It's a Friday and I've got an hour left at work, so I'm just timewasting really. *slaps wrist* - "BAD Tristan". I've also decided to make the font a bit bigger which will hopefully make it easier to read.
The Running Man
Yes, I went running again! And as I was collapsed on the couch, I saw another vaguely amusing episode of Weakest Link! First of all I witnessed them get 9 questions right in the first round and got to the £1000 straight away. I've never seen that before. Then in the next round, the following happened:
Anne: "Julie, what word follows 'Window' and to describe the act of arranging a display at the front of a shop?"
Julie: "Dressing"
Anne: "Correct. Steve..."
Steve: "Shopping! Uh, 'Bank'"
***Anne gives steve a dirty look and moves on***
Anne: "James..."
Again, I thought it was quite funny, but hey...people say I'm a bit "funny" sometimes too.
Ma cooked me my favourite home-made meal for my birthday dinner - Cauliflower Cheese/Mash/Sausages. Mmm, don't nobody make that like my ma. Half the guys at work commute to Bristol and live in a hotel all week, and I was invited for a Christmas dinner/party thing at their hotel, however I had already made plans - skittles!
Throwing Stuff
The skittles night was organised by Nige for the church football team. Since I haven't been playing this season (or for 50% of last season), I didn't know some of the people. Which was fine, cuz that's what social things are for. Didn't really chat to any new people though. Waste of the night? I think not! I was the only person who managed to miss all the skittles with all three balls on one of my goes! Damn I'm smooth. Nige drove us in a shexshy Golf GTI Mk3. How good can a birthday get!?
Things on a Thursday
Went to work, blah, blah, etc...
Went straight from work to church to sort out some web-site stuff, then went home, got changed and went to Luke's house to help him fix his internet connection. Sorted that, and was meant to go to Dan's to give him a bass lesson, but it was cancelled 'cuz he had too much homework, so just went home. My step-dad's got two job interviews in the next week, so Thursday was when they drove off to Newcastle for the first one. Second one is in Cambridge. But this meant that me and my bro had the house to ourselves! Because Adam couldn't make it for my birthday on Wednesday, he suggested that we do something on the Thursday instead, so him, Owen, Chris and myself went to see "The Forgotten". It was kinda cool in places and I won't say anything more in case I give some plot away.
Living Dead
Because of the meal on Tuesday (didn't get home 'till 2am) and late night Wednesday, I got home and went pretty much straight to bed. I woke up this morning feeling so goood! Long sleep rocks. And today has been kinda nice and chilled. Things seem to slow down on the run-up to Christmas.
We've got our youth-club Christmas party tonight which is always manic, but a really good laugh. The dress-code was going to be 60s only, but none of the youth really wanted to do that, so we've changed it to a Christmassy (sp?) theme of red/green clothes. I think we asked them if they wanted a disco and they said no! So we're just going to have a bunch of games and stuff - unless we decide to do a disco anyways.
Before I go, I need to wrap some Christmas pressies for a couple of the guys that I've bought them. I think most of us are swapping presents at the candle-light service on Christmas Eve, but these people probably won't be there. Unfortunately I don't have a cat to help me wrap my presents (see ValancyJane's guide to find out what I'm on about)
I'm sorry this has been quite a boring blog, but I'm lacking on inspiration. If I find something in the next ½ hour, I'll blog it.
Listening to: Nothing - the batteries just died on my Mp3 player :-S
The Running Man
Yes, I went running again! And as I was collapsed on the couch, I saw another vaguely amusing episode of Weakest Link! First of all I witnessed them get 9 questions right in the first round and got to the £1000 straight away. I've never seen that before. Then in the next round, the following happened:
Anne: "Julie, what word follows 'Window' and to describe the act of arranging a display at the front of a shop?"
Julie: "Dressing"
Anne: "Correct. Steve..."
Steve: "Shopping! Uh, 'Bank'"
***Anne gives steve a dirty look and moves on***
Anne: "James..."
Again, I thought it was quite funny, but hey...people say I'm a bit "funny" sometimes too.
Ma cooked me my favourite home-made meal for my birthday dinner - Cauliflower Cheese/Mash/Sausages. Mmm, don't nobody make that like my ma. Half the guys at work commute to Bristol and live in a hotel all week, and I was invited for a Christmas dinner/party thing at their hotel, however I had already made plans - skittles!
Throwing Stuff
The skittles night was organised by Nige for the church football team. Since I haven't been playing this season (or for 50% of last season), I didn't know some of the people. Which was fine, cuz that's what social things are for. Didn't really chat to any new people though. Waste of the night? I think not! I was the only person who managed to miss all the skittles with all three balls on one of my goes! Damn I'm smooth. Nige drove us in a shexshy Golf GTI Mk3. How good can a birthday get!?
Things on a Thursday
Went to work, blah, blah, etc...
Went straight from work to church to sort out some web-site stuff, then went home, got changed and went to Luke's house to help him fix his internet connection. Sorted that, and was meant to go to Dan's to give him a bass lesson, but it was cancelled 'cuz he had too much homework, so just went home. My step-dad's got two job interviews in the next week, so Thursday was when they drove off to Newcastle for the first one. Second one is in Cambridge. But this meant that me and my bro had the house to ourselves! Because Adam couldn't make it for my birthday on Wednesday, he suggested that we do something on the Thursday instead, so him, Owen, Chris and myself went to see "The Forgotten". It was kinda cool in places and I won't say anything more in case I give some plot away.
Living Dead
Because of the meal on Tuesday (didn't get home 'till 2am) and late night Wednesday, I got home and went pretty much straight to bed. I woke up this morning feeling so goood! Long sleep rocks. And today has been kinda nice and chilled. Things seem to slow down on the run-up to Christmas.
We've got our youth-club Christmas party tonight which is always manic, but a really good laugh. The dress-code was going to be 60s only, but none of the youth really wanted to do that, so we've changed it to a Christmassy (sp?) theme of red/green clothes. I think we asked them if they wanted a disco and they said no! So we're just going to have a bunch of games and stuff - unless we decide to do a disco anyways.
Before I go, I need to wrap some Christmas pressies for a couple of the guys that I've bought them. I think most of us are swapping presents at the candle-light service on Christmas Eve, but these people probably won't be there. Unfortunately I don't have a cat to help me wrap my presents (see ValancyJane's guide to find out what I'm on about)
I'm sorry this has been quite a boring blog, but I'm lacking on inspiration. If I find something in the next ½ hour, I'll blog it.
Listening to: Nothing - the batteries just died on my Mp3 player :-S
wow ur gd at writing blogs, I'm quite lazy with mine. Big up urself
Louise, at 19/12/04 16:59
it amazes me how much time you have to waste these days. no longer the busy tristan, clearly
jengajen, at 19/12/04 17:13
Thx Lou :)
Jen: Yeah, seems like I have less of it! I used to blog every day, now I average twice a week - sometimes once!
Lucky the run up to Christmas is quiet for me (at work anyways!).
T, at 20/12/04 00:16
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