Weary Weekend
Wow, what a completely shattering weekend! Lets start at the beginning shall we?
Friday Night (youth club): In all essence, the evening went really well. We tried out the new age-split thing and it was great! The thing I love about youth work is just chatting to the young people and stuff like that. Sometimes I worry that I can relate to young people easier than I can to adults...and in a way it's true! I used to be so shy at talking to new people and absolutely hated it. When I started being a youth leader it was purely cuz that's what God said to do and not because I had any gifting for it; on the contrary, all the youth really intimidated me! They were exactly the kind of kids that intimidated me at school and gave me a hard time. So I threw myself into youth work, and after about three-four years, it was like some kind of barrier got broken! I was able to relate to some youth and talk to them and stuff! It was soo cool! Now (sad though it may seem), Friday nights are one of the highlights of my week! Anyways, because I worked so hard on being able to chat to young people (I still have loads to learn..), I guess I kindof neglected the "chatting to random adults" skill, LoL. I'm kindof exagerating (sp?) but I think you get the point. Anyways, Friday was great because the split meant that we had less people in there at a time. Less "crowd control" and more relationship building. I might even remember some new names (I'm rubbish at remembering names).
After youth a bunch of us went to pizza hut, where Tom claimed to have a Roswell Alien in his pizza in order to get a free one (Tom jokingly asked for a free pizza, and the waiter asked if he had any "alien" objects in the pizza we'd just eaten. That was a very, VERY silly thing to ask Tom, and the waiter fully deserved the silly answer that Tom gave him!). Got home around 12:45, and got to sleep around 1:30 which was really stupid. Why stupid? Because I had to be up at 6:45 to go into work and check that the system was up (it had been playing up all week) for the users that work weekends down in Plymouth. WHY!? Why do they do it!? Anyways, system was down, so it was good that I went in and spent an hour of my time making it work. After that went to town with my bro, "O", for a bacon buttie down by the docks (or a sausage&egg buttie in my case). Home by 10am which meant that we watched a Ricky Gervais DVD. Very bad (from a Christian POV), but oh so funny! I laughed until I couldn't breathe. Then went down town with my fave "Li'l Sis" and bought.....a card! She bought some other stuff, and we ended up going in a variety of shops and chatting to her mates. We went into co-op where her b/f was on his first day of work on the tills and the look on his face when he saw her next in line was priceless! Anyways, by that point I was soooo tired, so I managed to get home by 4pm and grab some Zees before going out for a 21st birthday party at some social club in the middle of nowhere.
The Party
When I got to the party, I felt really mentally drained. Didn't feel like making any effort with people that I didn't know that well. I know it's really bad, but I really couldn't be bothered to make small talk - it was all because I hadn't had much sleep the night before, and I got an early start. So much for catching up on sleep that afternoon! So I just sat down all night and stayed with my friends. Friends are good - you can just chat rubbish and be yourself without making any effort. Especially youth - being young was so un-complicated. I'm glad I'm older now though - the benefits are far better *grin*. Anyways, I sat around the edge of the "dance area" all evening without the energy to get up and dance....that was probably my downfall. Far too much time to watch couples dancing, and, as I'm sure many of you have experienced before, I got the slow-dance-blues towards the end. That part of the evening where all the couples get up and slow dance and you have to sit there and watch them and wonder why it never seems to be you up there (side note: have you ever noticed that there's always the the 2 girls dancing with each other who don't seem to care that they're single...along with the obligitory lads who are messing around trying to grab their attention?). Anyways, by the end of the evening I was helping "Harriet" pack away PA stuff while feeling tired, fed up and surprisingly single. Now don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying being single while I can; there's so much you can't do when you're in a relationship. But now and then I get a stark reminder of my (seemingly) long-term singleness and distinct lack of female companionship. But it has now passed - I had God and church on Sunday to help me with that!
I love to worship God. I mean, He's so amazing. If nothing good ever happened again in my lifetime, He's still be worthy to be praised because of the fact that I've got forever with Him! I mean what's 70 years compared with Eternity!??!?!? My life will seem like a tiny blur in a million years time when I'll still be up in heaven...hopefully with a lot of you lot!! I think that's one of my favourite things about God. No matter what's happening in my life, I know it's just temporary and that eventually I'll be in the best place of all. Sunday was great because we had some really great times of worship and "Harriet"'s preaching was really cool. In the avo we had our monthly "youth sunday lunch" around at Rita's place. It was soooooo good. I love going to Rita's - God is gonna bless her so much when we're all in heaven. The evening had some good preaching too, and worship was pretty cool too.
