suspense. Or just miss bits out? Or make stuff up?

I am in fact, a 13 year old girl.

There, that's my made-up 'fact' for the day [Nobody found that funny Tristan. Just shut up. Before I smack some sense into you]

Hokely dokely. On Wednesday night I went to this youth meeting thing where we came up with some ideas of some discussion/social stuff we could do for the older teens that they could invite their mates to. Should be good! After that was when I got totally and utterly conned. As you may (or may not) know, I have recently stepped down from youth homegroup so that I've got more time for myself and to some of the other stuff I'm doing at the mo (and yet I was at a youth homegroup meeting...hmmm...Con #1 methinks). So when I got to the homegroup launch meeting just after the youth, I suddenly wondered why I was there. I mean, I have no intention of using up my Wednesdays when I just got them free again (that was before Con#1 reared its head). But since I was there, I couldn't just walk out again and I felt obliged to sit there and find out about the homegroups. I was this close (shows small distance between fingers) to going to the cinema with Tom and Dan. But we decided to stay and have a gander. And, to cut a long (boring) story short, I ended up joining a home group. I mean, it was free will, and I am looking forward to it, but still. I guess the appeal of it is that it's going to be quite infrequent and maybe even have some early-morning prayer meetings (I have no idea why that appeals to me; it never has done before!). So then I went home and chatted to Jen for a while on the phone.

LoL - I just read a bit of the BBC news website about Yasser Arafat and his coma. There is a great quote on there by someone called Ms Shahid:

"He is in a coma, we don't know the type but it's a reversible coma,"

Sooooooo, you know the type is a reversible coma...but you don't know the type? LoL. I guess I shouldn't make fun really - life and death is no joking matter really. I mean Yasser Arafat is still a person, God loves him to bits and wants to see the best for him.

Thursday onwards! Thursday (yesterday) was pretty cool. Work was work was work. Again. Oooh, Andy R (one of my various 'bosses') said that I could do an Oracle DBA (DataBase Administrator) course! Wicked! Should be quite interesting (I'm way too nerdy sometimes), and also look good on my CV. Oh and I'm sure work will benefit from it too :-O

Yeah, so last night I got home and basically chilled all night. I played piano and guitar, did two loads of washing, read my "Jeff" book and ended up staying up far too late.

I came downstairs around 11:30 and Mum and Nick were just starting to watch 'Memento' (class film..check it out!). I chatted to them briefly and went into the kitchen. As I walked past the patio doors my brain went through the following process in about 0.5 seconds...

Oh, some movement outside, must be the cat
Hang on, the cat isn't 6 foot tall
Ahh, must be Nick
Uhhm...I was just talking to Nick in the front room
Ohhhh, must be Ma...
...only Ma is in the front room with Nick..
..and she's not 6 foot tall.. who the hell is it!?
**Owen opens the door and jumps in making scary noise**
NAGH! I'm gonna di....
Oh, it's Owen.

Then I stayed up for another 45 mins chatting to Owen before deciding that I should go to bed. When I walked past the front room, Memento was just finishing...and I ended up watching the end of that!! Ended up going to bed around 1am! Grrrrr. Stupid time..need more of it. I am seriously contemplating skipping lunch and having a 45 minute nap at lunch time...I mean I'm not going to get much sleep on the youth weekend away!

Random thoughts for today:

Oil Hypocrisy...
1 - people are (generally) against war in Iraq
2 - people (generally) think that the war is really about securing oil
3 - people think this is a bad thing
..and yet..
..people don't want to pay money for non-oil products/cars!

People are stupid.

I wonder how many mobile phones the average Brit has gone through in the past 10 years? I think I'm up to....6? And that was since I was in the last 6 years! To be fair though, one of those phones was a temporary phone while I was waiting for another one to arrive in the I guess 5. One a year? And I'm not really someone who goes and buys new ones that often! I usually wait until my current phone is knackered, or on it's way out (to a party?)!

I should do some work now. Maybe catch you later...


  • I really think you should stop abusing your phone, Tristan... it looks like it's been dropped in acid, and that can't be a good thing.

    By Blogger jengajen, at 8/11/04 10:44  

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