Like, Tubular Dude
"Tubular Bells" rocks so much! I mean how cool is a 50 minute instrumental that was made 29 years ago!? Can't beat that old music eh?
K, so my life has been ticking along nicely thank-you-very-much. Didn't end up going for a run on Friday after work. I popped into church on the way home to have a quick look at "Harriet"'s PC (turns out hard disk is knackered..d'oh) and ended up standing there with him while he did a backing track for "Do They Know It's Christmas Time" for the youth's Christmas thing they're doing. It was really funny cuz at one point the computer decided it would play random notes instead of the ones that "Harriet" was pressing on the piano! LoL. IGYHTBT. Anyways, didn't get home 'till 17:30, which left me with exactly no time for a run before youth. Youth was busy but fun and afterwards we went to Pizza Hut (again). Last week Simon & co. couldn't come, so I promised him we would go this week. I was worried about enough cars cuz there were quite a few of us. But I needn't have worried because, even though there were 16 of us, 4 cars ended up going (including my bro....yay! He can drive now!! How cool is that!?). Simon had heard of a scam and he tried it at Pizza Hut. I told him not to cuz I don't agree with it, but he tried it anyways. The scam is: because there were so many of us, he'd just order water, and then when people asked for the free refills, he'd just join in and get some Coke (well..Pepsi at Pizza Hut). When it came to it, he tried to get some, but the waitress had his number and not only refused to give him Pepsi, but offered him some if he paid for it!! Ha! I laughed with much abundance..he was guttedbut he's a quality guy so I didn't laugh too much...only a 'ikkle bit.
When I got home I looked forward to my nice lie-in that I was going to have on Saturday morning. Owen knocked on my door at about 8:15am and asked if I wanted to go down Town with him and James and Jo (James's sister) for a bacon butty and some Christmas shopping. Because Owen was driving, and I thought it'd be fun I agreed...and much fun it was! I've done most of my Christmas shopping already and so was really just wandering around with Owen and James (turns out Jo was only being dropped off for work).
Then got back home at about 1pm and went up to Church for "Christmas on the Hill" It's a local community event where there's some Christmas fun. They have a parade down the hgh street and end up in the Church and we have some carols, some kids' entertainment (magician this year) and Santa. After cleaning up after that it was time to go home and chill for a bit before going out for an all-you-can-eat curry for Aaron's stag night. We all sat at a table, and every time someone finished food we dashed up for more. The curry was alright, but seeing Aaron sweat was funny too. Heh heh.
Bish (Aaron's mate) sat down at the table with his pile of food from the buffet, and puts a napkin on his lap. He settles down to eat, secretly wondering where everyone else has gone (he's sitting alone on the big group table). Nige calls over to him from the next the table that we're all sitting at and says "Alright Bish?". He went bright red, picked up his food, and joined us. Funny no? IGYHTBT
Since I hadn't got my lie-in that morning, I was looking forward to bed and even though I had to be up at 8:45, it was still a lot later than normal. That is until my brother's alarm went off at 0730 and didn't shut up for an hour and a half...GRRRR! Got up around 9am after trying to sleep through the sound of BEEEEEP-BEEEEEEP-BEEEEEEEP, got changed, and headed out. I needed to get to church early to set up the PA so went out to my car. Dead battery.....ARRRRGHGHGHGHGHGH! Ran up to church. You have no idea how steep Staple Hill can get when you're in a hurry (and unfit). Mark was stood outside the building and asked where my car was (I was about 15 mins late!). Rushed around like a headless chicken for about an hour sorting out the PA. Praise God that everything seemed to come together in the end. THANK YOU!!!
Afternoon was quite chilled (after I got over my strop with someone) - we went to Rita's and loads of food. Not only is the food amazing, but there's always far too many roast potatoes, and so I always manage to have as many as I want...mmm..roasties are GREAT. It makes me dribble just thinking about it now.dribble just thinking about it now.
Managed to grab about 40 mins kip before church in the evening, which was pretty cool! Tim lead the praise again and afterwards we all went to Jamie & Shaneen's for a bit. We watched "Bring it On", which is not only quite entertaining, but has Kirsten Dunst in a cheerleading outfit! In the immortal words of "Billy Madison"; "Soooooo hot....want to touch the hiney", LoL.
And there the weekend ended and the weekstart started. Yesterday work presented itself to me, and I spent the whole day working on a single problem, which I managed to fix by the end of the day. It wasn't so much the difficulty of the problem that took so long, it was making sure that when I made the change to 240 rows of data, that it was the right change that I wouldn't completely kill the system. Eventually after checking, re-checking, and backing up I did it...and it worked! How cool! Then I went home and *shock* went for a run. This time it was slightly easier which is really encouraging!! I'll stick to my 10 minute run for this week, and maybe go a bit farther next week and see how I do.
