When I Come Around
Two words...
...it rocked!
This is me there...

..that was as we walked in through the gates. We managed to get almost to the front! There was an area with a barrier around it that was reserved for the first 3,000 people there; we managed to get pretty much up to that barrier!! There were 65,000 people there, which means we had 3,000 in front of us, and 62,000 behind us.
Here was the running order of my Saturday. The weather was scorching hot for the whole day!:
07:30 - wake up and head to work for an hour to shut down some servers for maintenance
09:05 - leave work.
09:20 - get to church to pick up bass
09:30 - drop keys for work off at my boss's house.
09:35 - get home
10:00 - leave for optician's for 10:10 appointment
10:20 - arrive at optician's
10:35 - get seen by optician
11:10 - go see Lis's potential new house with Lis
11:20 - go home to get changed and ready for Green Day
11:30 - Meant to be meeting youth at church. Am trying to print off directions but out of ink.
11:50 - Get to church, meet youth, go inside church and print off directions.
12:20 - leave church, pick up other youth, and head for Milton Keynes baby - yeah!
15:00 - arrive at National Bowl, Milton Keynes and head inside!
15:15 - sit around on the grass
16:00 - start standing in the crowd to wait for bands to start playing
17:00 - 17:40 - First support band come on - "Hard-Fi" : nothing special. Got booed a lot.
18:15 - 19:00 - Second Support Band - "Taking Back Sunday" : they were good entertainers...music was alright too! The singer did cool tricks with a microphone..coolest one was where he threw it around his neck and let it just wrap itself around him!
19:35 - 20:25 - Third Support Band - "Jimmy Eat World" : they were alright...didn't notice them too much. By this point we'd worked our way pretty much up to the barrier. We were having fun trying to grab cups of water from the bouncers, and trying to drink/throw the water so "Jimmy Eat World" didn't get a lookin really. On a side-note: that water saved my life. I would have dehydrated/passed out for sure from the heat/confines of thousands of sweaty people!
21:05 - 23:15 - GREEN DAY BABY!!!!!!
Now we come to the main event; Green Day! They started off with some tracks from "American Idiot", and went on for another two hours doing various tracks; mainly from American Idiot/Nimrod/Dookie. One of my absolute favourite tracks is "When I Come Around" (Dookie), but they didn't do it :(
About half-way into it they pulled a random drummer, a random bassist and a random guitarist from the crowd and got them to play along! I was jumping up and down, trying to get noticed, but;
a) I wasn't in the front-3000-people area
b) I didn't have a massive sign saying "I play [insert instrument name]", as did the 3 random people.
It would have been soooooo cool to play up there, but I didn't get to :( ahh well...I'll get there early next time and have a big sign :-D the guitarist got to keep the guitar (after messing it up by going completely out of time, LoL), the bassist got to do a stage dive, and the drummer disappeared into the ether somewhere.
For the encore they did "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". Lis - if the battery hadn't died on my phone I was going to call you and let you listen to it...grrr @ batterylife :(
Then they did another song and finished with "Good Riddance (Time of your Life)"..only a lil bit different..it was just Billy Joe on an electric guitar. It rocked *grin*
Is it sad that I was watching how they played certain songs (Like how Mike Dirnt (bassist) played "Longview" and "Holiday", and how Billy Joe played "Good Riddance(...)"? I don't care :-P
The pyrotechnics (FIIIIIIIIIIRE) were well cool. Loads of explodey things, fireworks and, the cooolest part, 70ft high flames all along the back of the stage in certain songs! We could feel the heat from where we were standing!
There were four massive screens - two that you can see them either side of the stage in the photo, and two more on stage. They had a camera mounted on the drumkit that was facing at Tres Cool (Drummer)...it was a very cool angle (no pun intended ;-) )
Overall I had a great time!
11:35 - Enter carpark, get to car and get into traffic jam
12:40 - exit car park and enter traffic jam on road
12:40 - 04:30 - driving home. Stopped about 3-4 times to either get food or sleep.
08:45 - Wake up for church!