We went round to Loz's after church and chilled out for a bit. Watched the stupid final of stupid Big Brother. It clicked with me the other day what it is that appeals to people about Big Brother: it's the ultimate form of gossip! I mean, what is gossip? Sticking your nose into other people's lives and figuring out what's best for them and how to fix their faults. Big Brother is a televisation of people's lives, and then televised gossip about them, which everyone (and yes, I have been guilty of this in the past) joins in with. Hmm, the devil can be subtle, no? Justified gossip in the name of entertainment. Anyways, LoL, chilled at Loz's for a bit and went back home early to get an early night. Ended up going to bed just as late as normal, only managed to chat to my bro and mum a bit - bonus!
Work happened today. System is still down in the mornings when I get in..hopefully figure out what's wrong with it tomorrow as we've made the error-tracking-log go into "lets-log-everything-that-happens-on-the-system" mode. This means that it creates a HUGE logfile in just a few minutes which we'll trawl through tomorrow, looking for the reason that the system dies every morning.
When I got home from work I just slept a bit and then got up to go to worship practice, where we learned a new song.
I listened to Joss Stone all day today and found some Joss Stone wallpaper. Hmm, it's weird, I think this is possible the first time I've put a pic up of a celebrity as my background for about 10 years! Maybe I'm backsliding...LoL. I have the same pic as a background on my phone too :-P
Listening to: the hum of my laptop fan and tapping of my typing
Friday Night (youth club): In all essence, the evening went really well. We tried out the new age-split thing and it was great! The thing I love about youth work is just chatting to the young people and stuff like that. Sometimes I worry that I can relate to young people easier than I can to adults...and in a way it's true! I used to be so shy at talking to new people and absolutely hated it. When I started being a youth leader it was purely cuz that's what God said to do and not because I had any gifting for it; on the contrary, all the youth really intimidated me! They were exactly the kind of kids that intimidated me at school and gave me a hard time. So I threw myself into youth work, and after about three-four years, it was like some kind of barrier got broken! I was able to relate to some youth and talk to them and stuff! It was soo cool! Now (sad though it may seem), Friday nights are one of the highlights of my week! Anyways, because I worked so hard on being able to chat to young people (I still have loads to learn..), I guess I kindof neglected the "chatting to random adults" skill, LoL. I'm kindof exagerating (sp?) but I think you get the point. Anyways, Friday was great because the split meant that we had less people in there at a time. Less "crowd control" and more relationship building. I might even remember some new names (I'm rubbish at remembering names).
After youth a bunch of us went to pizza hut, where Tom claimed to have a Roswell Alien in his pizza in order to get a free one (Tom jokingly asked for a free pizza, and the waiter asked if he had any "alien" objects in the pizza we'd just eaten. That was a very, VERY silly thing to ask Tom, and the waiter fully deserved the silly answer that Tom gave him!). Got home around 12:45, and got to sleep around 1:30 which was really stupid. Why stupid? Because I had to be up at 6:45 to go into work and check that the system was up (it had been playing up all week) for the users that work weekends down in Plymouth. WHY!? Why do they do it!? Anyways, system was down, so it was good that I went in and spent an hour of my time making it work. After that went to town with my bro, "O", for a bacon buttie down by the docks (or a sausage&egg buttie in my case). Home by 10am which meant that we watched a Ricky Gervais DVD. Very bad (from a Christian POV), but oh so funny! I laughed until I couldn't breathe. Then went down town with my fave "Li'l Sis" and bought.....a card! She bought some other stuff, and we ended up going in a variety of shops and chatting to her mates. We went into co-op where her b/f was on his first day of work on the tills and the look on his face when he saw her next in line was priceless! Anyways, by that point I was soooo tired, so I managed to get home by 4pm and grab some Zees before going out for a 21st birthday party at some social club in the middle of nowhere.
