I Play 'A'
Hi Everybody (Hi Doctor 'T'). I'm sorry for my lack of update - I simply couldn't face the internet after the vicious assault that I suffered at the hands of my anonymous attacker ('Dirty J***s' we call her). It has been a while - a week in fact! Let me summarize what happened in the last 7 days....
...yes...stuff happened. On Monday was worship practice as per usual - we practiced the Delirious songs again. Tuesday was cinema...only I was running late, so we missed the film. Instead, the few of us that went (Beautiful Lis, Charlotte and Sam) went to KFC for some munch...decided against it, and so went to Pizza Hut instead. Wednesday was work, and then a leaders' meeting at church. Thursday, we had band practice, and Lis came along to that. She even said she liked the songs!
Conversation (who said what is a open to debate...but it's correct *enough*)
TT - Tris TO - Timmay TSR - Tom
TT - "What should we play now?"
TO - *turns page* "We should do this one," *points*
TSR - "You've played it a few times before,"
TT - *looks* "Yeah, I kinda recognise it,"
*TO starts off song*
*TT struggles to keep up on his guitar, but picks it up soon enough*
TT - *stops playing* "Wa-a-ait a minute. This is the song that *I* wrote with Tom!"
I found that quite funny, but I think *only* I do, so please just laugh along to humour me. Please.
Right, that was Thursday. On Friday was youth club as normal, and afterwards, a bunch of us went to Pizza Hut (surprise, surprise). Simon had wanted to come out for a few weeks, and I had been willing, however, his parents hadn't; he had needed some early Saturday starts. So Simon came to Pizza Hut with us.
Unrelated Sidenote (kindof): There are people (let's call them Bill and Ben) who you help out, nurture and defend when people are saying that Bill and Ben talk about other people behind their backs. You don't believe it, and then, BAM; Bill and Ben start talking about *you* behind *your* back. What should you do? Every part of you wants to confront them or, failing that, simply not bother with them any more; why should you be a walkover!? Then there's God - He says you should forgive Bill and Ben, and move on. I'll probably end up forgiving them, not saying anything, but not trusting them much any more. Thoughts anybody?
Saturday: This was the day of many boxes. As you probably know, my parents are moving to [[location]], and I'm moving up the road to live with Joe. This means that we have to tidy the house up for selling, and I have to move stuff over to Joe's to make my room less full. Last time we moved, I couldn't be bothered to do a 'clean-out' of my room, and most of the rubbish didn't get unpacked; it just went into the attic! Saturday morning, all of these boxes got brough out of the attic - about 10-15 of them! Lis came round, and in the avo we went through all of my old stuff. I'd like to say that I was incredibly efficient, didn't reminisce, and finished the job in a tiny amount of time. However, I ended up reading through old school books, scrap pieces of paper, and even old Christmas cards. I also found a few calculator boxes and calculators!! Even though it was my stuff, and I'd packed it in the first place, my most common thought/phrase was "I remember that!". I ended up with 3½ boxes of stuff to keep, and 6 to send to the dump. And a bunch of empties too *grin*
Evening: There was a Dance Extravaganza at church for the dance group(s), along with some dance groups from other churches. Lis came along, but unfortunately I was helping Nick with the lighting/sound, so I had to leave her with Tom. Poor Lis ;) After the dance thing, Tom and myself went back to Woodie's so that he could meet a particular lil housemate of Lis's ;) she wasn't around though :( but we did watch Eddie Izzard though (always good *grin*).
Bombshell Sunday: Well, it's official; Sunday was the most *different* day of church ever. When I got back from France last month, I got told that our Senior minister and his wife were going to be moving to the US to take over a church there. *bam!!* I couldn't believe it! Then I got told who the new minister is and what their plans were, and I immediately became positive about it...I think it's going to be a really good thing! Our current minister's gifting is with planting new church and breaking new ground. Our church is getting a bit established now, and his focus is wider than pushing the local church forward - he's more of a 'big picture' person. The change will be great cuz it'll let him concentrate on the big picture a lot more, while someone else concentrates on the local stuff! Aaaanyways, Sunday was the day where the changes were announced at church...it's finally all out in the open. Generally, I think people are really positive about the changes - I haven't heard anything negative about it! Obviously we're going to miss the minister on a personal level, and will miss his teaching, but he's back for 3 months of the year, so it's not like we're never seeing him again! God's great when he coaxes us out of the boat ;) After church, my gorgeous girlfriend and I watched "Gattaca" on DVD.
Today is work, and you're finally filled in! Yay! Tonight we've got worship practice, though I think it'll be more chill time to chat about the changes announced yesterday. Because it'll be shorter, Tim, Tom, Mark, Andy and myself have organised to have a band practice too. Then home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!
My headphones arrived last week and they rock!! Boom-boom-boom goes the bass. Chucka-chucka-chucka goes the guitar noises. Heh heh. Chordmaster thing hasn't arrived yet :( needs to hurry up cuz I've lost all but 1 of my plectrums :S
...yes...stuff happened. On Monday was worship practice as per usual - we practiced the Delirious songs again. Tuesday was cinema...only I was running late, so we missed the film. Instead, the few of us that went (Beautiful Lis, Charlotte and Sam) went to KFC for some munch...decided against it, and so went to Pizza Hut instead. Wednesday was work, and then a leaders' meeting at church. Thursday, we had band practice, and Lis came along to that. She even said she liked the songs!
