Tristan - enter the madness...

Tuesday, May 31

God Created Whips

Wow, it has been such a long time since I last blogged. And I don't mean those quizzes that I put up. I mean properly blogged. Let's was...uh...*looks at blog*...two weeks ago! Woah! It was my random linky thing. Man. Stuff has happened since then!

Work has been work really. It's been a really busy couple of weeks, which is good in a way because it means that time has gone quickly! I had my appraisal last week which went really well. Gave me some pointers as to what to do to get my pay increased at my pay review in September.

Star Wars
How cool was that movie!?? I won't talk much about it here for those who haven't seen it, but it was definitely the best out of the new ones. I haven't seen the originals for a loooong time, but I really want to now! Anybody got them on DVD that I can borrow (hint-hint)?

- Time Off
I had a Sunday off of playing bass at church! Yay! Was really good to just chill in the congregation and get with God. People did give me strange looks though! They couldn't quite believe that I had two whole meetings off (the morning and the evening). It was great *grin*

- Leaving
Well, this Sunday was Darren & Sara's last week here. We had an 'official' service in the morning to 'release' them to go. In the evening we had a party at church! Just had a fun service with songs and stuff. The hall was decorated with American-type-stuff, old embarassing photos were put on walls, fun songs were sang, and there was generally a lot of crying and stuff. I must admit, I'm going to miss them. They've had such a huge influence in my life, and I really thank God for them. He's going to do loads of cool stuff with them in the future.

- Web Site
Well, after a year of battling it out with the web-hosts for our church web site, they've finally performed an upgrade and sorted out most of our problems! I know that's not too exciting for you, but I'm over the moon about it!!! Lots of new techie things for me to play with...mwaaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ahem

I can't remember much more than that. Lis can testify that I don't really have the best memory in the world. I guess I should blog it so that I remember ;) that means I'm just going to write about some other things that I can remember more recently.

I discovered that my car's MOT ran out in January! EEeeeep, I'd been driving it illegally for 4½ months!! For those non-english readers, and MOT is a test you run your car through every year to make sure it's roadworthy. You're not allowed to have your car on the road unless it's passed an MOT in the past year.
So I got an MOT done and it failed (surprisingly..not). It took me a week and a half to put right, but I ended up doing most of the work myself! Changed some bulbs, got new wiper blades, tightened the handbrake, changed the brake pads. The only thing I didn't do was put a the new tyre on my wheel..but to be fair, not many people could do that :-P I was dead proud...I saved loads of money doing it myself. Although I learned the hard way that when removing brake pads there are two principles that, if you get wrong, will seriously hinder your progress.

1) Use metric allen keys that are measured in millimetres on a VW, not ones that are measured in fractions of an inch.
2) When unscrewing the securing bolt, remember to turn it anti-clockwise.

Those will save you hours. I repeat; HOURS of wasted time. Right...onwards. The car passed the second time after my DIY work. Yay! How cool is that!?

BBQ Overload
This weekend was a bank holiday weekend which meant three things:
1 - I got to spend many, many hours with my gorgeous girlfriend.
2 - I spent a lot of time in the sunny outdoors, and even managed to play football (soccer). Twice.
3 - BBQs galore!

On Friday night we went to the park for youth club. It was great - played a bit of basketball and then a bit of footie, with a nice break in the middle where I bought some ice-lollies (popsicles), a drink, and managed to have a fairly deep conversation with one of our ex-youth who is having a bit of a rough time of it right now. Was quite tired that evening, so went straight to bed.

Saturday - I actually got a lie-in! Yay! Felt sooo good. After getting up, I went up to church to meet the youth. We were going to someone's house for a BBQ and needed to get lost with..I mean..'follow' Nige. But once we got there, we had the juicy goodness of searing hot animal flesh...*dribble*

The evening was really nice. Addy, Tommy, Mazzy, Lisa and myself went for a Chinese on Park Street. Was really nice, and very reasonable priced too...especailly for Park Street (expensive, posh, city-centre street in Bristol). Went for a drink a afterwards too; was a really nice night :) we tried to catch up with some friends too, but ended up just wandering around for a bit before going home.

Sunday was emotional - Daz & Sara left - see above.

