The Update Not-So-Extrodinaire - Part II
Whooops - never managed to update you with what happened that day :-S
In the immortal words of the Lemmings - "Let's Go!"
Friday the Almost 13th (the 12th in fact)
Apparently there's something strange about me taking photos that I will have to try to get Tom to explain to me in person :-P After taking lots of photos and stuff I did the computer room, and later on had some youth (well, they're probably about 16/17 now..hardly youth any more) giving "Brian" grief on the door. It was past 8:30pm and they wanted to come in. When we said "no", they got a bit funny and started kicking/chucking stuff at the doors. We just ignored them and they went away. Youth are funny! LoL.
When I got to youth, Simon gave me the long awaited photos from the monumental "Alton Towers" trip a few weeks ago. However when I opened them up, it turned out that they were "other" photos. LoL - I didn't really want pictures of girls on the dance floor and posters on Simon's wall thanks. Hopefully he'll bring the right ones tonight.
Okay, so on to the weekend! Had the "Creative Expression" day at church which was organised by Adam. I did the photography in the morning and song-writing in the avo. Somehow we (Tom and myself) got a song written that avo! God is sooooo cool. It's kindof a praisy/youthy song and it'll be interesting to see how it sounds with a full band and not just my guitar playin'! We didn't have a dictaphone and we thought that just writing it down would do until Tom realised that my new phone could record sound! So a copy of the song is now on my phone. Technology rocks (when it works).
Oooookay - sorry about the conciseness of the blog - I'm trying to do a catchup! (mmm, ketchup).
That (Saturday) evening we went to "Brian's" house, at LOADS of food ("Brian" is far too generous!) and watched Bridget Jones's Diary (the first one).
Sunday was church - Tim and myself went for a pub lunch. Can't really remember what we did after church in the evening - nothing I think. Oh wait, no, we went to Adam's.
Monday was work and then in the evening worship practice. We recorded 4 new songs for "Harriet", Mark and Jen to listen to, to see which one(s) we might use in church. That was quite cool - it's always really exciting on recording nights to see what new songs people are writing!
Tuesday was going to be cinema, but I hadn't got my mum's pressie for her birthday (Wednesday) so I had to go to M&S at Cribbs to get her what she wanted. Dan came along and we did a bit of window shopping while we were there to get ideas for Christmas pressies. Did invite a few other youth but they couldn't make it.
Wednesday - Ma's birthday!! Also halfway through the week now! Work was, again, work. Nothing eventful at all. At least I assume nothing eventful, because if it was eventful then I should have remembered what happened...good theory? Maybe. I was going to take everyone (Mum, Step-dad + Bro) to an early dinner at the Hungry Horse, but my step-dad was feeling ill. We just stayed in, watched a DVD (Farenheit 911) and had some pizza. Later in the evening was a leaders' meeting at church to go over the aims and goals for the next year. It was really cool, cuz we broke up into groups and brainstormed ideas for things we could do over the next year in various areas. Can't really be bothered to write them out here (you might steal them!), but it was great to see what everyone thought and to be able to give feedback.
Thursday - traditionally an unpredictable day..and...why break with tradition!? I made my first eBay purchase on this day (a Bomberman game for the cool is that!?), gave Dan his first bass lesson (which was good fun). After that was meant to be a band practice because Timmay is leading the praise on Sunday night (yay!!), however that was cancelled. Instead I stayed up far too late at Nathan's (with visit to Asda) helping him attempt to install Windows 2000 on a friend's PC. It was being gay, so we ended up installing Windows ME on it instead. Grrr. Windows ME is BAD. Am I allowed to say that? Will Microsoft hunt me down? Will Bill Gates turn up at my house with an Uzi and mow me down in cold blood? Maybe.
Yay, that's all the catching-up done. Yay!
Now it's Friday. I was shattered this morning and have had two double-strength coffees. This was a bad idea because I did it on a pretty much empty stomach and now I'm having periodic stomach pains (maybe this period thing that Tom's started having is contagious?). Roll on lunchtime so I can fill my stomach with food to soak up the caffeine.
Ths week I have been mostly...
...playing with my new phone...bluetooth rocks. And infrared. And GPRS. Yeah!
Listening to : NOTHING - I forgot my Mp3 player and my headphones...grrr
In the immortal words of the Lemmings - "Let's Go!"
Friday the Almost 13th (the 12th in fact)
Apparently there's something strange about me taking photos that I will have to try to get Tom to explain to me in person :-P After taking lots of photos and stuff I did the computer room, and later on had some youth (well, they're probably about 16/17 now..hardly youth any more) giving "Brian" grief on the door. It was past 8:30pm and they wanted to come in. When we said "no", they got a bit funny and started kicking/chucking stuff at the doors. We just ignored them and they went away. Youth are funny! LoL.
