Tuesday, January 31
Monday, January 30
I Am Weak
Then, on Friday, Tom waved a DVD in my vague direction that had the first four episodes on it.
We've now watched the first three.
So much for willpower!
NB - Tom's right..this season is awesome so far!!
Friday, January 27
I don't watch The OC, but ....

You scored as Sandy. You are an easygoing idealist. You follow your own internal values and also know how to have a good time. Make sure that you are not so easygoing and fun seeking that you don't ever realize your ideals.
Sandy | 67% | ||
Kirsten | 67% | ||
Summer | 56% | ||
Seth | 55% | ||
Luke | 50% | ||
Marissa | 50% | ||
Anna | 45% | ||
Oliver | 39% | ||
Caleb | 39% | ||
Jimmy | 33% | ||
Julie | 28% | ||
Hailey | 22% | ||
Ryan |
What OC character are you?
created with QuizFarm.com
The Colour of my Heart

You scored as Red Heart. Your heart is red. You're a very passionate person, and probably very romantic too. Life is a drama and you are the main role. Be careful not to outshine the other people though; you are not the only person in the world.
Red Heart | 81% | ||
White Heart | 69% | ||
Pink Heart | 50% | ||
Black Heart | 25% | ||
Blue Heart | 25% |
What colour is your heart?
created with QuizFarm.com
Thursday, January 26
24 - Season 5
Sky One
Be there, or be square.
(Apparently they're showing a 10 minute 'link' episode on Sunday 5th at 9pm!?)
Three Words
It was surely the best series of 24 I've seen!! Had so many excellent moments...I loved it.
Now, while we're trying to resist Tom's copy of the beginning of season 5, we'd better finish off the first series of Lost.
Listening to - A/C & Tinitus
Tuesday, January 24
Challenge for the Day
- A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.
- A feeling of intense desire and attraction toward a person with whom one is disposed to make a pair; the emotion of sex and romance.
- Sexual passion.
- Sexual intercourse.
- A love affair.
- An intense emotional attachment, as for a pet or treasured object.
To my mind, this generally what people think when they think of love. They think of being swept off their feet, becoming intoxicated with someone and generally living "happily ever after". They think that if it causes them too much hassle, then it can't be love.
God says...
"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends."
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
If you asked Joe Public on the street if this piece of scripture has any truth to it, then I'm sure they'd say that it's completely right. He probably wouldn't stop to think about what doing those things actually means. I mean how easy is...
- ..patience?
- ..kindness?
- ..being genuinly happy for someone instead of jealous?
- ..not boasting when you've got something to boast about?
- ..not being arrogant?
- ..being polite all the time?
- ..putting someone else first all the time?
- ..holding back resentment?
- ..being joyful when someone else is right?
- ..putting up with anything the other person dishes out to you?
- ..believing in and hoping for someone someone for years and years?
- ..putting up with anything and everything?
- ..doing this for your whole life...?
These are not easy things to do or be, even when you're head-over-heels in love with somebody.
God wants us to be like this to everyone.
Friday, January 20
Happy New Year
Hi, how ya doing? I'm sorry I haven't written anything substantial recently; I'm sorry to say that I now have a job where I want to get on with my work. Since I only really go on the internet at work, that means that you, my beloved blog, is the victim.
To make some kind of amends, I decided that I'd write to you and talk to you about my past year, and what's ahead this year. How does an evaluation start? By reading your objectives of course!! I wrote this last January about what was in store for 2005. How did I do?
- Massive year of change - it certainly was.
- Parents moving to Cambridge - they sold, they moved, they conquered.
- Moving out - I moved out and I love it...it'll be even better when it's just me and Lisa and not 4 of us cooking seperate meals! Students; you gotta love 'em.
- Brother 99% certain to get into RAF - he's there right now. I got a call from him last night, and he said that today will mainly consist of:
- 3 Hours of Drill - marching around a massive square of concrete being shouted at.
- Inspection? - I think he said he had some tidying to do and then lunch.
- 2 More Hours of Drill - more marching.
- Finding out what God wants - In 2005, God let me find the woman who I'm spending the rest of my life with - my Lisa. Other than that, I've been moving on with my music - mainly bass - and growing up.
Best Bits
What were my favourite bits of 2005?