The Party
When I got to the party, I felt really mentally drained. Didn't feel like making any effort with people that I didn't know that well. I know it's really bad, but I really couldn't be bothered to make small talk - it was all because I hadn't had much sleep the night before, and I got an early start. So much for catching up on sleep that afternoon! So I just sat down all night and stayed with my friends. Friends are good - you can just chat rubbish and be yourself without making any effort. Especially youth - being young was so un-complicated. I'm glad I'm older now though - the benefits are far better *grin*. Anyways, I sat around the edge of the "dance area" all evening without the energy to get up and dance....that was probably my downfall. Far too much time to watch couples dancing, and, as I'm sure many of you have experienced before, I got the slow-dance-blues towards the end. That part of the evening where all the couples get up and slow dance and you have to sit there and watch them and wonder why it never seems to be you up there (side note: have you ever noticed that there's always the the 2 girls dancing with each other who don't seem to care that they're single...along with the obligitory lads who are messing around trying to grab their attention?). Anyways, by the end of the evening I was helping "Harriet" pack away PA stuff while feeling tired, fed up and surprisingly single. Now don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying being single while I can; there's so much you can't do when you're in a relationship. But now and then I get a stark reminder of my (seemingly) long-term singleness and distinct lack of female companionship. But it has now passed - I had God and church on Sunday to help me with that!
I love to worship God. I mean, He's so amazing. If nothing good ever happened again in my lifetime, He's still be worthy to be praised because of the fact that I've got forever with Him! I mean what's 70 years compared with Eternity!??!?!? My life will seem like a tiny blur in a million years time when I'll still be up in heaven...hopefully with a lot of you lot!! I think that's one of my favourite things about God. No matter what's happening in my life, I know it's just temporary and that eventually I'll be in the best place of all. Sunday was great because we had some really great times of worship and "Harriet"'s preaching was really cool. In the avo we had our monthly "youth sunday lunch" around at Rita's place. It was soooooo good. I love going to Rita's - God is gonna bless her so much when we're all in heaven. The evening had some good preaching too, and worship was pretty cool too.
We went round to Loz's after church and chilled out for a bit. Watched the stupid final of stupid Big Brother. It clicked with me the other day what it is that appeals to people about Big Brother: it's the ultimate form of gossip! I mean, what is gossip? Sticking your nose into other people's lives and figuring out what's best for them and how to fix their faults. Big Brother is a televisation of people's lives, and then televised gossip about them, which everyone (and yes, I have been guilty of this in the past) joins in with. Hmm, the devil can be subtle, no? Justified gossip in the name of entertainment. Anyways, LoL, chilled at Loz's for a bit and went back home early to get an early night. Ended up going to bed just as late as normal, only managed to chat to my bro and mum a bit - bonus!
Work happened today. System is still down in the mornings when I get in..hopefully figure out what's wrong with it tomorrow as we've made the error-tracking-log go into "lets-log-everything-that-happens-on-the-system" mode. This means that it creates a HUGE logfile in just a few minutes which we'll trawl through tomorrow, looking for the reason that the system dies every morning.
When I got home from work I just slept a bit and then got up to go to worship practice, where we learned a new song.
I listened to Joss Stone all day today and found some Joss Stone wallpaper. Hmm, it's weird, I think this is possible the first time I've put a pic up of a celebrity as my background for about 10 years! Maybe I'm backsliding...LoL. I have the same pic as a background on my phone too :-P
Listening to: the hum of my laptop fan and tapping of my typing
Hi T
I just read todays entry and felt compelled to reply to tell you what i think (don't get scared now, this is one of the rare occassions I have something serous to say)
First of all, youth stuff and talking to adults etc. We all have areas where we think we're not so good and could improve but thats excellent. We're never as good as we should be because we're not perfect and God is still expanding us....so be blessed about that.
I must say that your commitment and dedication to youthwork is inspirational. Don't ever let anyone drag you down and let you think otherwise. I never thjought I would meet anyone as dedicated as my own youth pastor was as i see the fruit of his work now and it is phenominal. T you are a carbon copy of him (well ok not a copy cos your you)
As for being single, well thats all part of Gods plan, but be careful...yes there is stuff you can't do (but thats stuff you shouldnt do anyway lol) everything else...well...two hands are better than one, those things that you may feel held back...well could also be supported physically, emotionally and in prayer. Its just give and take.
I think you're fab and whatever you do i'm convinced it will be after much thought prayer and guidance and I think I speak for any true friends you have when I say we'll always support you.
Gotta dash as i'm hogging the computer
laterz xx
Juckle, at 25/1/05 09:51
WHAT? The youth intimidated you????????YOU???!!!!You are great with them. Youth are scary.Then again after reading your blog,there maybe hope for me.
ps. nice long blog.
Anonymous, at 25/1/05 18:23
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