When I got to youth, Simon gave me the long awaited photos from the monumental "Alton Towers" trip a few weeks ago. However when I opened them up, it turned out that they were "other" photos. LoL - I didn't really want pictures of girls on the dance floor and posters on Simon's wall thanks. Hopefully he'll bring the right ones tonight.
Okay, so on to the weekend! Had the "Creative Expression" day at church which was organised by Adam. I did the photography in the morning and song-writing in the avo. Somehow we (Tom and myself) got a song written that avo! God is sooooo cool. It's kindof a praisy/youthy song and it'll be interesting to see how it sounds with a full band and not just my guitar playin'! We didn't have a dictaphone and we thought that just writing it down would do until Tom realised that my new phone could record sound! So a copy of the song is now on my phone. Technology rocks (when it works).
Oooookay - sorry about the conciseness of the blog - I'm trying to do a catchup! (mmm, ketchup).
That (Saturday) evening we went to "Brian's" house, at LOADS of food ("Brian" is far too generous!) and watched Bridget Jones's Diary (the first one).
Sunday was church - Tim and myself went for a pub lunch. Can't really remember what we did after church in the evening - nothing I think. Oh wait, no, we went to Adam's.
Monday was work and then in the evening worship practice. We recorded 4 new songs for "Harriet", Mark and Jen to listen to, to see which one(s) we might use in church. That was quite cool - it's always really exciting on recording nights to see what new songs people are writing!
Tuesday was going to be cinema, but I hadn't got my mum's pressie for her birthday (Wednesday) so I had to go to M&S at Cribbs to get her what she wanted. Dan came along and we did a bit of window shopping while we were there to get ideas for Christmas pressies. Did invite a few other youth but they couldn't make it.
Wednesday - Ma's birthday!! Also halfway through the week now! Work was, again, work. Nothing eventful at all. At least I assume nothing eventful, because if it was eventful then I should have remembered what happened...good theory? Maybe. I was going to take everyone (Mum, Step-dad + Bro) to an early dinner at the Hungry Horse, but my step-dad was feeling ill. We just stayed in, watched a DVD (Farenheit 911) and had some pizza. Later in the evening was a leaders' meeting at church to go over the aims and goals for the next year. It was really cool, cuz we broke up into groups and brainstormed ideas for things we could do over the next year in various areas. Can't really be bothered to write them out here (you might steal them!), but it was great to see what everyone thought and to be able to give feedback.
Thursday - traditionally an unpredictable day..and...why break with tradition!? I made my first eBay purchase on this day (a Bomberman game for the cool is that!?), gave Dan his first bass lesson (which was good fun). After that was meant to be a band practice because Timmay is leading the praise on Sunday night (yay!!), however that was cancelled. Instead I stayed up far too late at Nathan's (with visit to Asda) helping him attempt to install Windows 2000 on a friend's PC. It was being gay, so we ended up installing Windows ME on it instead. Grrr. Windows ME is BAD. Am I allowed to say that? Will Microsoft hunt me down? Will Bill Gates turn up at my house with an Uzi and mow me down in cold blood? Maybe.
Yay, that's all the catching-up done. Yay!
Now it's Friday. I was shattered this morning and have had two double-strength coffees. This was a bad idea because I did it on a pretty much empty stomach and now I'm having periodic stomach pains (maybe this period thing that Tom's started having is contagious?). Roll on lunchtime so I can fill my stomach with food to soak up the caffeine.
Ths week I have been mostly...
...playing with my new phone...bluetooth rocks. And infrared. And GPRS. Yeah!
Listening to : NOTHING - I forgot my Mp3 player and my headphones...grrr
lemmings are soooo cool! I actually owned a couple of real-life lemmings too, once! lol! They rocked, but didnt have green hair :(
did you get the game working?
jengajen, at 19/11/04 13:06
Was it your first ebay purchase that day or first ebay purchase ever?
Juckle, at 19/11/04 13:10
Mollybob- you had real lemmings!? What happened to them. Did they strike out on their own to attempt their world take-over bid?
Juckle - First ebay purchase ever.
T, at 19/11/04 13:30
You suprise me!!! I had you down as an ebay entrepreneur (or however you spell it?!)
Juckle, at 19/11/04 13:34
Juckle - its a french word -- you're not supposed to be able to spell it
Tristan - yes, I had 2 lemmings. First one was called Frank... then he died... then I got another one, and he was called Diddums. They were the coolest friends Ive ever had... but they died(as lemmings do) after *several* suicide attempts. They couldnt get the hang of it. They used to escape and run about on my desk, then jump off and land on the floor (my desk is quite big) and um... eventually, they died. :'-(
jengajen, at 19/11/04 14:21
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