Scary Movies
Right now I'm sat on my bed typing away at my laptop. I've been home for about an hour. From downstairs I can hear the sound of rushing water as my parents watch "Deliverance" (I bought it for my step-dad for Christmas) and I've just come to the realisation that I know more people called Jen than any other name! I can think of 7 off the top of my head - two of which are related to me (Step-step-Grandmother (my step-dad's step-mother) and a cousin(on my mum's side)), three are at church, one is one of the "Scots" from skiing, and one is Devon Jen who comments on my blog. Blimey. I'm sure I know more...if I think of any while I'm typing, I'll let you know immediately!
Hmm, nobody's online to chat to, so I'm probably just going to blog a bit more, read a bit and then go to sleep. And hopefully not forget my ID Card/Swipe card for work tomorrow!
Went to see "White Noise" again tonight with Phoebe. She invited along Hollie and two of her mates that I've never met before; Emily and Leanne. It was very funny - they were well jumpy, and since I'd seen it before I could watch them jump at the scary bits. I'm not sadistic...honest! Afterwards we went to Maccy's for a bit (mmm, McChicken Premiere) and then came home. Fun.
Last night at worship practice we went back over Tom's song and Rach's was quite cool. We spent ages trying to come up with a syncopated bit in the middle of the chorus. When the choir came out, it turned out that it didn't fit with a bit that they'd added to the singing, so we scrapped it! LoL. It's going to be my first time playing guitar on Sunday morning (as opposed to bass which I've been doing for about 5 years, LoL), and we managed to practice some songs. My hands were killing by the end of it...stupid bar chords. I was well jealous of Mark's capo by the time we'd finished, but Len & Geoff (guitarists on worship team) were urging me not to join the 'Dark Side', and instead to 'Feel the burn'. LoL. I haven't really got much choice! Must get some new strings to put on before Sunday - mine are a bit old and "Harriet" said they sounded a bit dull compared to Mark's. Stupid guitar strings need renewing too often....bass strings are much better. Although my bass strings could do with replacing too....aaargh! Lucky it's not as often though - they're £20 a pop! I read somewhere that the bassist from No Doubt replaces his strings every day. Excessive methinks...lucky he's loaded.
Ooookay, that's enough about strings...if you're still reading!! I emailed UWE today and they told me that I hadn't been shortlisted for the job. I'm not surprised as I wasn't anywhere near experienced enough for the job, and I'd left it entirely up to God. It does mean, however, that I booked an Oracle DB Admin course for work. It's in London for 5 days in 3 weeks time...I can't wait! Last time I went for a training course in London I stayed with Wendy, Phil & Jessica. She is just the coolest kid in the world. When she was 4/5 years old, she asked me if I would watch a video with her. When I said I would she replied,
"Right, I'll just go an find something appropriate then!", and then trundled off upstairs! It was soo cute! Plus she can read music much more fluently than I can (she's been doing it much longer cuz she's been learning violin for a few years).
It's also The Gathering in Birmingham next weekend (not this weekend, but the weekend after)'s going to be sooo cool! We went for the day last year, but this time it's for the whole weekend! The Gathering is a youth conference, so we're taking a bunch of youth up to it, and last year it was just amazing. It was really good to just be able to get into God's presence and worship anonymously, as opposed to standing on stage with a bass. Don't get me wrong, I love worshipping on the worship team, but sometimes it's nice to have a break and not concentrate on playing. Tom lost his voice last year and couldn't sing on the Sunday, LoL.
Right, I'm going to sleep now.
Listening to: "Deliverance" making things-getting-smashed-up-in-a-river-while-people-are-screaming sounds
Hmm, nobody's online to chat to, so I'm probably just going to blog a bit more, read a bit and then go to sleep. And hopefully not forget my ID Card/Swipe card for work tomorrow!
