The Way It Is
Life is a strange old chestnut really isn't it. We're dealt a completely random hand, shoved in a random location in the world, and left to get on with it. For some people this is pretty good. Others, not so good at all. I really thank God for the life I have, and really have nothing to complain about. Don't ask me why I just said all that. I'm just in one of those moods.
Anyways, this week I have mostly been watching films. If I see another film anytime soon I think my head is going to explode!! Tuesday I took the youth to see "Elektra"...kindof spinoff/sequel to "Daredevil". It wasn't too bad! The main character (Elektra) looked pretty fine, and the effects/action alright too! Wednesday evening I...went to the cinema! This time with Rach/Nami/Babs/Gem/Shaneen. We saw "White Noise". Since Shaneen didn't realise that this was a scary film, she hid her face through most of the scary bits. The film wasn't too bad, but nowhere near as good as "The Grudge". Now that was a scary film. Thursday I went for a curry with Adam, Andy and Nessa. Ate farrr too much, and was still full until lunchtime on Friday!
I really don't know why I keep telling you brief accounts of what I do every night. It can't be that interesting. I mean, why do you want to know that kind of stuff? I used to have a journal when I was 17/18 - it was on my computer (password protected of course), and bizzarely enough, it covered the 9 months before I was a Christian, and the 9 months afterwards! I read through it from time to time....
*** One Hour Later ***
...I found my old journals and started reading. LoL. I got them mainly because I suddenly got the urge to read them after talking about them. The thing that's really cool is that the last line of it talks about God:
Wednesday December 9 - 23:39
"Anyway, I love God, and he’ll help me through it, and for that I am very grateful. I must sleep now."
And that's it! I'm not trying to sound big-headed, but I thought that was soo cool! I used to have a laptop, and used to sit in bed writing my journal. It died at that point and it's still not fixed. I managed to extract my journals from the hard drive a while after that, and was really surprised the first time I read that line. Because it was private (and password protected), there's a lot of deep, inside stuff in there that covers about 3/4 of my time at 6th form. During that time I was non-Christian, paranoid, suffering from depression and worked my way through to believing in God and stuff. I didn't realise that when I first told my best mate at the time that I was Christian, I told him he'd be going to Hell...
April '98
"..I told him that I had given my heart to God on Sunday. I said that I believe that, because he doesn’t believe in Jesus, that he will go to hell, and I don’t want him to go to hell, I want him to come to heaven with me. I think that I was a tad strong.."
LoL - how much of an understatement is that last bit? "Tad strong"!?
And...just because I'm going to see Green Day soon, I thought I'd show you what I wrote about them last time I went to see them (in 1998)...
Sunday February 1 1998
"On Friday I went to see Green Day. It was brilliant; I got a long sleeve T-shirt for £18 and acquired a chain! I said before that I wouldn’t wear one because everyone else wore them, so I’ve decided that I’m going to wear it around my neck instead of on my jeans. I didn’t get back from Green Day until about 01:30, and didn’t get to sleep until around 2am, so I was really late for my paper rounds yesterday morning....Rich found a wallet when we went to see Green Day, and it had £20 in it. My parents overheard me saying how much I would like that money to Rich over the phone, so they might think the worst of that. We sent the wallet back to the owner complete with £20. I’m going to go to sleep now and get some rest for tomorrow’s paper round."
I'll be sure to let you know how the next Green Day gig goes. That's not 'till June though. Anyways, it's late. I must sleep now.
Listening to: nothing - it's too late and I'm too tired.
Anyways, this week I have mostly been watching films. If I see another film anytime soon I think my head is going to explode!! Tuesday I took the youth to see "Elektra"...kindof spinoff/sequel to "Daredevil". It wasn't too bad! The main character (Elektra) looked pretty fine, and the effects/action alright too! Wednesday evening I...went to the cinema! This time with Rach/Nami/Babs/Gem/Shaneen. We saw "White Noise". Since Shaneen didn't realise that this was a scary film, she hid her face through most of the scary bits. The film wasn't too bad, but nowhere near as good as "The Grudge". Now that was a scary film. Thursday I went for a curry with Adam, Andy and Nessa. Ate farrr too much, and was still full until lunchtime on Friday!
I really don't know why I keep telling you brief accounts of what I do every night. It can't be that interesting. I mean, why do you want to know that kind of stuff? I used to have a journal when I was 17/18 - it was on my computer (password protected of course), and bizzarely enough, it covered the 9 months before I was a Christian, and the 9 months afterwards! I read through it from time to time....
*** One Hour Later ***
...I found my old journals and started reading. LoL. I got them mainly because I suddenly got the urge to read them after talking about them. The thing that's really cool is that the last line of it talks about God:
Wednesday December 9 - 23:39
"Anyway, I love God, and he’ll help me through it, and for that I am very grateful. I must sleep now."
And that's it! I'm not trying to sound big-headed, but I thought that was soo cool! I used to have a laptop, and used to sit in bed writing my journal. It died at that point and it's still not fixed. I managed to extract my journals from the hard drive a while after that, and was really surprised the first time I read that line. Because it was private (and password protected), there's a lot of deep, inside stuff in there that covers about 3/4 of my time at 6th form. During that time I was non-Christian, paranoid, suffering from depression and worked my way through to believing in God and stuff. I didn't realise that when I first told my best mate at the time that I was Christian, I told him he'd be going to Hell...
April '98
"..I told him that I had given my heart to God on Sunday. I said that I believe that, because he doesn’t believe in Jesus, that he will go to hell, and I don’t want him to go to hell, I want him to come to heaven with me. I think that I was a tad strong.."
LoL - how much of an understatement is that last bit? "Tad strong"!?
And...just because I'm going to see Green Day soon, I thought I'd show you what I wrote about them last time I went to see them (in 1998)...
Sunday February 1 1998
"On Friday I went to see Green Day. It was brilliant; I got a long sleeve T-shirt for £18 and acquired a chain! I said before that I wouldn’t wear one because everyone else wore them, so I’ve decided that I’m going to wear it around my neck instead of on my jeans. I didn’t get back from Green Day until about 01:30, and didn’t get to sleep until around 2am, so I was really late for my paper rounds yesterday morning....Rich found a wallet when we went to see Green Day, and it had £20 in it. My parents overheard me saying how much I would like that money to Rich over the phone, so they might think the worst of that. We sent the wallet back to the owner complete with £20. I’m going to go to sleep now and get some rest for tomorrow’s paper round."
I'll be sure to let you know how the next Green Day gig goes. That's not 'till June though. Anyways, it's late. I must sleep now.
Listening to: nothing - it's too late and I'm too tired.
aaaaaaaawwwwwww you're so cute!!
Pretty cool to look back over your life and stuff tho see how much you've changed/grown etc
Glad to see there's no buts about your days as a stalker tho.......or is that the password protected bit ;) lol
Juckle, at 30/1/05 14:10
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