Well, that was my day. It was amazing; it was the hottest day this year and I got a nice reddy-brown face (which is now settling to a nice brown..I hope). Green Day were just great and I had a fantastic time!
Bring on the next concert (TBA)..since Foo Fighters have just released a new album, I'm hoping they're touring soon..maybe them....*checks*...grr, they've only planned festivals so far. Hmm..maybe next year....(Dave Grohl...if you're reading this...please tour and come to Bristol and get me a ticket :-D you're the man!). Before Saturday, the Foo Fighters gig I went to in 1997 was the best gig I'd ever been to. Ooooh, just thought; I'd love to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers live - I've never seen them and it would rock so hard that my ears would bleed...I'm sure of it.
Oh yeah - I believe I haven't done a "report" on how "meeting the parents" a few weeks ago went. It was pretty good! Arrive late Friday night and went to meet Lis's gran' (who is v.cool!). Saturday we mainly chilled all day long and watched DVDs. We also walked around Lis's village and saw her school and stuff. Sunday we went to the church Lis 'grew up' in. It was quite traditional and it was cool to see where Lis 'grew up'! In the afternoon/evening we went to a seaside town (where Lis's family goes on holidays a lot) to wander around and have some food. Had a nice steak and a 'kit kat' cheesecake. It wasn't too bad...bit warm though :-S then we went back to Lis's. Early start on monday morning to fly to Bristol and then straight to work!
Right, better get on with work now - hope you enjoyed the update. Just to get some comments, please post the best Gig you've ever been to, and the next gig you'd like to go to :-D
Listening to: Foo Fighters - "X-Static" (Foo Fighters)
[edit]Lis's parents seemed pretty cool though - seemed to get on with them alright :)[/edit]
...it rocked!
This is me there...

..that was as we walked in through the gates. We managed to get almost to the front! There was an area with a barrier around it that was reserved for the first 3,000 people there; we managed to get pretty much up to that barrier!! There were 65,000 people there, which means we had 3,000 in front of us, and 62,000 behind us.
Here was the running order of my Saturday. The weather was scorching hot for the whole day!:
07:30 - wake up and head to work for an hour to shut down some servers for maintenance
09:05 - leave work.
09:20 - get to church to pick up bass
09:30 - drop keys for work off at my boss's house.
09:35 - get home
10:00 - leave for optician's for 10:10 appointment
10:20 - arrive at optician's
10:35 - get seen by optician
11:10 - go see Lis's potential new house with Lis
11:20 - go home to get changed and ready for Green Day
11:30 - Meant to be meeting youth at church. Am trying to print off directions but out of ink.
11:50 - Get to church, meet youth, go inside church and print off directions.
12:20 - leave church, pick up other youth, and head for Milton Keynes baby - yeah!
15:00 - arrive at National Bowl, Milton Keynes and head inside!
15:15 - sit around on the grass
16:00 - start standing in the crowd to wait for bands to start playing
17:00 - 17:40 - First support band come on - "Hard-Fi" : nothing special. Got booed a lot.
18:15 - 19:00 - Second Support Band - "Taking Back Sunday" : they were good entertainers...music was alright too! The singer did cool tricks with a microphone..coolest one was where he threw it around his neck and let it just wrap itself around him!
19:35 - 20:25 - Third Support Band - "Jimmy Eat World" : they were alright...didn't notice them too much. By this point we'd worked our way pretty much up to the barrier. We were having fun trying to grab cups of water from the bouncers, and trying to drink/throw the water so "Jimmy Eat World" didn't get a lookin really. On a side-note: that water saved my life. I would have dehydrated/passed out for sure from the heat/confines of thousands of sweaty people!
21:05 - 23:15 - GREEN DAY BABY!!!!!!
Now we come to the main event; Green Day! They started off with some tracks from "American Idiot", and went on for another two hours doing various tracks; mainly from American Idiot/Nimrod/Dookie. One of my absolute favourite tracks is "When I Come Around" (Dookie), but they didn't do it :(
About half-way into it they pulled a random drummer, a random bassist and a random guitarist from the crowd and got them to play along! I was jumping up and down, trying to get noticed, but;
a) I wasn't in the front-3000-people area
b) I didn't have a massive sign saying "I play [insert instrument name]", as did the 3 random people.
