Updating My Bog After Stooping For A While
Good morning! If you've read Maria's comments on Lis's blog and my blog, then you'll understand the title.
Let's see, I haven't updated my blog for almost three weeks!!! Wow, how amazing is that?!? I must apologise to my loyal fan base - the many comments I've received have been an inspiration to blog. After all, you're the reason I blog. No, really you are. Obviously I don't enjoy it in the slightest.
I am a bit daunted about updating, because 3 weeks is a long time and I'm not sure I can really be bothered to tell you all about it, so I'm thinking I might just do some highlights.
I went to France, Monaco & Italy with Nigel, Esther, Loz, Maz, Adam, Luke and Nathan. Had a really good time. We were living it up in Nice (France), and hopped over to Monaco and Italy on the train for day-trips. Saw a famous person's yacht (though it was more like a cruise-liner; it had a helicopter on top!), some gorgeous cars (Aston Martin DB9s - two of them!), saw some *really* beautiful, sparkly sea, ate lots of cheese and sampled various wines/cocktails (White Russian...mmm).
While there, Nathan and myself played a game which I am about to dub, "SmartCiao". If you saw a SmartCar you shouted "SmartCar!". This included SmartCarRoadsters and SmartCarForFours. If you saw a moped/scooter thing then you shouted "Ciao!". If you saw a "Ciao" (which is what we started calling mopeds) with two people on it, then you shouted "Ciao-Down!". This was really fun - you could get combos. E.g. "Ciao-Down, SmartCar!". All of this game was played using "Beavis & Butthead"-screamy-style voices (well...really it was just Beavis-style voice..he's more psycho, and Butthead's is just plain hard). This was great fun in Italy because there are nothing but "Ciao"s everywhere! CiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiao!
We have come up with a UK version of the "Ciao" part of the game; "Chav" ;)
(for those non-UK readers who don't know what a "Chav" is - click here - the teenage Chavs tend to ride around on moped/scooter things that are painted like racing motorbikes, but have a top speed of 35mph: downhill. Or at least that's what they're like in Bristol.)
**gets distracted for 20 minutes looking at new-found chav site**
Last Week
Last week was pretty good! Work went really quickly due to a shed-load of work. If you're about to ask what a shed-load is; it is the amount of something that will fit into your standard garden shed. So if you had a shed-load of money, then you're stinking rich and you're laughing. However, if you had a shedload of adult elephants then that's not even a whole elephant. But you'd still be laughing.
Thursday & Weekend
Thursday was one of the best days last week - my gorgeous girlfriend came home and I got to see her again! It was fantastic! I've seen my lovely Lis every day since then - bliss :) Won't get to see her today though :( oooh, that reminds me to remind her...
ps - you're gorgeous :)
I managed to find a complete box-set of all Futurama for a cheap price!! I've been watching a fair few of those. I also watched some Family Guy, and had forgotten just how funny it is! Grr, I wish my memory was better so that I could quote it; it had me in stitches yesterday!
On Friday night, a few car-loads of us went to Pizza Hut to munch after youth club. I needed the men's room at the end, so my car left later than the other two cars. As we were going around the ring-road, we spotted a couple of cars crashed into the barriers on one of the round-abouts! Tom had lost control on the round-about and Chris had gone into the back of him. Nobody was hurt whatsoever (except some bruises on John's leg) - thank-you Jesus!), but both cars look like they're going to be written off. I feel really bad for you Tom :( you were really unlucky and it really sucks that it happened :( I'm glad you've got fully-comp insurance.
Playin' The Bass
Got to play my bass yesterday - mmm. Tonight, at worship practice, we're going to be learning "Majesty" by Delirous. "Harriet" taught me the cool bassline for the verse in my piano lesson, and he did a lil instrumental at church yesterday at one point..I joined in *grin* - so much fun to play. Lis: it's still in my head, LoL.
Right, I suppose I'd better do some work now that I've finally updated for you demanding people. It's been fun.
About to Listen to: Garbage's new album - "Bleed Like Me"
Let's see, I haven't updated my blog for almost three weeks!!! Wow, how amazing is that?!? I must apologise to my loyal fan base - the many comments I've received have been an inspiration to blog. After all, you're the reason I blog. No, really you are. Obviously I don't enjoy it in the slightest.
