2005 - What's In Store
Right then. I *could* fill you in on what I've been doing the past few days, but it's just more of the same really. Just chilling with friends, having a laugh, and generally enjoying not having to work. So there we go. You're updated.
Disclaimer: What follows is quite deep - I apologise in advance for those of you who aren't quite used to this from me, but Loz's latest entry really got me thinking.
Much more interesting (to me) is looking ahead to the next year. This is going to be a massive year of change for my family. My step-dad is just about to start a job in Cambridge. This means that he's going to be in Cambridge quite a lot, and in the summer, my mum's going to move out there too. Which for me means that I'm going to either move to Cambridge (not likely), or move out into the big wide world on my own. I'm 24, so really, I should move out. Scary. Really scary. Also my brother is (99% certain) going to join the RAF as a pilot. For those International visitors, you may have figured out that RAF = Royal Air Force: The Military. Now I'm not against the military; we wouldn't have the relative security we have without them. But I don't want my brother to get hurt in some stupid war that's really none of our business in the first place. Rant over.
And in all of this I need to find out what God wants. I mean, what's to stop me moving to the USA and just forgetting Bristol. I could move up to Scotland and spend time with The Scots (as we call them...too many of them to call names, and there are so many more of them than just the Galloways). I could move to Cardiff and help on the church plant that our church is doing this year. I could move to London - heck man...I could move anywhere! I could become a skiing instructor and spend all of next winter on the slopes!! In fact, if I got a closer job, I could get rid of my car and pay off all my debts this year before winter, and then be a ski bum with Oak Hall for a few months. Hmm, worth thinking about. Apparently there's a high chance of meeting your future spouse on Oakhall, so maybe I should definitely consider it.
Last Year
Last year was pretty good. I worked a lot, took on more responsibility at church, made a start at learning piano (starting Grade 2 soon), improved my bass playing (in my humble opinion), went to New York for the first time (that I can remember - apparently I lived there from 0-2 years old...but I don't have any recollection of it). I feel like I've got a bit more confidence and I'm closer to some of my friends. I feel like I'm closer to my parents and my brother especially and I'm a step closer to accepting that maybe I'm valuable for who I am and not just what I do for people, and that some people might actually like me for me and not my car or technical abilities.
I haven't progressed at work as much as I'd have liked, and have discovered a few things about the world of work that make me slightly more negative about it. I *have* shared the gospel with a few people at work, but haven't really done it as much as maybe I should have. I've made a moral stand against all of the pirated DVDs that get distributed at work (by having no part of it) and I'm pretty sure that I'm a step closer to finding whatever it is that God wants me to do in my life. I've had more downs than ups with God this year, but think I'm getting a bit closer overall to understanding a bit more about Him.
Yeah, I think that overall this past year has been a good one, just gently plodding along, but the next one is going to be much more interesting and exciting.
Listening to: the whirr of the fan in my laptop
Disclaimer: What follows is quite deep - I apologise in advance for those of you who aren't quite used to this from me, but Loz's latest entry really got me thinking.
Much more interesting (to me) is looking ahead to the next year. This is going to be a massive year of change for my family. My step-dad is just about to start a job in Cambridge. This means that he's going to be in Cambridge quite a lot, and in the summer, my mum's going to move out there too. Which for me means that I'm going to either move to Cambridge (not likely), or move out into the big wide world on my own. I'm 24, so really, I should move out. Scary. Really scary. Also my brother is (99% certain) going to join the RAF as a pilot. For those International visitors, you may have figured out that RAF = Royal Air Force: The Military. Now I'm not against the military; we wouldn't have the relative security we have without them. But I don't want my brother to get hurt in some stupid war that's really none of our business in the first place. Rant over.
And in all of this I need to find out what God wants. I mean, what's to stop me moving to the USA and just forgetting Bristol. I could move up to Scotland and spend time with The Scots (as we call them...too many of them to call names, and there are so many more of them than just the Galloways). I could move to Cardiff and help on the church plant that our church is doing this year. I could move to London - heck man...I could move anywhere! I could become a skiing instructor and spend all of next winter on the slopes!! In fact, if I got a closer job, I could get rid of my car and pay off all my debts this year before winter, and then be a ski bum with Oak Hall for a few months. Hmm, worth thinking about. Apparently there's a high chance of meeting your future spouse on Oakhall, so maybe I should definitely consider it.
Last Year
Last year was pretty good. I worked a lot, took on more responsibility at church, made a start at learning piano (starting Grade 2 soon), improved my bass playing (in my humble opinion), went to New York for the first time (that I can remember - apparently I lived there from 0-2 years old...but I don't have any recollection of it). I feel like I've got a bit more confidence and I'm closer to some of my friends. I feel like I'm closer to my parents and my brother especially and I'm a step closer to accepting that maybe I'm valuable for who I am and not just what I do for people, and that some people might actually like me for me and not my car or technical abilities.
I haven't progressed at work as much as I'd have liked, and have discovered a few things about the world of work that make me slightly more negative about it. I *have* shared the gospel with a few people at work, but haven't really done it as much as maybe I should have. I've made a moral stand against all of the pirated DVDs that get distributed at work (by having no part of it) and I'm pretty sure that I'm a step closer to finding whatever it is that God wants me to do in my life. I've had more downs than ups with God this year, but think I'm getting a bit closer overall to understanding a bit more about Him.
Yeah, I think that overall this past year has been a good one, just gently plodding along, but the next one is going to be much more interesting and exciting.
Listening to: the whirr of the fan in my laptop
aww im sure people dont like you for your car... its hardly an MG convertible ;-)
I hope things work out for ya, whatever you do.. it's tough not having a clue, but God will show you and it'll all be hunky dory.. or near enough anyway.
You should know you're in my prayers, and I'm sure a lot of others are praying for you too
Happy New Year
jengajen, at 3/1/05 23:14
Some deep blogs coming out at the beginning of the year.
Me thinks God is using New Year to give us a slight kick up the arse. I know I need one! Well... maybe a bit more than a slight kick.
Don't go to Oakhall. You'll just break your leg in the first week (it happens!) Don't go to America (it's really cold sometimes) Don't go to London (it's big and scary...)
Cardiff on the other hand. Well, that WOULD be fun! Tim's thinking of going, plus I could probably drive down to see your car...
Oh, and you of course!
You *do* have a nice car though ;)
TommyDB, at 4/1/05 00:24
Aww thanks guys :)
Loz: was there meant to be a link in that comment for me to check out?
T, at 4/1/05 08:48
......or Dudley!! (sensible driving distance) and we always need really nice cars....erm....I mean actually T we do love ya and your abilities only make you who you are, not what you are. You are a fountain of knowledge when we're being thick, your a listening ear when we need one, there's always physical and spiritual help at hand even if its just "I'll pray for you" As a friend your a credit to all of us because your YOU!!!!
There .... I said it.....now get outa here ;)
Juckle, at 4/1/05 09:32
I do NOT look like Will Wheaton.
Even if I *did* try to copy his hairstyle when I was 9.
T, at 4/1/05 23:42
So you wrote this back in January and this is now May, but I'm reading through your blog again and just wanted to say that to me you're worth more than anything, and that I love you for who you are, not what you can/can't do or what you do/don't have.
ur girl xx
Mafia!, at 15/5/05 17:20
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