Friday...Thank Jesus It's Friday
I am so glad it's Friday. I just want to snuggle up with Lis and sleep for a long, long time. It's been a lil bit of a stressful week, but it's had its advantages.
Car Saga
If I said I had a "spot of trouble" with my car over the past week, I would be making a vast understatement. It started off innocently enough
Thursday. Arthur never could get the hang of Thursdays. Wait a minute; that's the wrong story.
Thursday - I was driving to work and had just come off of a roundabout. I put my foot down on the accelerator, and nothing happened. Zip, zilch. About a second later my engine sprang back into life, and all was well with the world. I ignored this as being a temporary glitch in The Matrix. Later that evening, Lisa, Rach (Lis's friend), Mark (Rach's friend) and I went to see the HHGTG (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) at Vue. It wasn't too bad actually! When we came out we got in the car a-a-a-a-a-and.....death! It wouldn't start. So I called the RAC out. They managed to get it going again by cleaning out the distributor cap, and the ignition leads. Yay, job done!!
Friday - Work was work, and I nipped over to Lisa's afterwards. There was ice-skating with youth that night, so we went to youth. That was the plan out to the car and it wouldn't start again!! Since I knew the problem this time, I got out and checked out the distributor cap; it was knackered! So Adam (very kindly) went to Halfords, bought me a new cap, and brought it to me. I fitted it, cleaned out one of the leads, and got it going again! Just have to get some new ignition leads on Saturday; yay, job done!
Saturday - We had the men's conference on Saturday. It was really cool - good to be able to chat about men's issues. There were 3 seminars; each had a 20min teaching slot followed by an hour of group discussions - it was great! During the lunch break, I bought some new ignition leads for my car. When I got home, I realised I needed to buy some spark plugs. I bought some, and fitted the new leads. All working, running smoothly; yay, job done! We all went to Blaize Castle on the evening. I had a nice walk & chat with Lisa. All of us went for a walk up the hill once it was dark, and then shouted (very impressive) echoey things around the grounds. Went home and slept.
Sunday - got up early to get to church for sound-check. Would my car start? No! Ma gave my bass and I a lift up to church. During the preaching, "Harriet" drove me around half of bristol trying to get a new rotor arm and ignition coil for my car. Finally got them and fitted them. Car would not start! Grrr! Managed to forget about it for the afternoon though as we went for lunch at a friend's house...mmm...roast dinner. Also, many quality ice-creams (Carté D'or) with strawberries....*dribble*. We also figured out how to make their TV do split-screen; this meant that half of us could watch Eastenders, while the snooker was showing on the other half of the TV. It was soo cool.
Bank Holiday Monday - no work; bonus! No car; bummer! Brother turning 18; weird! :( My original plan for this day was to sort through my room, pack up stuff I want to keep and destroy stuff I ruthlessly wanted to get rid of. Here's what happened:
Morning - I got a new distributor cap for my car because we had actually fitted the wrong one on Friday..."This is it!" I thought, "My car will be fixed!". But my car thought "I'm going to just sit here and not start."
Lunch/Afternoon - Most of this was spent driving to my gran's, eating a "birthday pub lunch" for my bro's birthday, and driving home again. I slept during the drive
Tuesday - By now I had replaced most of the electrical ignition system on my car (we had narrowed the problem down to that)...all apart from one part. In the morning I rang into work and told them I'd be late in while I sorted out my car. I went up to car-part shop, who ordered the remaining part and told me it'd be in by 11am! Sorted! I could just wait a bit longer, fit the part and my car would be alive again! Not quite so sorted; the part wasn't in by 12pm, so I went to work. After work I dropped by to pick up the part; they'd ordered the wrong part!!!! Grrrr!!! They apologised and said they'd get the correct part in the next day. Tried to get the part from Halfords, but they didn't have it. Spent the night helping Adam catch up with some of his work as repayment for driving me to Halfords.
The Next Day; Wednesday - Got up, went to work, got part and came home. The moment of truth was upon me; would this work? Would my car be well again? The answer No, no, no, no, NO! Grrr!! This was silly! Now I have to take my car to a garage! I phoned the garage and they can't look at it until next week :( so I'm carless (not careless :-P) . I spent the rest of the evening annoyed about my car and vegging out to try to let my brain unwind. I really regret it for reasons I care not to share with you. Needless to say, it was a muppetish thing to do. Grr.
Thursday - Thursday wasn't bad; work as usual followed by Pizza Hut and watching HHGTG again! It was cool becauase I got to see my wonderful girl, Lisa, and I got to see HHGTG. I think I liked it better the second time...I was a bit less shell-shocked by how some of the characters differed from my expectations (that's what you get for reading and loving the books too much...).
Today is just today really. Needless to say (even though I've already said it), I'm looking forward to sleep. I think I'll sleep when I get home until it's time to go to youth...hopefully Lis will be able to join us *grin*
Tomorrow I will finally sort out my room. It's been long overdue. I'm not looking forward to it, but praise God I have a room to sort - some people just have a square of floor and no possessions.
