Reliance on Technology
I just got a sharp reminder of my reliance on technology. I went to a cash machine at ASDA (for my American readers: ASDA is owned by Wal-Mart's basically a Wal Mart, but has more grocery stuff than other stuff) on my lunchbreak to get a mini-statement/cash before I bought my lunch. After waiting for about 5 minutes in the wind/rain I pulled out my wallet in front of the ATM to find that my cash card wasn't there! I assumed I'd left it on my desk at home (well, it's not a desk as's the top of some drawers that I put my laptop on when I'm online), and so decided to use my credit card. As I was wondering up to the sandwich kiosk in ASDA I realised I wasn't quite sure of the PIN for my credit card. Last time I had to use my CC in ASDA was when I could still sign for stuff in there. Hmm, not good - needed lunch. After a brainwave I re-checked my wallet and discovered my cashcard buried underneath my video card, and not in the usual slot. Result! Lunch was on. Got me some breakfast bars too (and various other furniture) ...mmm...breakfast bars.
Stupid, amazing, convenient, infuriating technology.
Anybody else got any techno-horror-stories?
Listening to: Pre-recorded voice while I wait for an internal help-desk to answer the phone
Stupid, amazing, convenient, infuriating technology.
Anybody else got any techno-horror-stories?
Listening to: Pre-recorded voice while I wait for an internal help-desk to answer the phone
good to hear your still on that oh-so-nutritious diet, Geoff!
techno-horror stories? It's the story of my life!
jengajen, at 17/1/05 15:20
wot church do u go to?
Mafia!, at 19/1/05 06:49
weet weeettt..techno tales huh...hmmm..great..maybe u can help me out with my blog problems that i'm dying with
DianaHairul, at 19/1/05 06:59
Hallo! I go to Sanctuary Church which is just on the Fishponds/Staple-Hill border. What church do you go to?
Take care,
PS - How come you're called Mafia? Is it to do with the game?
T, at 19/1/05 10:49
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