Proper Bo...uh...Post
Well, well. Gemma Norm reminded me that I used to write really long blogs. Reading back over them, I think they were kinda boring, but it has inspired me to write a catch-up blog of what's going on in my I'm waiting for something to finish installing on my computer and I thought this would be a 'good' use of time ;-)
Right, let's get up to speed - Lis & I are engaged, we're getting married in July and it's now almost April. We've got the main bulk of things organised, and at the moment we're going through the 'interesting' process of buying a flat! We've put a deposit down on it, and the mortgage company has *said* they'll give us the money, but we've now got to go through a full we're not out of the woods yet!! God has been really good and really faithful in the house-buying-thing so far - He's amazing...but still...we're hoping that He'll continue to bless us, so any prayers are gratefully accepted :)
Now I work for a different company developing websites. I enjoy it loads more than my last job, but I miss the people; w've moved into a pink building with a design studio and I spend most of my time with designers...not a techno-geek in sight :( they're an alright bunch, but I can't really chat to them on a professional level...though seeing the design process at work is very cool sometimes.
My bro is now in the RAF - he's my best man and he's organising my stag-day at the mo along with Adam, his partner in crime.
Now, that's brought you up to speed if you don't really see me that much. Let's get on with some other random stuff
The single most amazing show ever made. Loz, Lis and I watched 3 episodes last night so now we're waiting for episode 14 of season 5 to be aired so we can...uh...'watch' it (no downloading involved...honest!). Go Jack!
Desperate Housewives
We're also watching this at the mo - when we can...stupid TV at home keeps deciding to not work on Wednesday nights....grrr. Ah well, thank the Lord for second-chance-Sundays...mwah ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa.
Ma's Verbal Gaff
When I was chatting to my ma the other week, she'd mentioned that she'd downloaded a film (naughty mummy) that she really wanted to watch. I mentioned that I wouldn't mind seeing it too. When we visited her shortly afterwards, I asked if it had turned out okay, or whether it was a fake. She said...
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! I came downstairs the other day to watch started playing, and a few moments into it I realised that it wasn't the film I thought it was a bit more..uh...'X' rated! It's a pity, because it's something I thought we could sit down and watch as a family!".
Now my mother is condoning pornography....BAD mother.
Hmm..was funnier last night when I told Loz.
Anyways, now that I've confirmed just what a boring blog this has become, I think I'll leave you with this random quote:
"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch."
Orson Welles
Right, let's get up to speed - Lis & I are engaged, we're getting married in July and it's now almost April. We've got the main bulk of things organised, and at the moment we're going through the 'interesting' process of buying a flat! We've put a deposit down on it, and the mortgage company has *said* they'll give us the money, but we've now got to go through a full we're not out of the woods yet!! God has been really good and really faithful in the house-buying-thing so far - He's amazing...but still...we're hoping that He'll continue to bless us, so any prayers are gratefully accepted :)
Now I work for a different company developing websites. I enjoy it loads more than my last job, but I miss the people; w've moved into a pink building with a design studio and I spend most of my time with designers...not a techno-geek in sight :( they're an alright bunch, but I can't really chat to them on a professional level...though seeing the design process at work is very cool sometimes.
My bro is now in the RAF - he's my best man and he's organising my stag-day at the mo along with Adam, his partner in crime.
Now, that's brought you up to speed if you don't really see me that much. Let's get on with some other random stuff
The single most amazing show ever made. Loz, Lis and I watched 3 episodes last night so now we're waiting for episode 14 of season 5 to be aired so we can...uh...'watch' it (no downloading involved...honest!). Go Jack!
Desperate Housewives
We're also watching this at the mo - when we can...stupid TV at home keeps deciding to not work on Wednesday nights....grrr. Ah well, thank the Lord for second-chance-Sundays...mwah ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa.
Ma's Verbal Gaff
When I was chatting to my ma the other week, she'd mentioned that she'd downloaded a film (naughty mummy) that she really wanted to watch. I mentioned that I wouldn't mind seeing it too. When we visited her shortly afterwards, I asked if it had turned out okay, or whether it was a fake. She said...
"Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you! I came downstairs the other day to watch started playing, and a few moments into it I realised that it wasn't the film I thought it was a bit more..uh...'X' rated! It's a pity, because it's something I thought we could sit down and watch as a family!".
Now my mother is condoning pornography....BAD mother.
Hmm..was funnier last night when I told Loz.
Anyways, now that I've confirmed just what a boring blog this has become, I think I'll leave you with this random quote:
"Ask not what you can do for your country. Ask what's for lunch."
Orson Welles
Finally...I was just logging on to demand you blogged!I now have my fix and all is right with the world :)
Juckle, at 21/3/06 16:06
24... dude... it's getting too much... I can't take the pain much more...
Err. What film did you think your mum had downloaded?
TommyDB, at 21/3/06 18:06
what film did your mother download?
Juckle, at 21/3/06 19:16
I don't know what she *actually* downloaded, but she was trying to download "The Exorcism of Emily Rose"
T, at 22/3/06 08:48
yay! Just like the old blogging days :)
Gem, at 22/3/06 11:46
i'm so not happy about stag nights being for men only. think if you're friends with the person you should be able to go. tis no fair. just sexism. When I said I wanted to go MM actually shouted 'NOOOOOOO!' at me!
Jen, at 22/3/06 16:29
But it's a stag night...
For stags...
People with XY chromosomes.
Do you have a secret Y? ;)
Men don't go on hen nights, and ladies don't go on stag nights.
TommyDB, at 22/3/06 18:09
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