God Created Whips
Wow, it has been such a long time since I last blogged. And I don't mean those quizzes that I put up. I mean properly blogged. Let's see....it was...uh...*looks at blog*...two weeks ago! Woah! It was my random linky thing. Man. Stuff has happened since then!
Work has been work really. It's been a really busy couple of weeks, which is good in a way because it means that time has gone quickly! I had my appraisal last week which went really well. Gave me some pointers as to what to do to get my pay increased at my pay review in September.
Star Wars
How cool was that movie!?? I won't talk much about it here for those who haven't seen it, but it was definitely the best out of the new ones. I haven't seen the originals for a loooong time, but I really want to now! Anybody got them on DVD that I can borrow (hint-hint)?
- Time Off
I had a Sunday off of playing bass at church! Yay! Was really good to just chill in the congregation and get with God. People did give me strange looks though! They couldn't quite believe that I had two whole meetings off (the morning and the evening). It was great *grin*
- Leaving
Well, this Sunday was Darren & Sara's last week here. We had an 'official' service in the morning to 'release' them to go. In the evening we had a party at church! Just had a fun service with songs and stuff. The hall was decorated with American-type-stuff, old embarassing photos were put on walls, fun songs were sang, and there was generally a lot of crying and stuff. I must admit, I'm going to miss them. They've had such a huge influence in my life, and I really thank God for them. He's going to do loads of cool stuff with them in the future.
- Web Site
Well, after a year of battling it out with the web-hosts for our church web site, they've finally performed an upgrade and sorted out most of our problems! I know that's not too exciting for you, but I'm over the moon about it!!! Lots of new techie things for me to play with...mwaaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ahem
I can't remember much more than that. Lis can testify that I don't really have the best memory in the world. I guess I should blog it so that I remember ;) that means I'm just going to write about some other things that I can remember more recently.
I discovered that my car's MOT ran out in January! EEeeeep, I'd been driving it illegally for 4½ months!! For those non-english readers, and MOT is a test you run your car through every year to make sure it's roadworthy. You're not allowed to have your car on the road unless it's passed an MOT in the past year.
So I got an MOT done and it failed (surprisingly..not). It took me a week and a half to put right, but I ended up doing most of the work myself! Changed some bulbs, got new wiper blades, tightened the handbrake, changed the brake pads. The only thing I didn't do was put a the new tyre on my wheel..but to be fair, not many people could do that :-P I was dead proud...I saved loads of money doing it myself. Although I learned the hard way that when removing brake pads there are two principles that, if you get wrong, will seriously hinder your progress.
1) Use metric allen keys that are measured in millimetres on a VW, not ones that are measured in fractions of an inch.
2) When unscrewing the securing bolt, remember to turn it anti-clockwise.
Those will save you hours. I repeat; HOURS of wasted time. Right...onwards. The car passed the second time after my DIY work. Yay! How cool is that!?
BBQ Overload
This weekend was a bank holiday weekend which meant three things:
1 - I got to spend many, many hours with my gorgeous girlfriend.
2 - I spent a lot of time in the sunny outdoors, and even managed to play football (soccer). Twice.
3 - BBQs galore!
On Friday night we went to the park for youth club. It was great - played a bit of basketball and then a bit of footie, with a nice break in the middle where I bought some ice-lollies (popsicles), a drink, and managed to have a fairly deep conversation with one of our ex-youth who is having a bit of a rough time of it right now. Was quite tired that evening, so went straight to bed.
Saturday - I actually got a lie-in! Yay! Felt sooo good. After getting up, I went up to church to meet the youth. We were going to someone's house for a BBQ and needed to get lost with..I mean..'follow' Nige. But once we got there, we had the juicy goodness of searing hot animal flesh...*dribble*
The evening was really nice. Addy, Tommy, Mazzy, Lisa and myself went for a Chinese on Park Street. Was really nice, and very reasonable priced too...especailly for Park Street (expensive, posh, city-centre street in Bristol). Went for a drink a afterwards too; was a really nice night :) we tried to catch up with some friends too, but ended up just wandering around for a bit before going home.
Sunday was emotional - Daz & Sara left - see above.
Monday was pretty cool. Had another lie-in - ahhhhh. Then went to lunch with Lis and Nathan at the Van Dyke (mmm, Chicken Pasta Al Fredo). Some church people were at the park, so we went there afterwards. I played a li'l bit of footie and got nice and sweaty, much to Lisa's delight. No really..she was delighted that my face was dripping with salty sweat and my t-shirt was soaked while she hugged me. Went home and then went to Ali's housewarming BBQ - mmm...more meat! That was quite cool - got to chill and chat and stuff. Nice way to finish off the bank holiday don't you think?
I didn't.
At 8pm, Lisa and I then picked up Nathan and his ex-'ex', and went to Wales! Yes, Wales..home of the Welsh and many, many sheepses. We were going to wish Mike a happy 24th birthday. Little did he know that he was having a surprise party that night. We got there late though, so he knew by the time we got there. What we didn't know was that his party was in the form of a.....BBQ! Yes! MORE DEAD FOOD TO EAT! I was kinda full thought, so just ate a burger. I drove home, dropped people off, and dropped into bed.
Today is being today so far.
I apologies for the dull nature of my blog, but it is a catch-up blog. I may make it more interesting if work dies down a bit :-S
Right - better do some actual work now. Ahem.
Listening to: Mercy Me - "Spoken For" (Spoken For)
Work has been work really. It's been a really busy couple of weeks, which is good in a way because it means that time has gone quickly! I had my appraisal last week which went really well. Gave me some pointers as to what to do to get my pay increased at my pay review in September.
