Happy New Year
Hi, how ya doing? I'm sorry I haven't written anything substantial recently; I'm sorry to say that I now have a job where I want to get on with my work. Since I only really go on the internet at work, that means that you, my beloved blog, is the victim.
To make some kind of amends, I decided that I'd write to you and talk to you about my past year, and what's ahead this year. How does an evaluation start? By reading your objectives of course!! I wrote this last January about what was in store for 2005. How did I do?
- Massive year of change - it certainly was.
- Parents moving to Cambridge - they sold, they moved, they conquered.
- Moving out - I moved out and I love it...it'll be even better when it's just me and Lisa and not 4 of us cooking seperate meals! Students; you gotta love 'em.
- Brother 99% certain to get into RAF - he's there right now. I got a call from him last night, and he said that today will mainly consist of:
- 3 Hours of Drill - marching around a massive square of concrete being shouted at.
- Inspection? - I think he said he had some tidying to do and then lunch.
- 2 More Hours of Drill - more marching.
- Finding out what God wants - In 2005, God let me find the woman who I'm spending the rest of my life with - my Lisa. Other than that, I've been moving on with my music - mainly bass - and growing up.
Best Bits
What were my favourite bits of 2005?
- Lisa is a major best-bit...I love life with Lisa :-D sorry to go on, but I can't help it :-P
- Moving out - while it has been tough in some respects, it's utterly fab; get on with my parents much better :)
- Going to France with my mates from Church - it was a fab holiday...really got to see some great places and experience stuff in France. I'm glad I vaguely know French ;-)
- Going to see Green Day at Milton Keynes - it was the best gig I've ever been to; bar none. Soul Survivor doesn't count.
- Going to Soul Survivour - It was great; especially losing my voice singing along to Hillsong United Live...too many good songs!
- Going to Chicago with Owen - just before Owen went to the RAF, we went to Chicago for a week and stayed with my Dad. It was really great...even though I've been to the US loads of times, it was the first time I really got to experience it for myself - and it was cool having Owen there; he's never been, so I could see it through a newcomer's eyes.
So, again I ask, what's in store this year - 2006?
- Marriage!!! Lis and I are getting married - that's a biggy!
- Honeymoon - ;-) ;-) Fuerta Ventura, here we come!!!!
- House - obtaining a house is on the list of adventures for this year.
- .... - fill that space. I'm hoping that the sky's the limit :-D
Well, that's it. I hope you're keeping well Mr Bloggy - give Noel my best.
Yours Sincerely,
PS - I'm Listening to - More tinitus ringing in my ears
that was really interesting to read, thanx Trist! :D
Gem, at 20/1/06 12:31
ur so cute *grins*
Mafia!, at 20/1/06 13:13
btw ... you forgot to mention the wonderful thing about so many students cooking ... like when one of them decides to melt the plastic handle of the grillpan by closing it in the oven ... had to be the day your mum got there, didn't it!!
Mafia!, at 20/1/06 14:23
I'm with Gem on this one.
TommyDB, at 20/1/06 14:32
sooo looking forward to the wedding!
so happy for you!
Jen, at 22/1/06 00:02
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