Listening to: A Weird Llama Song
Car Saga
If I said I had a "spot of trouble" with my car over the past week, I would be making a vast understatement. It started off innocently enough
Thursday. Arthur never could get the hang of Thursdays. Wait a minute; that's the wrong story.
Thursday - I was driving to work and had just come off of a roundabout. I put my foot down on the accelerator, and nothing happened. Zip, zilch. About a second later my engine sprang back into life, and all was well with the world. I ignored this as being a temporary glitch in The Matrix. Later that evening, Lisa, Rach (Lis's friend), Mark (Rach's friend) and I went to see the HHGTG (Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) at Vue. It wasn't too bad actually! When we came out we got in the car a-a-a-a-a-and.....death! It wouldn't start. So I called the RAC out. They managed to get it going again by cleaning out the distributor cap, and the ignition leads. Yay, job done!!
Friday - Work was work, and I nipped over to Lisa's afterwards. There was ice-skating with youth that night, so we went to youth. That was the plan out to the car and it wouldn't start again!! Since I knew the problem this time, I got out and checked out the distributor cap; it was knackered! So Adam (very kindly) went to Halfords, bought me a new cap, and brought it to me. I fitted it, cleaned out one of the leads, and got it going again! Just have to get some new ignition leads on Saturday; yay, job done!
Saturday - We had the men's conference on Saturday. It was really cool - good to be able to chat about men's issues. There were 3 seminars; each had a 20min teaching slot followed by an hour of group discussions - it was great! During the lunch break, I bought some new ignition leads for my car. When I got home, I realised I needed to buy some spark plugs. I bought some, and fitted the new leads. All working, running smoothly; yay, job done! We all went to Blaize Castle on the evening. I had a nice walk & chat with Lisa. All of us went for a walk up the hill once it was dark, and then shouted (very impressive) echoey things around the grounds. Went home and slept.
Sunday - got up early to get to church for sound-check. Would my car start? No! Ma gave my bass and I a lift up to church. During the preaching, "Harriet" drove me around half of bristol trying to get a new rotor arm and ignition coil for my car. Finally got them and fitted them. Car would not start! Grrr! Managed to forget about it for the afternoon though as we went for lunch at a friend's house...mmm...roast dinner. Also, many quality ice-creams (Carté D'or) with strawberries....*dribble*. We also figured out how to make their TV do split-screen; this meant that half of us could watch Eastenders, while the snooker was showing on the other half of the TV. It was soo cool.
Bank Holiday Monday - no work; bonus! No car; bummer! Brother turning 18; weird! :( My original plan for this day was to sort through my room, pack up stuff I want to keep and destroy stuff I ruthlessly wanted to get rid of. Here's what happened:
Morning - I got a new distributor cap for my car because we had actually fitted the wrong one on Friday..."This is it!" I thought, "My car will be fixed!". But my car thought "I'm going to just sit here and not start."
Lunch/Afternoon - Most of this was spent driving to my gran's, eating a "birthday pub lunch" for my bro's birthday, and driving home again. I slept during the drive
Tuesday - By now I had replaced most of the electrical ignition system on my car (we had narrowed the problem down to that)...all apart from one part. In the morning I rang into work and told them I'd be late in while I sorted out my car. I went up to car-part shop, who ordered the remaining part and told me it'd be in by 11am! Sorted! I could just wait a bit longer, fit the part and my car would be alive again! Not quite so sorted; the part wasn't in by 12pm, so I went to work. After work I dropped by to pick up the part; they'd ordered the wrong part!!!! Grrrr!!! They apologised and said they'd get the correct part in the next day. Tried to get the part from Halfords, but they didn't have it. Spent the night helping Adam catch up with some of his work as repayment for driving me to Halfords.
The Next Day; Wednesday - Got up, went to work, got part and came home. The moment of truth was upon me; would this work? Would my car be well again? The answer No, no, no, no, NO! Grrr!! This was silly! Now I have to take my car to a garage! I phoned the garage and they can't look at it until next week :( so I'm carless (not careless :-P) . I spent the rest of the evening annoyed about my car and vegging out to try to let my brain unwind. I really regret it for reasons I care not to share with you. Needless to say, it was a muppetish thing to do. Grr.
Thursday - Thursday wasn't bad; work as usual followed by Pizza Hut and watching HHGTG again! It was cool becauase I got to see my wonderful girl, Lisa, and I got to see HHGTG. I think I liked it better the second time...I was a bit less shell-shocked by how some of the characters differed from my expectations (that's what you get for reading and loving the books too much...).
Today is just today really. Needless to say (even though I've already said it), I'm looking forward to sleep. I think I'll sleep when I get home until it's time to go to youth...hopefully Lis will be able to join us *grin*
Tomorrow I will finally sort out my room. It's been long overdue. I'm not looking forward to it, but praise God I have a room to sort - some people just have a square of floor and no possessions.
Listening to: A Weird Llama Song
U crazy lady.
You're just after the chocolate! I see your game.
TommyDB, at 7/5/05 00:44
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