And about time too...
Okay, how do I do this again? What is this 'blogging' you speak of? Me forget-sir.
This is not the blog you are looking for
Ahem. Right. It's been about a month. Yep, a month. I've had a youth holiday; which was fantastic. Got me some sunburn right here yessiree. It's gone now though. Also got me a new job! A job that I am enjoying immensely - finished my first project already and on to the second (though I have a day's worth of changes to make tomorrow on the first after some feedback from the client).
What else - oh yeah! The band finally chose a name that we like, and don't think it's too bad; "Curious By Design". I like it cuz it subtly makes you think. We've been practicing hard this month, and we've been into a studio three times now! We've laid down 6 tracks, and on Thursday night we're going in for a final session to tweak/tidy up some parts of the tracks. We're then going to leave it to our muchos talented sound-engineer to EQ the tracks for us and make us sound good ;-)
Since my brother is off to the RAF in November, we're going to go on a brief holiday together - going to Chicago for a week! We'll be staying with my Dad while we're there, so I get to see him too!! Bonus!
Lis and I are going to Cambridge this weekend to see her friend for her 21st, and to see my parents. Ooooh, I'm also going to Highbury to see Arsenal v. Birmingham City.....woohooo! It's good!
Lis has started playing hockey at uni, and her muscles are really feeling it at the moment...poor Lis :-( *hugs*
Right, I think that's pretty much it...oooh, except for a quote from the famous Norm-meister (who is going into hospital to have a v.serious operation today - pray for him please!)
Norm is the drummer in our band.
*band listens back to guitar and bass at the end of a particular track where we all just go mental (Timmay's Mental Song)*
Norm: I love that bassline! It really makes me want to drum!!
Hmm, not as funny when you type it out. But trust - it was funny at the time.
Listening to: Sheryl Crow - "Maybe Angels" (Sheryl Crow)
This is not the blog you are looking for
Ahem. Right. It's been about a month. Yep, a month. I've had a youth holiday; which was fantastic. Got me some sunburn right here yessiree. It's gone now though. Also got me a new job! A job that I am enjoying immensely - finished my first project already and on to the second (though I have a day's worth of changes to make tomorrow on the first after some feedback from the client).
What else - oh yeah! The band finally chose a name that we like, and don't think it's too bad; "Curious By Design". I like it cuz it subtly makes you think. We've been practicing hard this month, and we've been into a studio three times now! We've laid down 6 tracks, and on Thursday night we're going in for a final session to tweak/tidy up some parts of the tracks. We're then going to leave it to our muchos talented sound-engineer to EQ the tracks for us and make us sound good ;-)
Since my brother is off to the RAF in November, we're going to go on a brief holiday together - going to Chicago for a week! We'll be staying with my Dad while we're there, so I get to see him too!! Bonus!
Lis and I are going to Cambridge this weekend to see her friend for her 21st, and to see my parents. Ooooh, I'm also going to Highbury to see Arsenal v. Birmingham City.....woohooo! It's good!
Lis has started playing hockey at uni, and her muscles are really feeling it at the moment...poor Lis :-( *hugs*
Right, I think that's pretty much it...oooh, except for a quote from the famous Norm-meister (who is going into hospital to have a v.serious operation today - pray for him please!)
Norm is the drummer in our band.
*band listens back to guitar and bass at the end of a particular track where we all just go mental (Timmay's Mental Song)*
Norm: I love that bassline! It really makes me want to drum!!
Hmm, not as funny when you type it out. But trust - it was funny at the time.
Listening to: Sheryl Crow - "Maybe Angels" (Sheryl Crow)
OOOOH - good name for the band!!!
Unknown, at 28/9/05 14:19
I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw you'd updated!!!
I still laughed at the quote!
Gem, at 28/9/05 15:30
I opened your blog and so expected there not to be an update, it took a double glance to realise it was an update!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back :D and its great to hear all the news.
Jenny, at 28/9/05 17:01
i don't think andy means it but he can come up with such funny comments.
Anonymous, at 28/9/05 22:10
about time tris
KT, at 30/9/05 14:31
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