Monday was pretty cool. Had another lie-in - ahhhhh. Then went to lunch with Lis and Nathan at the Van Dyke (mmm, Chicken Pasta Al Fredo). Some church people were at the park, so we went there afterwards. I played a li'l bit of footie and got nice and sweaty, much to Lisa's delight. No really..she was delighted that my face was dripping with salty sweat and my t-shirt was soaked while she hugged me. Went home and then went to Ali's housewarming BBQ - mmm...more meat! That was quite cool - got to chill and chat and stuff. Nice way to finish off the bank holiday don't you think?

I didn't.

At 8pm, Lisa and I then picked up Nathan and his ex-'ex', and went to Wales! Yes, Wales..home of the Welsh and many, many sheepses. We were going to wish Mike a happy 24th birthday. Little did he know that he was having a surprise party that night. We got there late though, so he knew by the time we got there. What we didn't know was that his party was in the form of a.....BBQ! Yes! MORE DEAD FOOD TO EAT! I was kinda full thought, so just ate a burger. I drove home, dropped people off, and dropped into bed.

Today is being today so far.

I apologies for the dull nature of my blog, but it is a catch-up blog. I may make it more interesting if work dies down a bit :-S

Right - better do some actual work now. Ahem.

Listening to: Mercy Me - "Spoken For" (Spoken For)

Monday, May 23

Roses Are Red...

You scored as Deeply Romantic.

You are very romantic. You are very committed to your significant other, and can only imagine being with them for your entire life. Your sign of affection of choice is either cuddling with a kiss on the forehead, or a deep satisfying kiss.

Deeply Romantic


Sweet and Innocent








Bitter and Cold


Romantic or Unfeeling?
created with

Victory is Mine!

You scored as Stewie.

Stewie. Your ambitions for world domination can only befoiled by that blasted Lois. Oh, and by the way - you're in the closet and in denile.













What Family Guy Character Are you?
created with

What Religion Should I Go For?

79% Christian vs. 13% Satanist - should I be worried? Should you??



















Which religion is the right one for you? (new version)
created with

Iiiinteresting. So, Tell Me About Your Muzzah

What's Your High-School Stereotype?

Drama Nerd

Drama nerd












Ghetto gangsta




What's Your High School Stereotype?
created with

Thursday, May 19

How Do I See Life?

Life is good and bad. You know it can never be
perfect and that it never has been, and you're
fine with that. You still feel it's important
to live life since it can end any day and not
sulk because of some little failure in life.
You are often a happy person, still you don't
laugh all the time. You have a somewhat calm
aura and most people feel comfortable around

How do you see life?
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Book of the Bible Am I?

You are Ephesians
You are Ephesians.

Which book of the Bible are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, May 18

Oh Yeah, and Another Thing...

...almost forgot to say. We sold our house yesterday.

Now where am I gonna live?

The Chronicles of Narnia

You are the King!
You are High King Peter and/or Prince Caspian! In
any case, you're a king, and you should be.
You're brave, courageous, noble, respectful,
chivalrous, honest, wise, and all those great
knightly qualities. There really should be more
people like you these days... In fact, here's
my number - (JK!)

Which Chronicles of Narnia Character Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Monday, May 16

This Is Not A Quiz..It's Just A Bunch Of Random Links

Apparently posting the results of eQuizzes isn't really posting and I'm a disgrace to the blogging world. I would tend to agree, so I've decided to do some "real" blogging.

*looks back* - wow! It's been 10 days since my last "real" blog! What's happened since then?

My car is fixed! Towed it to the garage on Sunday afternoon. Then on Sunday evening a guy from church offered to ahve a look at it for me. Come monday night he'd discovered the problem and would have it ready for the next day! Picked it up on Tuesday after work, and was mobile again! Yay! Cost me a fair chunk of money :-S, but much less than it would have at a normal garage; double-yay!