I am a bit daunted about updating, because 3 weeks is a long time and I'm not sure I can really be bothered to tell you all about it, so I'm thinking I might just do some highlights.
I went to France, Monaco & Italy with Nigel, Esther, Loz, Maz, Adam, Luke and Nathan. Had a really good time. We were living it up in Nice (France), and hopped over to Monaco and Italy on the train for day-trips. Saw a famous person's yacht (though it was more like a cruise-liner; it had a helicopter on top!), some gorgeous cars (Aston Martin DB9s - two of them!), saw some *really* beautiful, sparkly sea, ate lots of cheese and sampled various wines/cocktails (White Russian...mmm).
While there, Nathan and myself played a game which I am about to dub, "SmartCiao". If you saw a SmartCar you shouted "SmartCar!". This included SmartCarRoadsters and SmartCarForFours. If you saw a moped/scooter thing then you shouted "Ciao!". If you saw a "Ciao" (which is what we started calling mopeds) with two people on it, then you shouted "Ciao-Down!". This was really fun - you could get combos. E.g. "Ciao-Down, SmartCar!". All of this game was played using "Beavis & Butthead"-screamy-style voices (well...really it was just Beavis-style voice..he's more psycho, and Butthead's is just plain hard). This was great fun in Italy because there are nothing but "Ciao"s everywhere! CiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiaoCiao!
We have come up with a UK version of the "Ciao" part of the game; "Chav" ;)
(for those non-UK readers who don't know what a "Chav" is - click here - the teenage Chavs tend to ride around on moped/scooter things that are painted like racing motorbikes, but have a top speed of 35mph: downhill. Or at least that's what they're like in Bristol.)
**gets distracted for 20 minutes looking at new-found chav site**
Last Week
Last week was pretty good! Work went really quickly due to a shed-load of work. If you're about to ask what a shed-load is; it is the amount of something that will fit into your standard garden shed. So if you had a shed-load of money, then you're stinking rich and you're laughing. However, if you had a shedload of adult elephants then that's not even a whole elephant. But you'd still be laughing.
Thursday & Weekend
Thursday was one of the best days last week - my gorgeous girlfriend came home and I got to see her again! It was fantastic! I've seen my lovely Lis every day since then - bliss :) Won't get to see her today though :( oooh, that reminds me to remind her...
ps - you're gorgeous :)
I managed to find a complete box-set of all Futurama for a cheap price!! I've been watching a fair few of those. I also watched some Family Guy, and had forgotten just how funny it is! Grr, I wish my memory was better so that I could quote it; it had me in stitches yesterday!
On Friday night, a few car-loads of us went to Pizza Hut to munch after youth club. I needed the men's room at the end, so my car left later than the other two cars. As we were going around the ring-road, we spotted a couple of cars crashed into the barriers on one of the round-abouts! Tom had lost control on the round-about and Chris had gone into the back of him. Nobody was hurt whatsoever (except some bruises on John's leg) - thank-you Jesus!), but both cars look like they're going to be written off. I feel really bad for you Tom :( you were really unlucky and it really sucks that it happened :( I'm glad you've got fully-comp insurance.
Playin' The Bass
Got to play my bass yesterday - mmm. Tonight, at worship practice, we're going to be learning "Majesty" by Delirous. "Harriet" taught me the cool bassline for the verse in my piano lesson, and he did a lil instrumental at church yesterday at one point..I joined in *grin* - so much fun to play. Lis: it's still in my head, LoL.
Right, I suppose I'd better do some work now that I've finally updated for you demanding people. It's been fun.
About to Listen to: Garbage's new album - "Bleed Like Me"
Thankyou, Thankyou, Thankyou for updating. And I even got a mention, or 2, or 3.......
And that bass line is still in my head too ... and I can't even play the stupid thing!!!
Missin you loads xx
Mafia!, at 11/4/05 11:27
Ta matey.
Oh, I didn't forget to reply to your txt, I just forgot... until now...
O'course you can use the pic.
I'll take some more on the weekend cos I'm getting the rest of my stuff out of it.
TommyDB, at 12/4/05 12:30
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