Tristan - enter the madness...

Thursday, March 23

Ever get that Friday Feeling?

I did. This morning. Until I was about half-way to work and realised it was a Thursday! D'oh!

Ah well - one more day of work after this one.

We had our second homegroup last night - it's been really good so far! We're going through James chapter by chapter, and as 'homework' we had to read the whole thing. Man, I forgot how challenging that book is. Makes you realise how much there is to do in this world, without figuring and following out your calling! Also makes you realise just how westernised and materialistic we really are.

Stuff does not equal happiness.
Stuff does equal reliance on stuff and not God.

Is it possible to get by and reach the people in our society without being this way? Did John the Baptist look or act like anybody else in his society just to reach them? Did Jesus? I know these are the huge characters in the Bible and they had a calling to do specifically what they did. But as we strive to be more Christ-like are we prepared to be nothing like the people around us and be unashamed? Are we prepared for the inevitable rejection that would follow, the inevtiable loss of stuff and the inevitable lack of 'creature comforts' that we unintentionally place our security in? It's a challenging question, and I'm not sure I am. In fact, I know I'm not.

Are you?


  • yeah, we go on about how we have to fit in to be accepted by people for them to want to b like us. But I'm not sure that's really true. Maybe we are meant to stand out and be openly different. Maybe it's just a whole lie that we've to fit in to be an influence, a way to lull us into becoming more like other people and less like God.

    By Blogger Mafia!, at 23/3/06 11:26  

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