Scabby Scab Scab McScab
Three whole days! What's the world coming to? Empires have risen and fallen in three days. Jesus died and rose again in three days. It's also roughly how long I have to catch up on with this blog. First thing's first, The Scab. A lot of picking has happened and it is now (99%) scab-free. So, without further ado...Ladies and Germs, I give you: The Scab...
See. Not so bad now.
I'm sure I should be working (as somone pointed out), but it's Monday morning and I haven't woken up properly yet.
Crunchie Friday
Friday was Youth club. We took them to cinema and bowling...both at opposite ends of Bristol! I went with the bowling crew who got a game of bowling, a Burger King meal and a Christmas variety pack of Cadbury's chocolates - all for £6!! How cool is that!? Pity there weren't enough lanes for me to join in. While there I managed to eat quite a few chips (donated kindly by youth), a couple of chicken nuggets (thanks "Brian") and also managed to pretty much learn the Salsa step that we were doing at worship practice last week. It was quite funny because "Brian" and Claire ("Michelle'"s wife) were not only laughing at me practicing, but told me that some people on other lanes were laughing at me also (which probably incuded the two rather gorgeous blondes on the next lane that Tom pointed out..who were with their boyfriends). After that we went back to the building and waited for all the youth to get picked up. After that was Pizza Hut...mmm...Pizza. At The Hut were Sam, Dan, Tom, Adam and "Brian". We went, we munched, we conquered.
Saturday's X-Factor
Saturday was a nice chilled day. Spent late Friday night (when I got home) trying to help Owen de-virus and de-spyware his PC. Managed to get most of the bad stuff off, but Norton still won't install properly on his PC. Grr! Anyways, spent 'till lunch time trying to figure it all out (but still can't - I still reckon he should just wipe his HDD and start again). In the avo did a couple of loads of washing, tidied my room, loaded the dishwasher and watched Jurassic Park with Dan, Justin and Tom. How quality is that film!? It's 12 years old and the computerised dinosaurs still look amazing!! Took Dan and Justin home and then Tom and myself watched X-Factor. I decided that Tabby was going to win and didn't need any votes, and I really didn't want G4 to get through, so I stuck in a vote for Steve. I'm thinking that maybe the rest of the nation thought the same, and nobody voted for Tabby, cuz he went out! Oops :-S LoL
In the evening we had our first Men's Homegroup - which was a social in a curry house! The food took a while to come and was average (mmm, Chicken Tikka Masala and Naan bread). We chatted about loads of cool stuff - including loads of evangelism and outreach ideas. We then decided that our homegroup meetings would be 3 times a month; 1 early-morning prayer meeting, 1 evening teaching meeting and 1 social (YES - more food!). We finished at about 10:30 and then Adam, Tom and myself decided to do a psycho late-night cinema job. Went to see the 23:30 showing of The Machurian Candidate which finished at around 2am! It was pretty good. I love watching films when I don't know anything about them before-hand. I avoid trailers for films that I know I'm going to watch because they usually give stuff away about the film.
Sunday, Merry Sunday
Sunday was pretty cool. Church as usual. Darren's away in the US at the moment, so Sara preached about the Holy Spirit and the difference between being anointed and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Was really cool. Seemed to be a few new faces in the church too (probably about 4-5). In the avo I cleaned up the kitchen a bit, made some rice and sausages and slept for a couple of hours. I tried to read, but fell asleep after about 2 pages. Woke up, went to church for our evangelism evening. Had fun playin' the cool new song we did a couple of weeks ago in worship practice ("Forever and a Day" from the new Hillsong album - "For All You've Done"). Bunch of us went to Adam's afterwards. Got home early at about 10:30 (praise God for youth curfews), chatted to Owen for a bit, read some of Proverbs (without question, one of the coolest books in the Bible), managed to read a fair chunk of my book and slept!
Now I'm at work.
Listening to: Christina Aguilera - "Blessed" (Christina Aguilera)
See. Not so bad now.
I'm sure I should be working (as somone pointed out), but it's Monday morning and I haven't woken up properly yet.
Crunchie Friday
Friday was Youth club. We took them to cinema and bowling...both at opposite ends of Bristol! I went with the bowling crew who got a game of bowling, a Burger King meal and a Christmas variety pack of Cadbury's chocolates - all for £6!! How cool is that!? Pity there weren't enough lanes for me to join in. While there I managed to eat quite a few chips (donated kindly by youth), a couple of chicken nuggets (thanks "Brian"
Saturday's X-Factor
Saturday was a nice chilled day. Spent late Friday night (when I got home) trying to help Owen de-virus and de-spyware his PC. Managed to get most of the bad stuff off, but Norton still won't install properly on his PC. Grr! Anyways, spent 'till lunch time trying to figure it all out (but still can't - I still reckon he should just wipe his HDD and start again). In the avo did a couple of loads of washing, tidied my room, loaded the dishwasher and watched Jurassic Park with Dan, Justin and Tom. How quality is that film!? It's 12 years old and the computerised dinosaurs still look amazing!! Took Dan and Justin home and then Tom and myself watched X-Factor. I decided that Tabby was going to win and didn't need any votes, and I really didn't want G4 to get through, so I stuck in a vote for Steve. I'm thinking that maybe the rest of the nation thought the same, and nobody voted for Tabby, cuz he went out! Oops :-S LoL
In the evening we had our first Men's Homegroup - which was a social in a curry house! The food took a while to come and was average (mmm, Chicken Tikka Masala and Naan bread). We chatted about loads of cool stuff - including loads of evangelism and outreach ideas. We then decided that our homegroup meetings would be 3 times a month; 1 early-morning prayer meeting, 1 evening teaching meeting and 1 social (YES - more food!). We finished at about 10:30 and then Adam, Tom and myself decided to do a psycho late-night cinema job. Went to see the 23:30 showing of The Machurian Candidate which finished at around 2am! It was pretty good. I love watching films when I don't know anything about them before-hand. I avoid trailers for films that I know I'm going to watch because they usually give stuff away about the film.
Sunday, Merry Sunday
Sunday was pretty cool. Church as usual. Darren's away in the US at the moment, so Sara preached about the Holy Spirit and the difference between being anointed and being filled with the Holy Spirit. Was really cool. Seemed to be a few new faces in the church too (probably about 4-5). In the avo I cleaned up the kitchen a bit, made some rice and sausages and slept for a couple of hours. I tried to read, but fell asleep after about 2 pages. Woke up, went to church for our evangelism evening. Had fun playin' the cool new song we did a couple of weeks ago in worship practice ("Forever and a Day" from the new Hillsong album - "For All You've Done"). Bunch of us went to Adam's afterwards. Got home early at about 10:30 (praise God for youth curfews), chatted to Owen for a bit, read some of Proverbs (without question, one of the coolest books in the Bible), managed to read a fair chunk of my book and slept!
Now I'm at work.
Listening to: Christina Aguilera - "Blessed" (Christina Aguilera)
you're gonna have a scar where that scabby scab was... that's usually what happens when you singe yourself and pick the scabs, anyway :-P
jengajen, at 6/12/04 12:39
I know - I've already got two scars :-P
T, at 6/12/04 13:04
that'll teach you to play with fire
jengajen, at 6/12/04 13:54
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