Ode To A Diamond
Disclaimer: This is a soppy post. For those of you who don't have sick bags, or who have otherwise adverse reactions to public displays of affection, I would advise that you look away....now.
Lis, I need to let you know how amazing you are. You bring a light to my day every time I get a text from you, and my heart skips a beat whenever I see "Inbox(1)" for my email (now isn't that a romantic line...). I love the fact that you're so understanding of me (I need it), and that I'm totally crazy about you. I don't want anybody else. I think you're fantastic just the way God made you, just being 'you'. I want to live the adventure of life with you at my side, working with you every step of the way. I want to go through good times and bad times with you; making you smile, and laugh, and melt. I want to be there for you when you need me, and I want to run to you when I'm feeling down. I want to be able to show you how lucky I feel to be with you every day and I want to give you everything you need.
You're an incredible, beautiful diamond. I never want to stop fighting for you.
Your Man.
Lis, I need to let you know how amazing you are. You bring a light to my day every time I get a text from you, and my heart skips a beat whenever I see "Inbox(1)" for my email (now isn't that a romantic line...). I love the fact that you're so understanding of me (I need it), and that I'm totally crazy about you. I don't want anybody else. I think you're fantastic just the way God made you, just being 'you'. I want to live the adventure of life with you at my side, working with you every step of the way. I want to go through good times and bad times with you; making you smile, and laugh, and melt. I want to be there for you when you need me, and I want to run to you when I'm feeling down. I want to be able to show you how lucky I feel to be with you every day and I want to give you everything you need.
You're an incredible, beautiful diamond. I never want to stop fighting for you.
Your Man.
Thank you. I wanna give you the world. There's nothing I can say really in reply to that ... but you're so amazing and I am so incredibly lucky ... I love that your my man. I love how you care for me and protect me. I love how you want to fight for me.
I love how you want this to be a relationship of 3 as much as I do, with God at the centre.
Thank you so, so much for your 'display of public affection' *grins widely* you're the only man I wanna be with. You're my man!!
ur girl xx
Mafia!, at 5/5/05 11:57
Love is in the air oooooh ooooooh ooooooh Love is in the air!!!
Shux you guys ;)
If Michael Bolton wants to know hwat love is he better read your blog.................aaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww
Juckle, at 5/5/05 17:57
"I love how you want this to be a relationship of 3 as much as I do, with Tom at the centre."
Nice post btw.
TommyDB, at 5/5/05 18:45
What can I say here, but 'AWWWWWWWWWWWWW'.
Valancy Jane, at 6/5/05 00:06
Aww, Tristan, you utterly sweet guy! (I really didn't think you had it in you). And I insist on meeting this young lady sometime soon!
Nathan, at 6/5/05 11:16
Nathan: Of course he's got it in him. And he grows even sweeter by the day :) hehehe. I love it :D Meet me? meh! I shall run and hide and not meet you.
Maria: Marriage proposal??? Ha!!! If *that* is your idea of a marriage proposal! meh!!!!!
Tom: thanks for 'cheering me up' the other night. much appreciated. I didn't realise you equated yourself with God though :p
Emma: bout time you blogged, don't ya think ...
Tristan: More posts like this one please :) hehe. I love them :) They make me *grin( widely. More, More, More!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D
Mafia!, at 6/5/05 11:46
Whats that i hear...?
Anonymous, at 11/5/05 15:51
OK, I tried to do some detective work to see who the anonymous commenter was ... my inital thought was Maria.
Then I decided to have a little look at something ... It just so happens that you bookmarked your blog stats page and I can now see them, so I had a little look for anyone who visited your site on either 10th / 11th May (I frequently check your blog for new comments) around that time and there at 15:51pm was a referal from Jenny's blog ... so now I've *no* idea. Grrr....and there I was trying to be smart.
Ah well.
Mafia!, at 12/5/05 04:51
oh yeah. And: mathspc-60.st-and.ac.uk is their IP address. Um...someone on a computer in the maths department at St. Andrews uni :)
Now I know a few ppl there, only 2 of which know about this blog ... Jenny and Craig. SO .... I'd say it's one of the two :)
Mafia!, at 12/5/05 04:59
Im afraid i have to clear my name it wasn't me! Although i have to say i think the anonymous person has a point along with maria! :P But i am innocent, so im afraid the detective work must go on!
Jenny, at 12/5/05 11:33
Nooooooooo they're closin in on me.... *runs and hides behind a computer*
heres a link that might be relevant in the very near future...
hint hint ;) Tristan, pull yr finger out dude. Dumm, dum da dummm, Dum Daaa Da Dummm.....
Anonymous, at 17/5/05 14:35
Analysis(from my brain and my webcounter):
- Anonymous was referred from Loz's blog
- Anonymous is from an Australian IP address
- Anyonymous is handing out relationship advice
- It's Mike?
PS : Anon - what's Opera 7 like? You run a pretty high screen res too - I like it ;)
T, at 17/5/05 15:06
Whos Mike? I know a 'Mick' and a 'Michael' and even a Dj, but Mike - nada.... :-P
Oh, and a 21" mon means high res - otherwise stuff looks THIS BIG lol
Anonymous, at 18/5/05 12:57
Hehe, dude - its pretty obvious that yr made for each other, so why wait and draw it out....?
DjM, at 18/5/05 13:01
Anon: I hate to be picky (like you; MICHAEL), but high res is the resolution you run your screen at (in your case 1280x1024). You can be running at 640x480 on a 21" monitor and that is a LOW resolution. Conversely, you could be running at 1280x1024 on a 14" monitor (if it supports it) and you would be running a HIGH resolution. Montior size has nothing to do with resolution other than bigger monitors are generally capable of running higher resolutions.
e.g. a 32" Widescreen TV generally runs at a lower resolution than a 17" montior at 1280x1024.
Hope that clears things up for ya. Michael :P
As for the wedding, who says we're not getting married soon? Maybe we're being selective about who knows...
T, at 18/5/05 13:16
Um, dude - read it again. :D
"Oh, and a 21" mon means high res - otherwise stuff looks THIS BIG lol"
That MEANS that if you run 640x480 on a 21" you get very little on yr screen (the same as 640x480 on ANY size screen btw) - and icons look FREAKIN HUGE.... comprendo?
After 4 yrs of Computer SCience (Hons) and the offical IEEE professional title of "Software Engineer" - accompanied of course by another degree - Mechanical Engineering (and the appropriate IEAust professional recognition); i think i know what screen res means ;)
LOL thanks for clearing that up anways dude... :D
PS>What, your not SURE shes the one?? Is that why you wont propose?? Dude, she might slip thru yr fingers if yr not careful.... ;)
DjM, at 18/5/05 13:56
I mis-understood what you put; sorry about that.
I also have a degree in software engineering; but didn't feel the need to throw it in anybody's face cuz it's just a bit of paper. I know people without that piece of paper who know what hi-res is (e.g. my amazing gal; Lis). I also know other people who *have* a degree in software engineering who *don't* know the difference.
"PS>What, your not SURE shes the one?? Is that why you wont propose?? Dude, she might slip thru yr fingers if yr not careful.... ;) "
If you're trying to anger and offend me; you just did.
T, at 18/5/05 14:18
Sorry dude, just playing up the obvious and havin a laugh.... Lis has told me its not gonna happen, so dont stress.
Didnt mean to make anyone angry - just playin :)
DjM, at 18/5/05 14:34
Star Wars tomorrow!
TommyDB, at 18/5/05 19:02
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