- Lisa is a major best-bit...I love life with Lisa :-D sorry to go on, but I can't help it :-P
- Moving out - while it has been tough in some respects, it's utterly fab; get on with my parents much better :)
- Going to France with my mates from Church - it was a fab holiday...really got to see some great places and experience stuff in France. I'm glad I vaguely know French ;-)
- Going to see Green Day at Milton Keynes - it was the best gig I've ever been to; bar none. Soul Survivor doesn't count.
- Going to Soul Survivour - It was great; especially losing my voice singing along to Hillsong United Live...too many good songs!
- Going to Chicago with Owen - just before Owen went to the RAF, we went to Chicago for a week and stayed with my Dad. It was really great...even though I've been to the US loads of times, it was the first time I really got to experience it for myself - and it was cool having Owen there; he's never been, so I could see it through a newcomer's eyes.
So, again I ask, what's in store this year - 2006?
- Marriage!!! Lis and I are getting married - that's a biggy!
- Honeymoon - ;-) ;-) Fuerta Ventura, here we come!!!!
- House - obtaining a house is on the list of adventures for this year.
- .... - fill that space. I'm hoping that the sky's the limit :-D
Well, that's it. I hope you're keeping well Mr Bloggy - give Noel my best.
Yours Sincerely,
PS - I'm Listening to - More tinitus ringing in my ears
Wednesday, January 18
How People Find My Blog
- tristan - what a surprise!
- MEANING OF Tristan - I'm not sure I know the answer to that one.
- blogspot & "curious by design" - go on, who was that then?
- hollywood spagbol - engh!?
- turning 25 age jokes - ironic?
- http theplacewherelozzais blogspot - they almost found what they were looking for!
- www. game fee cool com - this has me more confused that hollywood spagbol!
...and, my personal favourite...
- "luke radford" - he of the 10 shampoos!
Listening to - Ringing sound in my ears
Monday, January 9
Exercise 2b
Today I mostly did lie in, hitting snooze for 1½ hours whilst thinking "Don't want to cycle to work". I'm glad I did cycle - nowhere near as bad as last time...I think I paced myself better. And - bonus - my butt doesn't hurt as much!! The seat on my saddle is solid :-S
Well, back to church for the first time yesterday, and I was very tired. Was a real struggle to stay awake in the morning, but I think stuff entered my head in the evening! Also was the first time playing bass for a couple of weeks...got a blister on my thumb - doesn't hurt though...just gonna thicken up my skin. Also got band practice tonight, and a different band practice tomorrow (I'm helping out a friend - let's call him Spike-Head) for an hour, followed closely by the possibility of another band practice stragiht after that...so...3 weeks with no bass playing to playing solidly for 3 days! Ah well; I love it, so no complaints here.
Now...where did I put that coffee. If you're all lucky, I'll reveal my secret recipe for home-made mocha ;)
Listening to: Curious By Design - "Before Your Throne" (Uncontained)
Thursday, January 5
Coffee Construction
- Fill kettle with the amount of water you need - if you fill the kettle to make just one cup, then not only will it take ages to boil, but it will waste a lot of electricity.
- Switch on/set fire beneath kettle.
- (while water is boiling) Milk + Coffee goes in cup first (this is important - the optimum temperature for making coffee is 85-92 degrees C. When water comes out of the kettle it is hotter than this temperature....the milk stops the too-hot water from burning the coffee).
- Add sugar as required.
- Give it a good stir.
- Fill cup half way with hot water. While pouring, hold kettle about 1ft above cup. This makes bubbles/white frothy stuff in the coffee, which just looks cool.
- Stir.
- Fill cup to desired level as per step 6.
- Enjoy!
I wrote that because I just made a coffee. Mmmm, coffee.
Listening to: Jamie Cullum - Catch the Sun (Catching Tales)
Exercise Lark
I think I'm gonna get a refund - joke! It was a lot quicker than I remembered it being, and I wasn't really pushing myself. The hard part was when I got lost when I got off of the cycle track - couldn't remember for the life of me where I was meant to go after that - I almost ended up by Temple Meads! Whoops! Got here in the end though..that last bit of avoiding cars tired me out the most :-S I'm sure I'll find my way back tonight fine enough :)
What else..hmm, well Lis and I are up to Season 3 of "24" and have made our way to 2am (finished 13 episodes)...bring on episode 14! It's strange, because it looked like it could all be neatly wrapped up a couple of episodes ago, though we knew there were another 12 to come so things were bound to go wrong.
In other news, I'm hungry. So I'm going to eat lunch now (mmm, ham sandwiches).
*dribble*, lunch.
Bye, bye then.
You can go now.
Stop reading.
This isn't interesting.