Nice to Meet You
Well, I'm on my third day of work since Christmas, and that means that all trace of holiday has left my body. I got used to staying up late in the holiday, which now means I can't get to sleep before 1:30am. That's a bad thing when I set my alarm for 6:30am every day for work. Throw into the mix that everyone is deciding that we need meetings and I'm knackered already! Had a worship team meeting last night to discuss the 1-1s we did at the end of Equippers in October. Tomorrow night we've cancelled youth club so that we can have a youth leaders' meeting, and on Saturday there's a church website meeting to attend...granted that's at 3pm and should only last about an hour.
Tonight could go either way. I'm going to shower and sleep for a bit when I get home. Then I may or may not give Dan a bass lesson at 6 (I'm waiting for him to text me back). Straight after alleged bass lesson I'm going around to a friend's house to look at a couple of their computers to see what's wrong with them. If that doesn't take too long then I'm gonna go to a pub quiz with work which starts at 8:30pm. Phew. If one thing takes too long, or isn't long enough, then it could be a relaxing evening *grin*.
Hmm, anything interesting happened? Well, I've added yet another blog to my favourites list which brings my blog-check-favourites-folder up to a blog-count of 9. 8 if you don't count Tom's because Tom never updates it!!!!! Hint Hint Tom. Is that a form of stealing? Always reading other people's blogs and yet never blogging? I dunno, probably....Tom.
Piano lesson went quite well on Tuesday. "Harriet" is going to get me a Grade 2 book this week so that we can make a start on it, and he gave me some rock-hard stuff to practice...always good. Oh yeah! Almost forgot...I ordered a pair of bass lesson videos from 'Arrowhead Ministries' in Australia which arrived over Christmas and I watched them last night. They're quite cool, and have given me lots to practice. Not that I have time to practice piano, let alone bass cuz I don't have a bass at home (I've lent it to Dan while he starts learning).
I finished my 'Code' book, and have discovered that the encryption used for online shopping is much more secure than I thought! I mean, I thought it was pretty secure, but it's even more secure than that. I don't think that last sentence made any sense, so just ignore it if you don't get it. Suffice to say that the actual sending of details across the 'net isn't at all likely to reveal details to hackers. Storing credit card details on your HDD and not having a firewall/antivirus thing is *much* more of a risk. Ahem...yes, yes, I'm sad.
Nothing much else to report really. My step-dad starts his job in Cambridge on monday, so he won't be around as much any more :( I spent most of yesterday researching/programming this really cool thing that could keep track of file changes on our servers to be told that we can't afford any time/resource to do it. Noré from work (pronounced "Nor-eh"; like "Norway" but without the 'w') and myself had just spent a couple of hours bashing out a design around a table, and he asked what that meant. I told him that it meant we had just wasted the last few hours. Ben looked on the bright side and said "No, it means you've got a head-start when we do decide we need it!", which is a much better way of looking at it.
Nice to See You, To See You - Nice!
Nice (pronounced "Niece" / "Neess") - that's where I'm going over Easter! Yay! As soon as Luke confirms the flight details I'm gonna book my flights tonight. People going are Nige, Es, Luke, Adam, Maz, Nathan (J) and me! Can't's gonna be cool. Now all I need to do is remember some French from my school days. I know, I know, 8 years is a long time, but it seemed to (partially) come back to me when I was in skiing in Tignes last Easter. Hmm.
Well, I'd better do some work now - break over.
Listening to: Sheryl Crow - "The Book" (Sheryl Crow)
Tonight could go either way. I'm going to shower and sleep for a bit when I get home. Then I may or may not give Dan a bass lesson at 6 (I'm waiting for him to text me back). Straight after alleged bass lesson I'm going around to a friend's house to look at a couple of their computers to see what's wrong with them. If that doesn't take too long then I'm gonna go to a pub quiz with work which starts at 8:30pm. Phew. If one thing takes too long, or isn't long enough, then it could be a relaxing evening *grin*.
Hmm, anything interesting happened? Well, I've added yet another blog to my favourites list which brings my blog-check-favourites-folder up to a blog-count of 9. 8 if you don't count Tom's because Tom never updates it!!!!! Hint Hint Tom. Is that a form of stealing? Always reading other people's blogs and yet never blogging? I dunno, probably....Tom.
Piano lesson went quite well on Tuesday. "Harriet" is going to get me a Grade 2 book this week so that we can make a start on it, and he gave me some rock-hard stuff to practice...always good. Oh yeah! Almost forgot...I ordered a pair of bass lesson videos from 'Arrowhead Ministries' in Australia which arrived over Christmas and I watched them last night. They're quite cool, and have given me lots to practice. Not that I have time to practice piano, let alone bass cuz I don't have a bass at home (I've lent it to Dan while he starts learning).
I finished my 'Code' book, and have discovered that the encryption used for online shopping is much more secure than I thought! I mean, I thought it was pretty secure, but it's even more secure than that. I don't think that last sentence made any sense, so just ignore it if you don't get it. Suffice to say that the actual sending of details across the 'net isn't at all likely to reveal details to hackers. Storing credit card details on your HDD and not having a firewall/antivirus thing is *much* more of a risk. Ahem...yes, yes, I'm sad.
Nothing much else to report really. My step-dad starts his job in Cambridge on monday, so he won't be around as much any more :( I spent most of yesterday researching/programming this really cool thing that could keep track of file changes on our servers to be told that we can't afford any time/resource to do it. Noré from work (pronounced "Nor-eh"; like "Norway" but without the 'w') and myself had just spent a couple of hours bashing out a design around a table, and he asked what that meant. I told him that it meant we had just wasted the last few hours. Ben looked on the bright side and said "No, it means you've got a head-start when we do decide we need it!", which is a much better way of looking at it.
Nice to See You, To See You - Nice!
Nice (pronounced "Niece" / "Neess") - that's where I'm going over Easter! Yay! As soon as Luke confirms the flight details I'm gonna book my flights tonight. People going are Nige, Es, Luke, Adam, Maz, Nathan (J) and me! Can't's gonna be cool. Now all I need to do is remember some French from my school days. I know, I know, 8 years is a long time, but it seemed to (partially) come back to me when I was in skiing in Tignes last Easter. Hmm.
Well, I'd better do some work now - break over.
Listening to: Sheryl Crow - "The Book" (Sheryl Crow)
hehe... Frenchness. sounds like fun. I learnt French for 3 years and can't remember a word of it, except bonjour cause Delboy always says it.
have you ever been to Venice?
jengajen, at 6/1/05 15:13
Update blog...?
When I've got revision to do! Tut-tut.
TommyDB, at 6/1/05 15:16
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TommyDB, at 6/1/05 15:16
LoL@Tom - you shouldn't be reading & commenting on blogs either then :-P
Nope, never been anywhere in Italy :( though it is somewhere I'd love to go...need to learn a bit of italian first though! I was meant to go to Italy for a week this year, but alas it fell through :(
T, at 6/1/05 15:21
TommyDB, at 6/1/05 15:22
... what am I still doing here!?
TommyDB, at 6/1/05 15:22
oh yeah i think i remember you telling me about that.. something about someones got a villa or something. Hmm..
jengajen, at 6/1/05 21:08
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