When I got home I crashed out in front of the telly with a pint of water and watched Weakest Link. They were questioning as normal, being dumb under pressure when this happened and almost made me wet myself laughing:
Anne: "Correct"
**moves to next guy**
Bloke: "Pas..BANK"
Anne: "In which countr..What did you just say!?"
Bloke: ""
Anne: "You said pass!"
**loses money, goes to next guy**
It was the best Weakest Link ever!
Later on was worship practice, and I was feeling particularly energetic, so I walked up to church. It was quite cool - a bit different and all. We spent quite a while fiddling with PA and stuff (we've moved everything off the stage for Christmas and so the PA was all re-wired) but the practice seemed to go quite well. Afterwards I went for a chill-out chat with Tom, "Brian" and "Sian". Tom and myself basically spent the evening winding up "Sian" because she doesn't like being called "Sian" (which obviously meant that we called her "Sian" lots and lots more ;-) ). "Brian" is going home to Uganda for Christmas and so she gave me Tom & my Christmas presents to look after until Christmas when we can open them. And she gave me a birthday present too, which is soooo nice of her! Really don't expect anything for birthdays really (getting *really* old now :-S) and I know how much effort she puts in to getting the right present that the person will
Then I got a lift home with "Sian" and (as usual) slept. Now I'm at work and we've got our Christmas lunch today! We've also got our Christmas meal tonight; we're going to Los Iguanos in Bath for a mexican, and then probably go to pub or club or something. I might give the pub/club a miss cuz it's not really my thing and I don't really fancy a really late night mid-week. I'll see how I feel after food :)
Listening To: Mike Oldfield - "Tubular Bells" (Tubular Bells Boxed - Disc 1)
K, so my life has been ticking along nicely thank-you-very-much. Didn't end up going for a run on Friday after work. I popped into church on the way home to have a quick look at "Harriet"'s PC (turns out hard disk is knackered..d'oh) and ended up standing there with him while he did a backing track for "Do They Know It's Christmas Time" for the youth's Christmas thing they're doing. It was really funny cuz at one point the computer decided it would play random notes instead of the ones that "Harriet" was pressing on the piano! LoL. IGYHTBT. Anyways, didn't get home 'till 17:30, which left me with exactly no time for a run before youth. Youth was busy but fun and afterwards we went to Pizza Hut (again). Last week Simon & co. couldn't come, so I promised him we would go this week. I was worried about enough cars cuz there were quite a few of us. But I needn't have worried because, even though there were 16 of us, 4 cars ended up going (including my bro....yay! He can drive now!! How cool is that!?). Simon had heard of a scam and he tried it at Pizza Hut. I told him not to cuz I don't agree with it, but he tried it anyways. The scam is: because there were so many of us, he'd just order water, and then when people asked for the free refills, he'd just join in and get some Coke (well..Pepsi at Pizza Hut). When it came to it, he tried to get some, but the waitress had his number and not only refused to give him Pepsi, but offered him some if he paid for it!! Ha! I laughed with much abundance..he was gutted
When I got home I looked forward to my nice lie-in that I was going to have on Saturday morning. Owen knocked on my door at about 8:15am and asked if I wanted to go down Town with him and James and Jo (James's sister) for a bacon butty and some Christmas shopping. Because Owen was driving, and I thought it'd be fun I agreed...and much fun it was! I've done most of my Christmas shopping already and so was really just wandering around with Owen and James (turns out Jo was only being dropped off for work).
Then got back home at about 1pm and went up to Church for "Christmas on the Hill" It's a local community event where there's some Christmas fun. They have a parade down the hgh street and end up in the Church and we have some carols, some kids' entertainment (magician this year) and Santa. After cleaning up after that it was time to go home and chill for a bit before going out for an all-you-can-eat curry for Aaron's stag night. We all sat at a table, and every time someone finished food we dashed up for more. The curry was alright, but seeing Aaron sweat was funny too. Heh heh.
