Things You Tell Your Kids Not To Do
Yesterday I just noticed lots of adults (parents!!) doing things that they would specifically tell their kids not to do. When my boss got into work he munched a couple of chocolates from the big tins of Roses and Celebrations that we have in the office - this was at 8am! I remember getting told off for eating chocolate in the morning! Yesterday was also our double-work-christmas-bash-thing-that-uses-hyphens-a-lot. Our canteen had a Christmas meal, which started at 2pm and finished around 4pm (when I went home!), and all the older people (I'm sure I was the youngest there) were having food/party-popper/paper-aeroplane fights across the canteen - parents always tell their kids not to do that! It was fun though!
I was completely stuffed when I went home - could hardly move! Went to my piano lesson where I got "Harriet" to show me how to play "Mary" (g'rt lush song) by Scissor Sisters on the piano ...must pracice that this week. Then home, change, and off to Bath for our team's Christmas meal at Las Iguanos in Bath. The food was great and we had these ballon things that you blew up, and then let go of. They flew around the room for ages making a whistling noise! They were so funny...although a woman on the next table didn't really seem to think so from the miserable looks she was giving us!
We stayed in Las Iguanos until about 11:30pm, at which point we went to some late-night pub called The Huntsman where they had an mp3 jukebox thing which had millions of songs on it...even some random German band that my friend from work likes (which shocked him to bits when he found them on there!). Didn't leave until about 1:30am. I drove Dave/Ben/Noré to Dave's house and then went home and slept for a few hours before getting up and going to work again!
I had a practical joke plan for work this morning. Yesterday we were extracting the bit from some crackers that made the 'bang' sound when you pulled them. Since I'm in before everyone else, I "prepared" one of the cupboards by taping the banger thing inside it so that it would go BANG when the door opened. This was in anticipation of all the hung-over people there would be in work this morning ***evil cackle*** MWAAA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA - AND IT WORKED!! Scared the life out of one of the dudes who sits next door - gave us muchness of laughing *grin*.
Today's been pretty relaxed, and also my birthday! 24 years young and getting older by the second :-S I went to Asda to get some cakes at lunchtime - mmm...cake - and have gotten lots of texts and stuff from friends :) I love my mates..they're great-great, brill-brill, wicked-wicked, skill-skill *big smile*
I really appreciate all of you lots and LOTS and thank God that he put us in a place to know each other :)
Listening To: Green Day - "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"/"Are We the Waiting" (American Idiot)
PS - Thanks Maud
I was completely stuffed when I went home - could hardly move! Went to my piano lesson where I got "Harriet" to show me how to play "Mary" (g'rt lush song) by Scissor Sisters on the piano ...must pracice that this week. Then home, change, and off to Bath for our team's Christmas meal at Las Iguanos in Bath. The food was great and we had these ballon things that you blew up, and then let go of. They flew around the room for ages making a whistling noise! They were so funny...although a woman on the next table didn't really seem to think so from the miserable looks she was giving us!
We stayed in Las Iguanos until about 11:30pm, at which point we went to some late-night pub called The Huntsman where they had an mp3 jukebox thing which had millions of songs on it...even some random German band that my friend from work likes (which shocked him to bits when he found them on there!). Didn't leave until about 1:30am. I drove Dave/Ben/Noré to Dave's house and then went home and slept for a few hours before getting up and going to work again!
I had a practical joke plan for work this morning. Yesterday we were extracting the bit from some crackers that made the 'bang' sound when you pulled them. Since I'm in before everyone else, I "prepared" one of the cupboards by taping the banger thing inside it so that it would go BANG when the door opened. This was in anticipation of all the hung-over people there would be in work this morning ***evil cackle*** MWAAA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA - AND IT WORKED!! Scared the life out of one of the dudes who sits next door - gave us muchness of laughing *grin*.
Today's been pretty relaxed, and also my birthday! 24 years young and getting older by the second :-S I went to Asda to get some cakes at lunchtime - mmm...cake - and have gotten lots of texts and stuff from friends :) I love my mates..they're great-great, brill-brill, wicked-wicked, skill-skill *big smile*
I really appreciate all of you lots and LOTS and thank God that he put us in a place to know each other :)
Listening To: Green Day - "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"/"Are We the Waiting" (American Idiot)
PS - Thanks Maud
no problemo, buddy. hope you had a great day :-)
jengajen, at 15/12/04 22:19
Happy Birthday! (late) I'm twenty-four next Thursday.
Valancy Jane, at 16/12/04 21:08
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T, at 17/12/04 08:16
Thanks VJ!
Happy Birthday to you too (early)! Have you got any birthday plans yet?
T, at 17/12/04 08:30
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