Soul Survivor
Soul Survivor happened last week, and was absolutely fantastic. Adam/Wendy/Andy - thank you so much for the hard work you put in - it was so worth it. It was really great that Lis came..I loved being able to see here for snatches of the day...she did get knackererd by all the hard work she did though - good on you baby :-)
For me, it was really good to just chill and hang out with God for a while. The worship was just fantastic...I don't often get to just switch off from playing bass and just worship, so it was a very welcome change to be part of the crowd. Hillsong United came and played in the 'gig' venue, as well as leading worship the following morning. The sum total of those 2 'sessions' was that my voice got viciously murdered and sacrificed. I now sound like an alien going through puberty. They did a new song with us that isn't published or anything, but it is just pure worship. Very short, but absolutely amazing! One of those worship songs that you can just belt out to God and just drown in His presence. Here're the lyrics...
I'll stand,
With arms high and heart abandoned,
In awe, of the One who gave it all.
I'll stand,
My soul, Lord to You surrendered,
All, I am, is Yours
Note to Jen - please can we do this sometime!???
There were some other great songs that we did couple by Tim Hughes and a couple by Chris Tomlin - fantastic!
Note #2 to Jen - please can we do them sometime!??? *big warm smile*
The best preaching of the week was by this 19 year old guy that was preaching for only his second time. He was just really real about his experiences in meeting God, and it was really good to hear. Of course, Mike Pilavachi was very funny...even putting his foot in it once or twice (for those that were there...his comment about the alleged 'photos' ;-) !!).
From what I can tell, the 'Solids' had a pretty good time of it...they kept us entertained at any rate (especially when they were tripping over guy ropes in the middle of the night!). I really think it'd be great to go again next year...this time with more youth than before. Maybe, one-billion youth *Dr Evil finger*
Mwaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa
Listening to: Hillsong United - "Shine For You" (More Than Life)
For me, it was really good to just chill and hang out with God for a while. The worship was just fantastic...I don't often get to just switch off from playing bass and just worship, so it was a very welcome change to be part of the crowd. Hillsong United came and played in the 'gig' venue, as well as leading worship the following morning. The sum total of those 2 'sessions' was that my voice got viciously murdered and sacrificed. I now sound like an alien going through puberty. They did a new song with us that isn't published or anything, but it is just pure worship. Very short, but absolutely amazing! One of those worship songs that you can just belt out to God and just drown in His presence. Here're the lyrics...
I'll stand,
With arms high and heart abandoned,
In awe, of the One who gave it all.
I'll stand,
My soul, Lord to You surrendered,
All, I am, is Yours
Note to Jen - please can we do this sometime!???
There were some other great songs that we did couple by Tim Hughes and a couple by Chris Tomlin - fantastic!
Note #2 to Jen - please can we do them sometime!??? *big warm smile*
The best preaching of the week was by this 19 year old guy that was preaching for only his second time. He was just really real about his experiences in meeting God, and it was really good to hear. Of course, Mike Pilavachi was very funny...even putting his foot in it once or twice (for those that were there...his comment about the alleged 'photos' ;-) !!).
From what I can tell, the 'Solids' had a pretty good time of it...they kept us entertained at any rate (especially when they were tripping over guy ropes in the middle of the night!). I really think it'd be great to go again next year...this time with more youth than before. Maybe, one-billion youth *Dr Evil finger*
Mwaaa ha ha ha haaaaaaaaa
Listening to: Hillsong United - "Shine For You" (More Than Life)
Haha, Mike was so funny! It was sooo good!
Also note to Jen- can we do loads of Tim Hughes newer stuff pleeeaaassse!
Gem, at 16/8/05 16:00
It was good to be there and I loved getting to see you, even if it was just for a few minutes, throughout the day. Anyone coming to talk to me was a welcome change!!
I love you!!!!!
Mafia!, at 16/8/05 16:15
Yea all good mate - same again next year then :)
Adam, at 16/8/05 17:13
babe - give me a cd am happy to do any stuff you guys think is great!
Jen, at 17/8/05 22:32
Yeah it was really good and learn't alot. Mike was a very good speaker, and was able to keep your attention so well you really didn't no what he was going to say next but also taught you alot. It was alot different to what i was expecting. I was slightly worried before we we went but forgot all about all the stuff i was worried about and really enjoyed myself. Thankx everyone for such a great time.
Anonymous, at 18/8/05 15:29
Mafia!, at 24/8/05 23:11
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