Conversation (who said what is a open to debate...but it's correct *enough*)
TT - Tris TO - Timmay TSR - Tom
TT - "What should we play now?"
TO - *turns page* "We should do this one," *points*
TSR - "You've played it a few times before,"
TT - *looks* "Yeah, I kinda recognise it,"
*TO starts off song*
*TT struggles to keep up on his guitar, but picks it up soon enough*
TT - *stops playing* "Wa-a-ait a minute. This is the song that *I* wrote with Tom!"
I found that quite funny, but I think *only* I do, so please just laugh along to humour me. Please.
Right, that was Thursday. On Friday was youth club as normal, and afterwards, a bunch of us went to Pizza Hut (surprise, surprise). Simon had wanted to come out for a few weeks, and I had been willing, however, his parents hadn't; he had needed some early Saturday starts. So Simon came to Pizza Hut with us.
Unrelated Sidenote (kindof): There are people (let's call them Bill and Ben) who you help out, nurture and defend when people are saying that Bill and Ben talk about other people behind their backs. You don't believe it, and then, BAM; Bill and Ben start talking about *you* behind *your* back. What should you do? Every part of you wants to confront them or, failing that, simply not bother with them any more; why should you be a walkover!? Then there's God - He says you should forgive Bill and Ben, and move on. I'll probably end up forgiving them, not saying anything, but not trusting them much any more. Thoughts anybody?
Saturday: This was the day of many boxes. As you probably know, my parents are moving to [[location]]
Evening: There was a Dance Extravaganza at church for the dance group(s), along with some dance groups from other churches. Lis came along, but unfortunately I was helping Nick with the lighting/sound, so I had to leave her with Tom. Poor Lis ;) After the dance thing, Tom and myself went back to Woodie's so that he could meet a particular lil housemate of Lis's ;) she wasn't around though :( but we did watch Eddie Izzard though (always good *grin*).
Bombshell Sunday: Well, it's official; Sunday was the most *different* day of church ever. When I got back from France last month, I got told that our Senior minister and his wife were going to be moving to the US to take over a church there. *bam!!* I couldn't believe it! Then I got told who the new minister is and what their plans were, and I immediately became positive about it...I think it's going to be a really good thing! Our current minister's gifting is with planting new church and breaking new ground. Our church is getting a bit established now, and his focus is wider than pushing the local church forward - he's more of a 'big picture' person. The change will be great cuz it'll let him concentrate on the big picture a lot more, while someone else concentrates on the local stuff! Aaaanyways, Sunday was the day where the changes were announced at church...it's finally all out in the open. Generally, I think people are really positive about the changes - I haven't heard anything negative about it! Obviously we're going to miss the minister on a personal level, and will miss his teaching, but he's back for 3 months of the year, so it's not like we're never seeing him again! God's great when he coaxes us out of the boat ;) After church, my gorgeous girlfriend and I watched "Gattaca" on DVD.
Today is work, and you're finally filled in! Yay! Tonight we've got worship practice, though I think it'll be more chill time to chat about the changes announced yesterday. Because it'll be shorter, Tim, Tom, Mark, Andy and myself have organised to have a band practice too. Then home and sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!!
My headphones arrived last week and they rock!! Boom-boom-boom goes the bass. Chucka-chucka-chucka goes the guitar noises. Heh heh. Chordmaster thing hasn't arrived yet :( needs to hurry up cuz I've lost all but 1 of my plectrums :S
Listening to: Seven Day Jesus - "Always Comes Around"
It sounded funnier the other night. Your complete confusion at the song doesn't come over well in this :(
Saturday was a good day :)
You forgot to mention friday night pizza ;)
Mafia!, at 25/4/05 14:19
Sidenote: Tom was only there to see the room that he'd seen on my webcam ... not to see any of my housemates *grin* And as for leaving me with him Saturday night ... there's worse ppl u cud have left me with ;)
Mafia!, at 25/4/05 14:25
Another sidenote: World ... you better appreciate this update ... just cos you better appreciate it.
Mafia!, at 25/4/05 16:50
Ta, Lis. My defender against the accuser Tristan. :P
I understand the Bill and Ben part better now after the edit.
Hmm, can't say I've been in that position, but if I was, I'd think I'd do what you're doing.
But, then again, I'm not really a confrontational person (IMO) when it comes to actually going upto someone and accusing them of something. (Playing Risk/mafia aside) ;) So the confrontational option wouldn't be that big an option.
It all depends how strongly I felt about it I guess.
Obviously, I think it's wise to not trust them again, or at least be a little wary. If they want the trust back, it's gonna have to be earned.
BTW, feeding me cyptic things is bad mmkay. My mind is now on alert. lol :P
TommyDB, at 25/4/05 18:17
Anyone willing to fill an ex sanctuary boy and his wife in on who the new mininster is?
Juckle, at 25/4/05 18:37
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