Nkeba aa.
I feel that apologies are in order. I have been very slack in blogging recently...I can't believe it's been two weeks already!!! I'm going to try to blog at lunch time.
Quiet as a Mouse
Last night Lisa and I watched "Without A Paddle". When that had finished, we were just "chatting" ;-) and we heard a chirping noise from the hallway. Our black cat, Kali (a.k.a Darth Vader), has a habit of capturing animals, dragging them into our hallway and then playing with them until they die. We thought she'd dragged a bird into the house again. We went into the hallway to investigate. That was no bird; it was a baby mouse! Poor little thing :( It was squeaking and must have been in pain with the cat playing with it. We shooed away the cat and looked after it for a while. It seemed to calm down (it stopped squeaking), and even moved around a little bit, but it had lots of blood coming from one of its eyes, and couldn't really stand properly. It definitely wanted to lie on one side because if you laid it on the wrong side, it would flip itself over. We left it in a box in a place the cat couldn't get to, and I took Lis home. It seemed to move a bit more without people around.
When I got up this morning, it was dead :( I was so hoping it would get better. I didn't have the heart to kill it last night to put it out of its misery. Grr @ Darth Vader.
Lisa suggested we should call the mouse Padmé.
Listening to: Mercy Me - "Where You Lead Me" (Undone)
I feel that apologies are in order. I have been very slack in blogging recently...I can't believe it's been two weeks already!!! I'm going to try to blog at lunch time.
Quiet as a Mouse
Last night Lisa and I watched "Without A Paddle". When that had finished, we were just "chatting" ;-) and we heard a chirping noise from the hallway. Our black cat, Kali (a.k.a Darth Vader), has a habit of capturing animals, dragging them into our hallway and then playing with them until they die. We thought she'd dragged a bird into the house again. We went into the hallway to investigate. That was no bird; it was a baby mouse! Poor little thing :( It was squeaking and must have been in pain with the cat playing with it. We shooed away the cat and looked after it for a while. It seemed to calm down (it stopped squeaking), and even moved around a little bit, but it had lots of blood coming from one of its eyes, and couldn't really stand properly. It definitely wanted to lie on one side because if you laid it on the wrong side, it would flip itself over. We left it in a box in a place the cat couldn't get to, and I took Lis home. It seemed to move a bit more without people around.
When I got up this morning, it was dead :( I was so hoping it would get better. I didn't have the heart to kill it last night to put it out of its misery. Grr @ Darth Vader.
Lisa suggested we should call the mouse Padmé.
Listening to: Mercy Me - "Where You Lead Me" (Undone)
lol - Padme.
TommyDB, at 15/6/05 17:24
lol @ Loz for not knowing
TommyDB, at 15/6/05 17:24
I'm so sorry for your loss. Please let me know if I can be of any assistance during this time of trial.
Anonymous, at 16/6/05 06:02
yes, you can.
Can we have some counselling please?? Also, some cat behaviour classes might be worthwhile if you know of anyone who might be able to do that?
Anonymous, at 16/6/05 11:33
Yes Maria, the food chain is great. However, Darth Vader wasn't interested in eating the mouse - only torturing it and throwing it about in the hallway. I've seen her throw animals up against the wall about 4 foot in the air...repeatedly!
If I'd have left nature to take its course, that animal was just going to be tormented. I didn't wanna kill it because I thought it stood a chance of living, and becoming a productive mouse citizen in mouse society (it was only a baby). To be fair, it was squeaking in fear when we got to it and, after a bit of TLC, the lil mouse stopped squeaking and lay there. It even moved about a tiny bit (which was why I thought it might live).
Yes, you're right Maria - the food chain is just nature and I've got no problem with it. I *do* have a problem with my cat dragging animals into my house just to 'play' with them and not eat them (she quite often just leaves the corpses in the hallway when she's done).
T, at 17/6/05 08:40
I told ya ... rabbit stew! The ultimate answer!
Anonymous, at 17/6/05 12:42
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