It would have been soooooo cool to play up there, but I didn't get to :( ahh well...I'll get there early next time and have a big sign :-D the guitarist got to keep the guitar (after messing it up by going completely out of time, LoL), the bassist got to do a stage dive, and the drummer disappeared into the ether somewhere.
For the encore they did "Boulevard of Broken Dreams". Lis - if the battery hadn't died on my phone I was going to call you and let you listen to it...grrr @ batterylife :(
Then they did another song and finished with "Good Riddance (Time of your Life)"..only a lil bit different..it was just Billy Joe on an electric guitar. It rocked *grin*
Is it sad that I was watching how they played certain songs (Like how Mike Dirnt (bassist) played "Longview" and "Holiday", and how Billy Joe played "Good Riddance(...)"? I don't care :-P
The pyrotechnics (FIIIIIIIIIIRE) were well cool. Loads of explodey things, fireworks and, the cooolest part, 70ft high flames all along the back of the stage in certain songs! We could feel the heat from where we were standing!
There were four massive screens - two that you can see them either side of the stage in the photo, and two more on stage. They had a camera mounted on the drumkit that was facing at Tres Cool (Drummer)...it was a very cool angle (no pun intended ;-) )
Overall I had a great time!
11:35 - Enter carpark, get to car and get into traffic jam
12:40 - exit car park and enter traffic jam on road
12:40 - 04:30 - driving home. Stopped about 3-4 times to either get food or sleep.
08:45 - Wake up for church!
Well, that was my day. It was amazing; it was the hottest day this year and I got a nice reddy-brown face (which is now settling to a nice brown..I hope). Green Day were just great and I had a fantastic time!
Bring on the next concert (TBA)..since Foo Fighters have just released a new album, I'm hoping they're touring soon..maybe them....*checks*...grr, they've only planned festivals so far. Hmm..maybe next year....(Dave Grohl...if you're reading this...please tour and come to Bristol and get me a ticket :-D you're the man!). Before Saturday, the Foo Fighters gig I went to in 1997 was the best gig I'd ever been to. Ooooh, just thought; I'd love to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers live - I've never seen them and it would rock so hard that my ears would bleed...I'm sure of it.
Oh yeah - I believe I haven't done a "report" on how "meeting the parents" a few weeks ago went. It was pretty good! Arrive late Friday night and went to meet Lis's gran' (who is v.cool!). Saturday we mainly chilled all day long and watched DVDs. We also walked around Lis's village and saw her school and stuff. Sunday we went to the church Lis 'grew up' in. It was quite traditional and it was cool to see where Lis 'grew up'! In the afternoon/evening we went to a seaside town (where Lis's family goes on holidays a lot) to wander around and have some food. Had a nice steak and a 'kit kat' cheesecake. It wasn't too bad...bit warm though :-S then we went back to Lis's. Early start on monday morning to fly to Bristol and then straight to work!
Right, better get on with work now - hope you enjoyed the update. Just to get some comments, please post the best Gig you've ever been to, and the next gig you'd like to go to :-D
Listening to: Foo Fighters - "X-Static" (Foo Fighters)
[edit]Lis's parents seemed pretty cool though - seemed to get on with them alright :)[/edit]
Hehe, my Gran is indeed cool. You didn't really say anything about the 'rents tho ;)
btw ... for last night ... thank you ... hehehe!!!!!!!
Mafia!, at 20/6/05 12:57
I confess.............ive never been to a concert!!! poor lil old me!!
For our wedding the dj made us a cd of all our tracks and Good Riddance is one of them hehe!!
Dont think when I Come Around is on there but a firm fave of mine too!! Yay me.......who has never been to a concert boooo!
Juckle, at 20/6/05 16:47
Will do!
Tickets on the way my friend and while you're at it, come back stage too for a few beers and a chin wag!
Anonymous, at 20/6/05 16:48
Ok. I found your review. Obviously entered on wrong page. It rocked, didn't it? Yeah I went too.
Anonymous, at 21/6/05 12:57
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