Went to see "White Noise" again tonight with Phoebe. She invited along Hollie and two of her mates that I've never met before; Emily and Leanne. It was very funny - they were well jumpy, and since I'd seen it before I could watch them jump at the scary bits. I'm not sadistic...honest! Afterwards we went to Maccy's for a bit (mmm, McChicken Premiere) and then came home. Fun.
Last night at worship practice we went back over Tom's song and Rach's was quite cool. We spent ages trying to come up with a syncopated bit in the middle of the chorus. When the choir came out, it turned out that it didn't fit with a bit that they'd added to the singing, so we scrapped it! LoL. It's going to be my first time playing guitar on Sunday morning (as opposed to bass which I've been doing for about 5 years, LoL), and we managed to practice some songs. My hands were killing by the end of it...stupid bar chords. I was well jealous of Mark's capo by the time we'd finished, but Len & Geoff (guitarists on worship team) were urging me not to join the 'Dark Side', and instead to 'Feel the burn'. LoL. I haven't really got much choice! Must get some new strings to put on before Sunday - mine are a bit old and "Harriet" said they sounded a bit dull compared to Mark's. Stupid guitar strings need renewing too often....bass strings are much better. Although my bass strings could do with replacing too....aaargh! Lucky it's not as often though - they're £20 a pop! I read somewhere that the bassist from No Doubt replaces his strings every day. Excessive methinks...lucky he's loaded.
Ooookay, that's enough about strings...if you're still reading!! I emailed UWE today and they told me that I hadn't been shortlisted for the job. I'm not surprised as I wasn't anywhere near experienced enough for the job, and I'd left it entirely up to God. It does mean, however, that I booked an Oracle DB Admin course for work. It's in London for 5 days in 3 weeks time...I can't wait! Last time I went for a training course in London I stayed with Wendy, Phil & Jessica. She is just the coolest kid in the world. When she was 4/5 years old, she asked me if I would watch a video with her. When I said I would she replied,
"Right, I'll just go an find something appropriate then!", and then trundled off upstairs! It was soo cute! Plus she can read music much more fluently than I can (she's been doing it much longer cuz she's been learning violin for a few years).
It's also The Gathering in Birmingham next weekend (not this weekend, but the weekend after)'s going to be sooo cool! We went for the day last year, but this time it's for the whole weekend! The Gathering is a youth conference, so we're taking a bunch of youth up to it, and last year it was just amazing. It was really good to just be able to get into God's presence and worship anonymously, as opposed to standing on stage with a bass. Don't get me wrong, I love worshipping on the worship team, but sometimes it's nice to have a break and not concentrate on playing. Tom lost his voice last year and couldn't sing on the Sunday, LoL.
Right, I'm going to sleep now.
Listening to: "Deliverance" making things-getting-smashed-up-in-a-river-while-people-are-screaming sounds
Feel lucky ... UWE is a silly, silly place. Full of incredibly odd people ... trust me, I know, I'm one of them!
Mafia!, at 2/2/05 02:13
lol, yeah.. odd people like you who actually *want* to live in Ilfracombe ;-)
jengajen, at 2/2/05 09:27
Tiz true - UWE *is* full of the strangest people. I was there for 4 years and I saw some very strange (and funny) people.
Favourite moment:
***Large-bodied, russian-sounding lecturer finishes adjusting some slidesLecturer: "Can you see me at the back?"
***Lecture hall erupts in laughter with cries of "We can hardly miss you can we!"Ahhh UWE. How I miss thee.
T, at 2/2/05 09:45
Not too bad on the old mentions there T. ;)
I'm surprised to remembered that I knackered my voice last year!
Oh, it was great.
TommyDB, at 2/2/05 11:05
Yeah. Weirdos in UWE btw.
All of 'em.
TommyDB, at 2/2/05 11:06
*mustn't say this.... Loz.. might hurt... me...
But... too... tempting*
Your mum doesn't work at UWE.
TommyDB, at 2/2/05 17:11
Soz Loz.
Don't really mean it. x
TommyDB, at 2/2/05 17:12
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