Loz's Quiz
1. Full name: Tristan Joshua Thompson
2. Nickname(s): T, Mr T, Tris, Trish, Trishy, Trist
3. Shoe size: 9½
4. Height: 5'11
5. Hair: Brunette
6. Siblings? 3 half-brothers (= 1½ brothers). Owen (18), Ben (15), Asher (13)
7. Do you like to sing in the shower? Yeah baby!
8. Do you like to sing? Not so much in public unless (a) I'm being silly, (b) I'm singing along to the stereo in my car
9. Birthday: 15th December
10. Sign: "Give Way"
11. Lefty or righty? Righty; though I hold my knife+fork backwards!
12. Shoes or sandals? Barefoot
13. Coke or Pepsi? Coke everytime. No doubt.
14. What do you want in a relationship? Lis
15. Have you ever cheated? Nope
16. Marital status: I'm taken and lovin' it
17. Song? OOhh, hard. Depends on my mood. And whether I'm playing it or not. Can't really pick one, so I won't.
18. Cologne or Perfume? Aftershave
19. Movie? See my profile.
20. Number? Favourite number!? That's silly. I'll just say 7 - number of spiritual perfection
21. Card games? Mao I Create
22. Radio station? Don't really do radio - it's all rubbish in Bristol. Bush and Troy do my nut in.
23. Sports? To watch; F1, Footie, Tennis, American Footie. To play; field hockey, badminton, footie.
25. Food? Yes
26. TV show? Most recently; Desperate Housewives
27. Cartoon? Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy
28. Character? Peter Griffin
29. Colour? Nope
30. Do you plan on having kids? Yes.
31. How many do you want? I'm easy. More than 1 would be cool though.
32. What's something you can't wait to say? That long line from Wayne's World...though I have to learn it first!
"OK ... First I'll access the secret military spy satellite which is in geosynchronous orbit over the midwest... then I'll ID the limo by the vanity plate 'Mr. Bigg' and get his approximate position... then I'll reposition the transmission dish on the remote truck to seventeen point thirty-two degrees east, hit WESTAR-4 over the Atlantic, bounce the signal back into the atmosphere up to COMSAT-6, beam it back to SATCOM-2 transmitter #137 and down to the dish on the back of Mr. Bigg's limo... It's almost too easy."
33. Get married? Yes
34. Would you have kids before marriage? No.
36. Do you have a crush? On Lis; yes..but shhhhh ;-)
37. What hurts you the most? Pain.
38. Music/TV? Depends what's on and what mood I'm in. I prefer playing music :)
39. Guys/Girls? To marry - 1 girl. As friends; you need both.
40. Green/Blue? I don't know.
41. Pink/Purple? Uhm...blue?
42. Summer/Winter? Summer
43. Night/Day? Yes.
44. Hanging Out/ Chillin? That's the same thing.
45. Dopey/Funny? Dopey and Funny
46. You know I'm around when you hear: Me
47. What school do you go to? School of Rock
48. Do you enjoy what you do? Depends what I'm doing.
49. What's a major turn on for you? Hourglass figure and a nice bum.
50. Who Are They? Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey & Ross. Duh.
51. Most blonde: Alison.
52. Nicest: Luke Radford is a very "nice guy".
53. Funniest: My bro; Owen.
54. Tallest: Dave. Though don't mention 6'9" or I'll have bad images.
55. What's the worst thing a friend could do to you? Kill me.
56. and 57. seem to be non existant? Yes
58. Is it right to flirt if you have a g/f or b/f: Depends on the relationship. Certianly shouldn't flirt if you think it could be taken as "I fancy you"
59. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? When Batman's parents died last night in "Batman Begins". I didn't cry, but it tugged at my heartstrings. Poor kid. The kid actor of Batman looked like Luke Dean!!
60. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? Uhm - why Loz thinks that guys are more moody than girls. Yeah we can be moody..but more than girls!?
62. What's one thing you can't live without? Air.
63. Love or Lust: Love
64. Silver or Gold: Silver or platinum or white gold.
65. Diamond or Pearl: Unbreakable diamond filament rope.
66. Sunset or sunrise: Depends what time it is, who you're with, and what the view is like.
67. Have you ever gone Skinny-dipping? Nope - I've seen people doing it though. We stole their clothes and made them run backt to the caravan site naked..huh huh huh.
68. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Nope.
69. Do you have any piercings: Top of my left ear, though it's probably healed over properly this time.
70. What colour underwear are you wearing right now: Navy Blue
71. What song are you listening to right now? "Floaty" - Foo Fighters
72. What are the last 4 digits of your home phone: 9661
73. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: It's a secret.
74. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Lis
75. What are some of the first things you notice about the opposite sex? Dunno really.
77. What's the next CD(s) your going to buy? I'm thinking of getting the new Foo Fighters album (In Your Honour)
78. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Yep. Prefer contacts for vain/practical reasons.
79. What was the best advice ever given to you? Aunt once bought me some expensive sunglasses and said "Remember, if these ever get damaged or broken; it doesn't matter. They're just things and can be replaced; it's not like you've broken a leg, or lost someone." That was good advice.
My dad once told me, "Don't marry a fat woman; you'll regret it." I replied "I'm not planning to!"
81. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? Depends what mood I'm in and what type of comedy it is.
83. Hugs or kisses? Kiddles (Kisses + Cuddles)
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me
85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? I have no will, so it would probably go to my mum.
86. Do you have any enemies? Yes; the matress people of Matressia 9 in the Beddy Star system. One day I shall find a way to defeat their flame resitancy....then..only then shall I rest.
87. Who was the last person to hug you? My girl last night.
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? Depends why you're famous.
89. What time is it in Albania? Uhm - at a guess...4 hours ahead of GMT?
90. What time is it where you are now? 3pm
91. Have you ever met Santa? Did you hear about the dyslexic satan worshipper? He sold his soul to Santa.
92. Name something pretty: Something; I name thee "Flibble".
93. When did you last talk to the person that you like? Last night when I dropped her home.
94. Do you have any pets? 1 evil cat; Kali, aka Darth Vader
95. Who was the last person you danced with? Lis, in my kitchen.
96. Last time you were stressed: Uhm, last time I got stuck in traffic?
97. Are you an alcoholic? Nope
98. Who sent this to you/ what do you think of them: Nicked it from Loz. She doesen't like "whackers".
99 What do you want to do/be when you grow up: A fighter pilot, just like my little brother.
100. Do you want people to send this back? No, but I want them to blog their version!
2. Nickname(s): T, Mr T, Tris, Trish, Trishy, Trist
3. Shoe size: 9½
4. Height: 5'11
5. Hair: Brunette
6. Siblings? 3 half-brothers (= 1½ brothers). Owen (18), Ben (15), Asher (13)
7. Do you like to sing in the shower? Yeah baby!
8. Do you like to sing? Not so much in public unless (a) I'm being silly, (b) I'm singing along to the stereo in my car
9. Birthday: 15th December
10. Sign: "Give Way"
11. Lefty or righty? Righty; though I hold my knife+fork backwards!
12. Shoes or sandals? Barefoot
13. Coke or Pepsi? Coke everytime. No doubt.
14. What do you want in a relationship? Lis
15. Have you ever cheated? Nope
16. Marital status: I'm taken and lovin' it
17. Song? OOhh, hard. Depends on my mood. And whether I'm playing it or not. Can't really pick one, so I won't.
18. Cologne or Perfume? Aftershave
19. Movie? See my profile.
20. Number? Favourite number!? That's silly. I'll just say 7 - number of spiritual perfection
21. Card games? Mao I Create
22. Radio station? Don't really do radio - it's all rubbish in Bristol. Bush and Troy do my nut in.
23. Sports? To watch; F1, Footie, Tennis, American Footie. To play; field hockey, badminton, footie.
25. Food? Yes
26. TV show? Most recently; Desperate Housewives
27. Cartoon? Futurama, Simpsons, Family Guy
28. Character? Peter Griffin
29. Colour? Nope
30. Do you plan on having kids? Yes.
31. How many do you want? I'm easy. More than 1 would be cool though.
32. What's something you can't wait to say? That long line from Wayne's World...though I have to learn it first!
"OK ... First I'll access the secret military spy satellite which is in geosynchronous orbit over the midwest... then I'll ID the limo by the vanity plate 'Mr. Bigg' and get his approximate position... then I'll reposition the transmission dish on the remote truck to seventeen point thirty-two degrees east, hit WESTAR-4 over the Atlantic, bounce the signal back into the atmosphere up to COMSAT-6, beam it back to SATCOM-2 transmitter #137 and down to the dish on the back of Mr. Bigg's limo... It's almost too easy."