In Saturday I tidied my room. No, that's a lie really. What actually happened was that, over the course of 12 hours, I sorted through all of the junk in my room and divided it into two sections:
- Rubbish
- Keepy-stuff
The keepy stuff went into boxes and is now being stored in a shed. Luckily the shed is in the back-garden of the house I'll be living in next year; which is nice. The rubbish got put into boxes/black bags (lots of black bags) and is now residing at the local dump. I'm very proud of how ruthless I was. I now have a room that contains
a bed
...that's pretty much it! There's a a desk and a set of drawers that still needs to be sorted through, but my room is now the tidiest it has been since I moved into it! I must admit, it is really nice to have reclaimed my floor-space from piles of boxes and general random stuff (including clothes on a bad week). We've had a few people look at the house since; one family is coming for a second fact, *looks at time - 10:08*, they should be knocking on the door in about 5 minutes!

**Several Hours Transpire**

Right, I just got back from lunch; it is now

Where was I? Oh yeah, people looking at house! I went home for lunch, and just as I started making my lunch, a couple arrived to look at the house. I'm telling ya, I've never been that tidy at lunch before in my life. Not a crumb of bread hit the counter-top while I was making sandwiches, and I swear the counter is now cleaner!!

Yes, so stuff happened. Tuesday night I went to the
cinema and watched The Amityville Horror with my wonderful girl Lis. We realised that it was, in fact, the first time we'd been to the cinema together alone! It wasn't too bad, though I'm not sure it was good for Lis; there were some freaky demonic bits that stick in the mind :-S

Wednesday night was just a chill night; I just chilled with Lis at Woodies. 'Twas a nice chill.

Thursday was kinda fun; we had a band practice, but we recorded off our songs on tape! We had an audience (Lis and Lucy) and a sound man (Luke R)...though our sound man could only stay for 30 mins. [edit]Lis caught on quickly to the sound-desk, and was our stand-in sound engineer. She did a fantastic job *grin*[end edit]. Anyways, it was so good to be able to actually *hear* the songs we've been playing! Made up some new basslines too (some of the songs I'd never actually played my bass along to). Lis wants me to teach her the 'one with the funky bassline'. It goes; "bo-o-o-o-o-WM, B-O-O-o-o-o-o-o-wm, bo-o-o-o-o-WM, B-O-O-o-o-o-o-o-wm, bo-o-o-o-o-WM, B-O-O-o-o-o-o-o-wm, bo-o-o-o-o-WM, B-O-O-o-o-o-o-o-wm". So there ya go Lis ;)

Friday was cool. Went to Lis's after work for some gooooood chili. Tom was there already, as was 'Dani' ;);) In the evening was Youth as normal. Did some cool quiz thing. I had to contribute 10 general knowledge questions for it. When I got there, I also had to create a music round because the person responsible for doing that didn't have time.

Jaz & Marv came down on Friday too. After youth we all went for a walk down at Vassal's park at around was quite fun too...lots of scary stories, and I know that Lis liked being outside (she's a country girl at heart :) )

Saturday was the War of the Stars. Otherwise known as watching Star Wars episodes
1 & 2 in anticipation of Episode 3 coming out on Thursday. So far there are 15 of us going at 10pm on Thursday evening...should be good methinks...mwaa ha ha ha haaaaa.

Church was church on Sunday. For lunch I went to the
Van Dyke with Tim. It was a beautiful day (the sun was out in Bristol!!! VJ would have been proud of it :-D) Owen managed to get me to play football!! That was good fun, though life-threatening. Must get fitter.

In the evening church, again, was pretty good. Afterwards I went to
Nigel&Esther's for an hour and then surprised my wonderful woman by visiting her :) she'd been working hard to revise for exams, so I decided to pay a visit for an hour :)

Slept, came to work, and now I'm blogging!

What have you guys been up to?

Listening to: Jars of Clay - "Worlds Apart" (Furthermore - Stage)

Thursday, May 12

Copying VJ - But I'm Not!!

Okay, I copied VJ again and took a couple of tests....I didn't copy her results though!

On the day I was born, this was No 1. in the UK charts...
"(Just Like) Starting Over" - John Lennon

My Name Means...
Bold - and is of welsh origin. *raises eyebrow* - I always thought it meant 'Tragic' or 'Tragedy'. It does have a celtic origin thought, so I think I'll let them off ;)

My Mexican Name Is...
Don Crespin - how cool is that!!?

Your #1 Match: ENFP

The Inspirer

You love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends.
You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules.
Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives.
You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!

