Gym? What's a Gym?
Good morning peeps! How are you all!? What've you been up to this week? I started this post a couple of days ago, but completely failed to post apologies. It's not that exciting, so don't hold your breath.
Right, I'm gonna try to give a summary of my week (and a bit);
- Parents Moved Away - my parents selfishly moved to Cambridge this week. You might have guessed that.
- I joined a gym - yep, that's right folks, I've joined a gym. Even used the rowing machine for 1500m *shudder* now, all I need is...willpower!
- I re-wrote my CV - my CV was vastly out of date, and each time I've seen a cool job on a job site, I've never actually applied because I never managed to put the effort into updating my CV. I now have an up-to-date CV. Yay!
- Four Months Passed - not in this week...just the 4-month-stage of Lis & myself had its anniversary this week...yay! We celebrated in style; we went to youth club, LoL.
- Office Move - our long-awaited office move occured on Friday...pretty much no work all day, and now we have an air-conditioned office.....ahhhhhh, sooo good.
- Harry Potter - yup, Harry Potter came out this week on Friday night. I picked up a copy at the supermarket on Saturday while I was buying a tent, a towel and some Passionfruit juice. Mmmmm, Passionfruit juice.
- Band Played - we had our annual Park Event on Saturday (free BBQ, free face-painting, free hair-braiding, free bouncy-castle, free puppet-shows, free entertainment of music). Anyways, our new(ish)ly formed band played 4-5 songs there. It was kinda fun! The PA was an hour late getting set up, so there were some techincal problems, but it was great fun. Bass was up nice and loud for me to hear (which is the most important thing I think ;)). The whole thing was great fun anyways. Even if our band doesn't have a name.
- Office Move - on Friday we moved office - we now have air conditioning! Yay!!!! No more sweltering in the heat! This afternoon there's going to be an opening cerenmony for the new part of the office building that's opening (we're sat in a part of it). This ceremony is closely followed by a hog roast...mmm...hog roast...*dribble*.
I guess that's enough of an update. At work I've actually managed to do some programming this week! It's been cool. Over the past few weeks I've been setting up some automated jobs to keep track of which datbases were up, and when they went down. I've also created some scripts to extract some data. These past couple of days I've been making a snazzy web front-end for the datbases to I tell ya's (yeah, yeah...I know...I'm sad. But hey..I'm getting paid for it!).
What else? Oh yeah, I found that I can get my contact lenses for half price if I buy them online instead of going to my optician.
Sorry for the boring blog - my brain hasn't really been in blogging mode much recently...silly brain.
HP Reading Status - Chapter 11 (page 205 / 607)
Ummm .... you included office move twice.
Mafia!, at 20/7/05 14:51
Good for you, I think... I went in the other direction this week and cancelled my membership after something like 5 years. It's become a battle with my kid to get him to go anywhere on a schedule and so I hadn't been to the gym in about 4 months and couldn't see any reason to subsidize them (although my husband had been doing it for years) if you know what I mean! And I'm willing to bet that I need it more than you do... but anyway. Now seeking alternate forms of athletic activity.
I think silly-brain syndrome must be common this month!
jenn, at 22/7/05 21:56
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