33. Get married? Yes
34. Would you have kids before marriage? No.
36. Do you have a crush? On Lis; yes..but shhhhh ;-)
37. What hurts you the most? Pain.
38. Music/TV? Depends what's on and what mood I'm in. I prefer playing music :)
39. Guys/Girls? To marry - 1 girl. As friends; you need both.
40. Green/Blue? I don't know.
41. Pink/Purple? Uhm...blue?
42. Summer/Winter? Summer
43. Night/Day? Yes.
44. Hanging Out/ Chillin? That's the same thing.
45. Dopey/Funny? Dopey and Funny
46. You know I'm around when you hear: Me
47. What school do you go to? School of Rock
48. Do you enjoy what you do? Depends what I'm doing.
49. What's a major turn on for you? Hourglass figure and a nice bum.
50. Who Are They? Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Chandler, Joey & Ross. Duh.
51. Most blonde: Alison.
52. Nicest: Luke Radford is a very "nice guy".
53. Funniest: My bro; Owen.
54. Tallest: Dave. Though don't mention 6'9" or I'll have bad images.
55. What's the worst thing a friend could do to you? Kill me.
56. and 57. seem to be non existant? Yes
58. Is it right to flirt if you have a g/f or b/f: Depends on the relationship. Certianly shouldn't flirt if you think it could be taken as "I fancy you"
59. What was the last thing you cried over or got teary about? When Batman's parents died last night in "Batman Begins". I didn't cry, but it tugged at my heartstrings. Poor kid. The kid actor of Batman looked like Luke Dean!!
60. What's something about guys/girls you don't get? Uhm - why Loz thinks that guys are more moody than girls. Yeah we can be moody..but more than girls!?
62. What's one thing you can't live without? Air.
63. Love or Lust: Love
64. Silver or Gold: Silver or platinum or white gold.
65. Diamond or Pearl: Unbreakable diamond filament rope.
66. Sunset or sunrise: Depends what time it is, who you're with, and what the view is like.
67. Have you ever gone Skinny-dipping? Nope - I've seen people doing it though. We stole their clothes and made them run backt to the caravan site naked..huh huh huh.
68. Do you sleep with stuffed animals: Nope.
69. Do you have any piercings: Top of my left ear, though it's probably healed over properly this time.
70. What colour underwear are you wearing right now: Navy Blue
71. What song are you listening to right now? "Floaty" - Foo Fighters
72. What are the last 4 digits of your home phone: 9661
73. Where would you want to go on your honeymoon: It's a secret.
74. Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? Lis
75. What are some of the first things you notice about the opposite sex? Dunno really.
77. What's the next CD(s) your going to buy? I'm thinking of getting the new Foo Fighters album (In Your Honour)
78. Do you wear contacts or glasses? Yep. Prefer contacts for vain/practical reasons.
79. What was the best advice ever given to you? Aunt once bought me some expensive sunglasses and said "Remember, if these ever get damaged or broken; it doesn't matter. They're just things and can be replaced; it's not like you've broken a leg, or lost someone." That was good advice.
My dad once told me, "Don't marry a fat woman; you'll regret it." I replied "I'm not planning to!"
81. Do you like Funny or Scary movies better? Depends what mood I'm in and what type of comedy it is.
83. Hugs or kisses? Kiddles (Kisses + Cuddles)
84. What song seems to reflect you the most? "I Can Only Imagine" by Mercy Me
85. If you died tomorrow who would you leave everything you own to? I have no will, so it would probably go to my mum.
86. Do you have any enemies? Yes; the matress people of Matressia 9 in the Beddy Star system. One day I shall find a way to defeat their flame resitancy....then..only then shall I rest.
87. Who was the last person to hug you? My girl last night.
88. Would you rather be rich or famous? Depends why you're famous.
89. What time is it in Albania? Uhm - at a guess...4 hours ahead of GMT?
90. What time is it where you are now? 3pm
91. Have you ever met Santa? Did you hear about the dyslexic satan worshipper? He sold his soul to Santa.
92. Name something pretty: Something; I name thee "Flibble".
93. When did you last talk to the person that you like? Last night when I dropped her home.
94. Do you have any pets? 1 evil cat; Kali, aka Darth Vader
95. Who was the last person you danced with? Lis, in my kitchen.
96. Last time you were stressed: Uhm, last time I got stuck in traffic?
97. Are you an alcoholic? Nope
98. Who sent this to you/ what do you think of them: Nicked it from Loz. She doesen't like "whackers".
99 What do you want to do/be when you grow up: A fighter pilot, just like my little brother.
100. Do you want people to send this back? No, but I want them to blog their version!
thank you ... but you seriously stole some of my answers!!!
It's getting more and more scary ... get out of my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
....... love you ;)
Anonymous, at 23/6/05 15:55
what do you mean you are not an alcoholic?Am pretty sure I have seen you at the AA meetings!
Anonymous, at 23/6/05 22:54
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