Bish (Aaron's mate) sat down at the table with his pile of food from the buffet, and puts a napkin on his lap. He settles down to eat, secretly wondering where everyone else has gone (he's sitting alone on the big group table). Nige calls over to him from the next the table that we're all sitting at and says "Alright Bish?". He went bright red, picked up his food, and joined us. Funny no? IGYHTBT
Since I hadn't got my lie-in that morning, I was looking forward to bed and even though I had to be up at 8:45, it was still a lot later than normal. That is until my brother's alarm went off at 0730 and didn't shut up for an hour and a half...GRRRR! Got up around 9am after trying to sleep through the sound of BEEEEEP-BEEEEEEP-BEEEEEEEP, got changed, and headed out. I needed to get to church early to set up the PA so went out to my car. Dead battery.....ARRRRGHGHGHGHGHGH! Ran up to church. You have no idea how steep Staple Hill can get when you're in a hurry (and unfit). Mark was stood outside the building and asked where my car was (I was about 15 mins late!). Rushed around like a headless chicken for about an hour sorting out the PA. Praise God that everything seemed to come together in the end. THANK YOU!!!
Afternoon was quite chilled (after I got over my strop with someone) - we went to Rita's and loads of food. Not only is the food amazing, but there's always far too many roast potatoes, and so I always manage to have as many as I want...mmm..roasties are GREAT. It makes me dribble just thinking about it now.dribble just thinking about it now.
Managed to grab about 40 mins kip before church in the evening, which was pretty cool! Tim lead the praise again and afterwards we all went to Jamie & Shaneen's for a bit. We watched "Bring it On", which is not only quite entertaining, but has Kirsten Dunst in a cheerleading outfit! In the immortal words of "Billy Madison"; "Soooooo hot....want to touch the hiney", LoL.
And there the weekend ended and the weekstart started. Yesterday work presented itself to me, and I spent the whole day working on a single problem, which I managed to fix by the end of the day. It wasn't so much the difficulty of the problem that took so long, it was making sure that when I made the change to 240 rows of data, that it was the right change that I wouldn't completely kill the system. Eventually after checking, re-checking, and backing up I did it...and it worked! How cool! Then I went home and *shock* went for a run. This time it was slightly easier which is really encouraging!! I'll stick to my 10 minute run for this week, and maybe go a bit farther next week and see how I do.
When I got home I crashed out in front of the telly with a pint of water and watched Weakest Link. They were questioning as normal, being dumb under pressure when this happened and almost made me wet myself laughing:
Anne: "Correct"
**moves to next guy**
Bloke: "Pas..BANK"
Anne: "In which countr..What did you just say!?"
Bloke: ""
Anne: "You said pass!"
**loses money, goes to next guy**
It was the best Weakest Link ever!
Later on was worship practice, and I was feeling particularly energetic, so I walked up to church. It was quite cool - a bit different and all. We spent quite a while fiddling with PA and stuff (we've moved everything off the stage for Christmas and so the PA was all re-wired) but the practice seemed to go quite well. Afterwards I went for a chill-out chat with Tom, "Brian" and "Sian". Tom and myself basically spent the evening winding up "Sian" because she doesn't like being called "Sian" (which obviously meant that we called her "Sian" lots and lots more ;-) ). "Brian" is going home to Uganda for Christmas and so she gave me Tom & my Christmas presents to look after until Christmas when we can open them. And she gave me a birthday present too, which is soooo nice of her! Really don't expect anything for birthdays really (getting *really* old now :-S) and I know how much effort she puts in to getting the right present that the person will
Thank you "BRIAN"!!!!!
Then I got a lift home with "Sian" and (as usual) slept. Now I'm at work and we've got our Christmas lunch today! We've also got our Christmas meal tonight; we're going to Los Iguanos in Bath for a mexican, and then probably go to pub or club or something. I might give the pub/club a miss cuz it's not really my thing and I don't really fancy a really late night mid-week. I'll see how I feel after food :)
Listening To: Mike Oldfield - "Tubular Bells" (Tubular Bells Boxed - Disc 1)
Lo.. I mean "Sian" won't be very happy with you :P
It also took me about a minute staring blankly at the screen to figure out what, IGYHTBT meant.
TommyDB, at 14/12/04 14:31
I was out with you last night and I don't remember anything about you calling anyone Sian. I now think you're a bit sad!
Anonymous, at 14/12/04 15:52
LoL @ Tom...I couldn't be bothered to write it out every time so I abbreviated it.
Uhm - not sure who you are..could *you* be "Sian" :-P
T, at 14/12/04 16:21
I'm not Sian! You know this and I am really mad at both of you right now.
Anonymous, at 14/12/04 16:48
TommyDB, at 14/12/04 22:56
T, at 15/12/04 02:31
I can't believe that Sian would be sooo sad to make up someone who would back her up
TommyDB, at 16/12/04 06:43
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