It's a Four thang...
Four Jobs I have ever had in my life:
1. Paperboy (age 11 - 17)
2. Provisions Replenishment Assistant (aka "shelfstacker") @ Sainsbury's
3. Customer Service for AOL/CompuServe in a call centre
4. Web Developer (current job - lovin' it)
Four Movies I can watch over and over:
1. Red Planet
2. The Matrix
3. Back to the Future
4. Indiana Jones
Four Places I have lived:
1. New Jersey, USA
2. Hampstead, London
3. Ponterewyd (Nr Aberystwyth), Wales
4. Bristol
Four TV Shows I love to watch:
1. 24
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Futurama
4. The Simpsons
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Cayman Islands
2. France
3. Austria
4. Various USA places
Four websites I visit daily:
1. Google
2. BBC News
3. Dilbert site
4. Blogz
Four of my favourite foods:
1. Cake that Lisa Made me for my birthday (microwave it and cover it in Carté D'or...mmmm)
2. Lisa's Honey Chilli Chicken
3. Toasted Ham/Cheese Sandwiches
4. Almost anything chicken
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Bed
2. Skiing somewhere nice
3. With Lisa
4. Playing my bass
Four people I am tagging:
1. VJ
2. "Train Spotter" (via Jen's blog)
3. Timmay!
4. Norm (via Gemma's blog)
1. Paperboy (age 11 - 17)
2. Provisions Replenishment Assistant (aka "shelfstacker") @ Sainsbury's
3. Customer Service for AOL/CompuServe in a call centre
4. Web Developer (current job - lovin' it)
Four Movies I can watch over and over:
1. Red Planet
2. The Matrix
3. Back to the Future
4. Indiana Jones
Four Places I have lived:
1. New Jersey, USA
2. Hampstead, London
3. Ponterewyd (Nr Aberystwyth), Wales
4. Bristol
Four TV Shows I love to watch:
1. 24
2. Desperate Housewives
3. Futurama
4. The Simpsons
Four places I have been on vacation:
1. Cayman Islands
2. France
3. Austria
4. Various USA places
Four websites I visit daily:
1. Google
2. BBC News
3. Dilbert site
4. Blogz
Four of my favourite foods:
1. Cake that Lisa Made me for my birthday (microwave it and cover it in Carté D'or...mmmm)
2. Lisa's Honey Chilli Chicken
3. Toasted Ham/Cheese Sandwiches
4. Almost anything chicken
Four places I would rather be right now:
1. Bed
2. Skiing somewhere nice
3. With Lisa
4. Playing my bass
Four people I am tagging:
1. VJ
2. "Train Spotter" (via Jen's blog)
3. Timmay!
4. Norm (via Gemma's blog)
OK all the travelling is great great great
desperate housewives?????? really.....again i say it REALLY???? not sure what i can say about that.
I will be working on train spotter but don't fancy my chances - will have to use a bit of wifey influence!
Jen, at 20/2/06 18:53
1. Bed
3. With Lisa
TommyDB, at 20/2/06 22:37
How did I know you were going to say that Tom!
Gem, at 21/2/06 13:28
Predictable... I know.
But I'm guessing you still laughed :)
TommyDB, at 21/2/06 16:32
Trainspotter already has another name.
TommyDB, at 21/2/06 16:34
actually the long standing name is eded!
Jen, at 21/2/06 17:30
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