You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

Tuesday, May 10

Sorry To Copy You VJ

I got this from VJ's blog; go read it:

Monday, May 9

Friend, Fiend or Foe

Read this question, come up with an answer and then look at the comments for the answer. This is not a trick question. It is as it reads. No one has gotten it right apparently...however I did :-S

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met this guy whom she did not know. She thought this guy was amazing, so much her dream guy she believed him to be just that! She fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and could not find him.

A few days later she killed her sister.


What was her motive in killing her sister? [give this some thought before looking at the answer]

Friday, May 6

Friday...Thank Jesus It's Friday

I am so glad it's Friday. I just want to snuggle up with Lis and sleep for a long, long time. It's been a lil bit of a stressful week, but it's had its advantages.

Car Saga
If I said I had a "spot of trouble" with my car over the past week, I would be making a vast understatement. It started off innocently enough

Thursday. Arthur never could get the hang of Thursdays. Wait a minute; that's the wrong story.

Thursday - I was driving to work and had just come off of a roundabout. I put my foot down on the accelerator, and nothing happened. Zip, zilch. About a second later my engine sprang back into life, and all was well with the world. I ignored this as being a temporary glitch in The Matrix. Later that evening, Lisa, Rach (Lis's friend), Mark (Rach's friend) and I went to see the HHGTG (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) at Vue. It wasn't too bad actually! When we came out we got in the car a-a-a-a-a-and.....death! It wouldn't start. So I called the RAC out. They managed to get it going again by cleaning out the distributor cap, and the ignition leads. Yay, job done!!

Friday - Work was work, and I nipped over to Lisa's afterwards. There was ice-skating with youth that night, so we went to youth. That was the plan out to the car and it wouldn't start again!! Since I knew the problem this time, I got out and checked out the distributor cap; it was knackered! So Adam (very kindly) went to Halfords, bought me a new cap, and brought it to me. I fitted it, cleaned out one of the leads, and got it going again! Just have to get some new ignition leads on Saturday; yay, job done!

Saturday - We had the men's conference on Saturday. It was really cool - good to be able to chat about men's issues. There were 3 seminars; each had a 20min teaching slot followed by an hour of group discussions - it was great! During the lunch break, I bought some new ignition leads for my car. When I got home, I realised I needed to buy some spark plugs. I bought some, and fitted the new leads. All working, running smoothly; yay, job done! We all went to Blaize Castle on the evening. I had a nice walk & chat with Lisa. All of us went for a walk up the hill once it was dark, and then shouted (very impressive) echoey things around the grounds. Went home and slept.

Sunday - got up early to get to church for sound-check. Would my car start? No! Ma gave my bass and I a lift up to church. During the preaching, "Harriet" drove me around half of bristol trying to get a new rotor arm and ignition coil for my car. Finally got them and fitted them. Car would not start! Grrr! Managed to forget about it for the afternoon though as we went for lunch at a friend's house...mmm...roast dinner. Also, many quality ice-creams (Carté D'or) with strawberries....*dribble*. We also figured out how to make their TV do split-screen; this meant that half of us could watch Eastenders, while the snooker was showing on the other half of the TV. It was soo cool.

Bank Holiday Monday - no work; bonus! No car; bummer! Brother turning 18; weird! :( My original plan for this day was to sort through my room, pack up stuff I want to keep and destroy stuff I ruthlessly wanted to get rid of. Here's what happened:
Morning - I got a new distributor cap for my car because we had actually fitted the wrong one on Friday..."This is it!" I thought, "My car will be fixed!". But my car thought "I'm going to just sit here and not start."
Lunch/Afternoon - Most of this was spent driving to my gran's, eating a "birthday pub lunch" for my bro's birthday, and driving home again. I slept during the drive

Tuesday - By now I had replaced most of the electrical ignition system on my car (we had narrowed the problem down to that)...all apart from one part. In the morning I rang into work and told them I'd be late in while I sorted out my car. I went up to car-part shop, who ordered the remaining part and told me it'd be in by 11am! Sorted! I could just wait a bit longer, fit the part and my car would be alive again! Not quite so sorted; the part wasn't in by 12pm, so I went to work. After work I dropped by to pick up the part; they'd ordered the wrong part!!!! Grrrr!!! They apologised and said they'd get the correct part in the next day. Tried to get the part from Halfords, but they didn't have it. Spent the night helping Adam catch up with some of his work as repayment for driving me to Halfords.