Star Wars
How cool was that movie!?? I won't talk much about it here for those who haven't seen it, but it was definitely the best out of the new ones. I haven't seen the originals for a loooong time, but I really want to now! Anybody got them on DVD that I can borrow (hint-hint)?
- Time Off
I had a Sunday off of playing bass at church! Yay! Was really good to just chill in the congregation and get with God. People did give me strange looks though! They couldn't quite believe that I had two whole meetings off (the morning and the evening). It was great *grin*
- Leaving
Well, this Sunday was Darren & Sara's last week here. We had an 'official' service in the morning to 'release' them to go. In the evening we had a party at church! Just had a fun service with songs and stuff. The hall was decorated with American-type-stuff, old embarassing photos were put on walls, fun songs were sang, and there was generally a lot of crying and stuff. I must admit, I'm going to miss them. They've had such a huge influence in my life, and I really thank God for them. He's going to do loads of cool stuff with them in the future.
- Web Site
Well, after a year of battling it out with the web-hosts for our church web site, they've finally performed an upgrade and sorted out most of our problems! I know that's not too exciting for you, but I'm over the moon about it!!! Lots of new techie things for me to play with...mwaaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaa. Ahem
I can't remember much more than that. Lis can testify that I don't really have the best memory in the world. I guess I should blog it so that I remember ;) that means I'm just going to write about some other things that I can remember more recently.
I discovered that my car's MOT ran out in January! EEeeeep, I'd been driving it illegally for 4½ months!! For those non-english readers, and MOT is a test you run your car through every year to make sure it's roadworthy. You're not allowed to have your car on the road unless it's passed an MOT in the past year.
So I got an MOT done and it failed (surprisingly..not). It took me a week and a half to put right, but I ended up doing most of the work myself! Changed some bulbs, got new wiper blades, tightened the handbrake, changed the brake pads. The only thing I didn't do was put a the new tyre on my wheel..but to be fair, not many people could do that :-P I was dead proud...I saved loads of money doing it myself. Although I learned the hard way that when removing brake pads there are two principles that, if you get wrong, will seriously hinder your progress.
1) Use metric allen keys that are measured in millimetres on a VW, not ones that are measured in fractions of an inch.
2) When unscrewing the securing bolt, remember to turn it anti-clockwise.
Those will save you hours. I repeat; HOURS of wasted time. Right...onwards. The car passed the second time after my DIY work. Yay! How cool is that!?
BBQ Overload
This weekend was a bank holiday weekend which meant three things:
1 - I got to spend many, many hours with my gorgeous girlfriend.
2 - I spent a lot of time in the sunny outdoors, and even managed to play football (soccer). Twice.
3 - BBQs galore!
On Friday night we went to the park for youth club. It was great - played a bit of basketball and then a bit of footie, with a nice break in the middle where I bought some ice-lollies (popsicles), a drink, and managed to have a fairly deep conversation with one of our ex-youth who is having a bit of a rough time of it right now. Was quite tired that evening, so went straight to bed.
Saturday - I actually got a lie-in! Yay! Felt sooo good. After getting up, I went up to church to meet the youth. We were going to someone's house for a BBQ and needed to get lost with..I mean..'follow' Nige. But once we got there, we had the juicy goodness of searing hot animal flesh...*dribble*
The evening was really nice. Addy, Tommy, Mazzy, Lisa and myself went for a Chinese on Park Street. Was really nice, and very reasonable priced too...especailly for Park Street (expensive, posh, city-centre street in Bristol). Went for a drink a afterwards too; was a really nice night :) we tried to catch up with some friends too, but ended up just wandering around for a bit before going home.
Sunday was emotional - Daz & Sara left - see above.
Monday was pretty cool. Had another lie-in - ahhhhh. Then went to lunch with Lis and Nathan at the Van Dyke (mmm, Chicken Pasta Al Fredo). Some church people were at the park, so we went there afterwards. I played a li'l bit of footie and got nice and sweaty, much to Lisa's delight. No really..she was delighted that my face was dripping with salty sweat and my t-shirt was soaked while she hugged me. Went home and then went to Ali's housewarming BBQ - mmm...more meat! That was quite cool - got to chill and chat and stuff. Nice way to finish off the bank holiday don't you think?
I didn't.
At 8pm, Lisa and I then picked up Nathan and his ex-'ex', and went to Wales! Yes, Wales..home of the Welsh and many, many sheepses. We were going to wish Mike a happy 24th birthday. Little did he know that he was having a surprise party that night. We got there late though, so he knew by the time we got there. What we didn't know was that his party was in the form of a.....BBQ! Yes! MORE DEAD FOOD TO EAT! I was kinda full thought, so just ate a burger. I drove home, dropped people off, and dropped into bed.
Today is being today so far.
I apologies for the dull nature of my blog, but it is a catch-up blog. I may make it more interesting if work dies down a bit :-S
Right - better do some actual work now. Ahem.
Listening to: Mercy Me - "Spoken For" (Spoken For)
Thank you for blogging :)
And I don't mind hugging you when you're all dripping with sweat ... except when I've gotta wear the same clothes for the rest of the day and you come and hug me and get me all soaked and icky!!
Running around is good for you :p
Mafia!, at 31/5/05 15:32
Nice work catering for your American and Canadian readers...
Are there any Canadians readers who visit this blog?
God also created sunsets :P
TommyDB, at 31/5/05 16:16
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