Should I Be Worried?
- tristan - wow..someone found me just by typing in my name!
- ryan & tristan - Uhm...close enough.
- tristan coffee - I can relate to this
- tristan sandy - eh?
- oakhall ski - interesting...I have been skiing with them a couple of times
- "fast metabolism" - LoL...what can I say?
- "il divo" - can somebody please explain how I appeared when you typed this?!?
- "real life hobbit" photo - I never did.
- bonjella for toothache - I may be a pain in the neck, but I think this is a little too far
- ciao racing moped - from my trip to France/Italy?
...and last, but certainly not least
- girls nude OR naked "stole their clothes" -krishna -aberdeen
Who found my blog when they put this into Google!? More importantly, what were you looking for!???