The Next Day; Wednesday - Got up, went to work, got part and came home. The moment of truth was upon me; would this work? Would my car be well again? The answer No, no, no, no, NO! Grrr!! This was silly! Now I have to take my car to a garage! I phoned the garage and they can't look at it until next week :( so I'm carless (not careless :-P) . I spent the rest of the evening annoyed about my car and vegging out to try to let my brain unwind. I really regret it for reasons I care not to share with you. Needless to say, it was a muppetish thing to do. Grr.

Thursday - Thursday wasn't bad; work as usual followed by Pizza Hut and watching HHGTG again! It was cool becauase I got to see my wonderful girl, Lisa, and I got to see HHGTG. I think I liked it better the second time...I was a bit less shell-shocked by how some of the characters differed from my expectations (that's what you get for reading and loving the books too much...).

Today is just today really. Needless to say (even though I've already said it), I'm looking forward to sleep. I think I'll sleep when I get home until it's time to go to youth...hopefully Lis will be able to join us *grin*

Tomorrow I will finally sort out my room. It's been long overdue. I'm not looking forward to it, but praise God I have a room to sort - some people just have a square of floor and no possessions.

Listening to:
A Weird Llama Song

Thursday, May 5

Ode To A Diamond

Disclaimer: This is a soppy post. For those of you who don't have sick bags, or who have otherwise adverse reactions to public displays of affection, I would advise that you look

Lis, I need to let you know how amazing you are. You bring a light to my day every time I get a text from you, and my heart skips a beat whenever I see "Inbox(1)" for my email (now isn't that a romantic line...). I love the fact that you're so understanding of me (I need it), and that I'm totally crazy about you. I don't want anybody else. I think you're fantastic just the way God made you, just being 'you'. I want to live the adventure of life with you at my side, working with you every step of the way. I want to go through good times and bad times with you; making you smile, and laugh, and melt. I want to be there for you when you need me, and I want to run to you when I'm feeling down. I want to be able to show you how lucky I feel to be with you every day and I want to give you everything you need.

You're an incredible, beautiful diamond. I never want to stop fighting for you.

Your Man.

How Do You Know?

Okay, I'm getting confused, and it's totally my fault. I mean, I'd normally blame the government, but, seeing as it's election day, we don't have a government today.

I've got this counter thing for my blog that tells me how many visitors (not hits) I get in a day. On the days that I haven't updated, I get less visitors (5-6), but when I have updated, I get loads more visitors (22 yesterday)! Make sense?

No! How do people know that I've updated!??!? I mean, if you want to find out if someone's updated then you visit. You don't just happen to visit on the day that I've updated. This should mean that I get lots of visitors even when I don't update - because those same people would be checking if I've updated. Right? So come on people - tell me how you knew I had updated

That probably doesn't make sense, but hey; neither does this election.

Listening to: india.arie - Whirring noise of "Acoustic Soul" ripping to mp3 from my CD drive

Wednesday, May 4

My Wise Quote

Kind person
Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people,
they probably need it the most" by
Ashleigh Brilliant.
You try to look beyond apperance, try to give
people second chances and are probably very
kind. Understanding is your biggest personality
trait, and thoose you can see through should be
grateful. If they aren't already. You detest
narrow minded people, because they can't see
what's really there. Facades is not your thing
and you strive to always be who you really are.

What do people think? Comments; I want lots of comments, people :)

What wise quote fits you?(pics) UPDATED
brought to you by Quizilla

That's Just The Kind Of Girl I Am

You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy
at times but friendly, and you are never weak
and always independent. You are incredibly
intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a
talent for many things (sports, music, art).
You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy
the simple things. Like hanging out with
friends and watching movies at home. But you're
sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an
outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how
pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just
can't seem to break into the crowd and be
noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing
and speak out when you have more to say. Don't
hide behind your books and sports and computer,
get out there and get noticed. You also have
deep desires in life and feel vunerable and
alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What
helps me to express feelings and dreams that I
can't say to people, is through my writting.
Maybe you should try.

What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Well, She is the Coolest Character in the Movie

Which Incredibles Character Are You?

brought to you by Quizilla