The Update Extraordinaire - Part I
Wow, it's been a whole week since my last blog. My adoring public is demanding more, and so I shall respond! I don't know what's wrong with you people.
Tuesday - a night in, out, in, out, shake it all about...
It's been a pretty good week overall. Let's see, I had a night in last tuesday night because there wasn't really anything on at the cinema. Nights in rock, but I don't feel like I really accomplished anyth...oh wait! I didn't stay in. LoL, I just remembered what happened. My beatiful (acid-dipped) Nokia started dying completely on Tuesday by deciding to turn itself on and off again whenever I typed too fast. Sometimes it would be alright, but most of the time it would just die half-way through a text. So on tuesday night (when there was nothing on at the cinema) I decided to blag someone into coming to The Mall with me and I went phone hunting. I'd pretty much spent all day on the 'net looking and knew what I wanted. I then proceeded to spend half an hour on the phone to my phone company and managed to get a free upgrade to new phone and a better priceplan for the same price! Cool! Then went round Adam's and watched "The OC" (lots of lovely ladies in that - why did nobody tell me this before! Oh wait..I watched that on Sunday with him...can't be bothered to change the blog now though), "Stargate Atlantis" which was quite funny and some space thing which was scary because I knew a fair amount about some of the probes that they were talking about already. :-S
Wednesday - Devil's Advocate...
Right, so Tuesday was cool and my phone would be arriving on Thursday. Wednesday was work followed (in the evening) by a discussion/homegroup-type-thing that we're trying out for the older teens. It's a mixture of Christians and Non-Christians and the idea is to have some games, a bit of a laugh and some discussion at the end. It was alright, although the discussion was a bit random (it was about "Death and the Afterlife"). I went on the "I don't think there's an afterlife" side and it has now been decided that I make a great Devil's Advocate and that from now on I should be on the opposing viewpoint.
So that was cool, and there was muchness of doughnuts and cakes. Why is it that when there's loads of food like that going, you're never hungry enough to eat it all?
Thursday - Thanks for the phone, Jesus!
Right, so that was Wendesday, which means we're on to Thursday which was when The Fone arrived. I went home from work at lunchtime to plug it in, charge it and to get it registered on the network. When I got home, I got a lil time to play with it before heading out for a band practice with Tim, Tom, Mark and Joe. That went pretty well - was a good laugh and I even managed to play the song through without getting confused with the stupid sheet music!
Friday - part of it...
Okay, then Friday...(ooh, that reminds me, I've got to prepare something for youth this Friday)...Friday was youth in the evening which was just manic. I spent the first half taking photos of youth for Nige. It was good fun cuz it meant I went round pretty much everyone and had a way to start chatting to them! Ahh the subtleties of youth work. Or something. ?...
Right - I started writing this last night, but got into a conversation and then had to sleep. I will post the rest later (when I get round to writing it)
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" I hear you cry. Please don't cry...your mascara will run. "So run baby, run baby, run baby, run baby, run..." Sheryl Crow rocks.
Listening to : Sheryl Crow - "A Change" (Sheryl Crow)
Wow, it's been a whole week since my last blog. My adoring public is demanding more, and so I shall respond! I don't know what's wrong with you people.
Tuesday - a night in, out, in, out, shake it all about...
It's been a pretty good week overall. Let's see, I had a night in last tuesday night because there wasn't really anything on at the cinema. Nights in rock, but I don't feel like I really accomplished anyth...oh wait! I didn't stay in. LoL, I just remembered what happened. My beatiful (acid-dipped) Nokia started dying completely on Tuesday by deciding to turn itself on and off again whenever I typed too fast. Sometimes it would be alright, but most of the time it would just die half-way through a text. So on tuesday night (when there was nothing on at the cinema) I decided to blag someone into coming to The Mall with me and I went phone hunting. I'd pretty much spent all day on the 'net looking and knew what I wanted. I then proceeded to spend half an hour on the phone to my phone company and managed to get a free upgrade to new phone and a better priceplan for the same price! Cool! Then went round Adam's and watched "The OC" (lots of lovely ladies in that - why did nobody tell me this before! Oh wait..I watched that on Sunday with him...can't be bothered to change the blog now though), "Stargate Atlantis" which was quite funny and some space thing which was scary because I knew a fair amount about some of the probes that they were talking about already. :-S
Wednesday - Devil's Advocate...
Right, so Tuesday was cool and my phone would be arriving on Thursday. Wednesday was work followed (in the evening) by a discussion/homegroup-type-thing that we're trying out for the older teens. It's a mixture of Christians and Non-Christians and the idea is to have some games, a bit of a laugh and some discussion at the end. It was alright, although the discussion was a bit random (it was about "Death and the Afterlife"). I went on the "I don't think there's an afterlife" side and it has now been decided that I make a great Devil's Advocate and that from now on I should be on the opposing viewpoint.
So that was cool, and there was muchness of doughnuts and cakes. Why is it that when there's loads of food like that going, you're never hungry enough to eat it all?
Thursday - Thanks for the phone, Jesus!
Right, so that was Wendesday, which means we're on to Thursday which was when The Fone arrived. I went home from work at lunchtime to plug it in, charge it and to get it registered on the network. When I got home, I got a lil time to play with it before heading out for a band practice with Tim, Tom, Mark and Joe. That went pretty well - was a good laugh and I even managed to play the song through without getting confused with the stupid sheet music!
Friday - part of it...
Okay, then Friday...(ooh, that reminds me, I've got to prepare something for youth this Friday)...Friday was youth in the evening which was just manic. I spent the first half taking photos of youth for Nige. It was good fun cuz it meant I went round pretty much everyone and had a way to start chatting to them! Ahh the subtleties of youth work. Or something. ?...
Right - I started writing this last night, but got into a conversation and then had to sleep. I will post the rest later (when I get round to writing it)
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" I hear you cry. Please don't cry...your mascara will run. "So run baby, run baby, run baby, run baby, run..." Sheryl Crow rocks.
Listening to : Sheryl Crow - "A Change" (Sheryl Crow)
you're just too busy for you're own good :-P
Anonymous, at 17/11/04 11:12
'taking photos of the youth for Nige'
... He's as bad as Adam
TommyDB, at 17/11/04 18:28
I don't get it. That's what I was doing?!?
T, at 18/11/04 09:02
is your phone still shiny, or have you dropped it in bleach?
jengajen, at 18/11/04 13:03
Mr T. U may be the one taking the photo's but they are for Nig.
Mr Sullivan takes the photo's anyway...
Or at least I was trying to imply that :/
"And I was like, yeah... Whatever!"
TommyDB, at 18/11/04 18:33
I've just re-read my comment...
And it still makes no sense!!!
I now up give.
TommyDB, at 18/11/04 19:58
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