10 Steps To Impress A Church Minister
Step 2 - Leave later than everyone else and lock up the building
Step 3 - Set the alarm.
Step 4 - Wander to the car park to drive home
Step 5 - Notice the Minister's "BannanaMobile" sitting in the car park
Step 6 - Call the church office phone - no answer
Step 7 - Call the Minister's mobile and have the following conversation:
*ring ring*
Minister: "Hallo mate"
Tristan: "Hiya, are you still in the church?"
M: "Yep"
T: "Crap. I suppose I'd better turn the alarm off then. Stay there...don't move"
M: "Too late - I can see a red light flashing"
T: "Pants."
Step 8 - Run back around to the front of the building, pull out keys and dash inside. and mis-type the code.
Step 9 - Hit as many keys as you can in what you hope are the correct order with no response from the alarm panel until it says "INVALID CODE".
Step 10 - Just after the panel says "ENTRY TIME=0", type in the correct code and breathe a sigh of relief when it then reads "UNSET"
Follow these 10 simple steps to ensure a long and happy time at your local church.
lol, now I know what the bananamobile is! yes I am slow..
Gem, at 16/2/06 15:54
lol. now that would've been funny to see! ;)
TommyDB, at 16/2/06 18:18
we are on the same wavelength Nami!
Gem, at 16/2/06 23:09
brilliant - he's bound to bring it up in his preachin 'swell - somehow I don't reckon this one is gonna go away quietly T.
Jen, at 19/2/06 09:43
i showed this to the train spotter last night - he was chuckling for ages!
Jen, at 20/2/06 14:19
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